Monday, August 13, 2012

Self Improvement | Happiness: 5 Barriers to A Happy Life and What ...

By Lori Bell -

All you want in life is to just be happy, for everyone to just be happy. Yet, that happiness seems so elusive. What the heck is getting in the way? Is it that the deck is just stacked against you; that the grey clouds will never go away, or that happiness is just not your lot in life? Maybe it is time to take an honest look at your life:

1) What does your attitude look like? Are you a negative person? Does life look cloudy to you, even on a sunny day? If by nature, you are a negative person- happiness is going to be a little harder to find. Being happy sometimes requires a little bit of work. You may need to look a little more closely at your day-to-day life to find things to be happy about. Start with a list of three things at the end of the day that brought you some bit of happiness. If you seriously can?t find anything, you may want to consider working with a counselor, therapist or coach who can help you identify what brings you happiness.

2) Are you waiting for someone else to bring you happiness or make you whole? I can?t tell you how many times I have heard someone say ?he/she completes me,? ?he/she makes my life whole.? What happens when you get in an argument with that person that completes you or makes you whole? What happens if you break up or get divorced? Does that person still make you whole- probably not. So, stop waiting for someone else to make you whole and bring happiness into your life. You are a complete person on your own by yourself. No one else completes you but you. Find out what makes you happy and find time to incorporate it into your life with or without someone else.

3) Is fear getting in your way? Are you unhappy because you are afraid to make changes? For example, are you stuck in a job you hate or a relationship that is tearing you up inside but you just won?t leave because you don?t know what is on the other side or are afraid of judgments of others? You aren?t going to find happiness if you are surrendering to fear. You need to address what is behind the fear. Will things be as bad if you leave? What do you have to learn from the situation that you can take with you and improve upon? What faulty messages are you carrying around with you, for example ? ?divorce is bad?- that are getting in the way of doing the right thing for you?

4) Are you living someone else?s life? The best example of this would be something like going to college to be a lawyer when all you really want to do is be an artist. You do what mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, your teachers all want you to do, but it is not the right thing for you. This results in an incredible amount of unhappiness for a large percentage of the adult working population. You find yourself in a job you don?t like because someone else along the way influenced your decisions making you feel at the time it was the right fit. Once you have been in that job for a while, you truly realize it is the wrong thing but feel trapped and live a life that is a lie. It scars your soul and you feel miserable. Be brave and face up to your fears. Let the people important to you know what your true dreams are. Chances are, all they really want is for you to be happy.

5) Is the green-eyed monster getting in your way? Do you often find yourself jealous or envious of other people and their accomplishments? Do you get angry when your peer at work gets a raise or promotion and you don?t get the same treatment? Do you envy the neighbor?s new in ground swimming pool and hot-tub combo? If you spend your time being angry and envious, there really is not room for happiness in your life. You need to shut the door on the green-eyed monster, and instead be happy for others. Strike up a conversation with your peers instead. Perhaps they can offer how they got the raise or promotion or how they got such a great deal on their new pool.

Lori Bell is founder of Creating Powerful Change, LLC and creator of which offers tips, tools, and techniques for implementing successful change in to your life. As your Personal Change Agent, Lori will provide you with an easy to follow step by step process that allows you to tap into your hidden potential, to grow personally and professionally, and to create a life that finally feels right and works great for you! To receive other free articles and the no cost product- ?Are You Ready for Success?? visit now.

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