Friday, June 1, 2012

Miami Cannibal Attack: Just the Beginning?

A terrifying Miami cannibal attack shocked the nation last weekend after a naked homeless man, 31-year-old Rudy Eugene, was found eating the face off 65-year-old victim, Ronald Poppo. A police officer was forced to fatally shoot Eugene.

The story has received tremendous coverage and triggered talk if a zombie apocalypse.

Poppo has amazingly survived the grisly attack by Rudy Eugene but is in critical condition, and reportedly only has his mustache and goatee intact on his face.

Ronald Poppo Mug ShotRudy Eugene Mug Shot

Detectives believe Eugene had been high on bath salts, which can become toxic and lead to psychosis if inhaled or injected, rather than used for aromatherapy.

While this is by far the craziest, other incidents around the U.S. this month have led conspiracy theorists to suggest a "zombie apocalypse" is indeed upon us.

In fact, between May 16 and Saturday, look at what happened:

  • On May 16, students and teachers at a Florida high school had to be quarantied after breaking out in a mysterious rash, the Huffington Post reports.
  • On May 21, a Bellwood, Illinois, man was arrested after allegedly biting an 18-year-old woman's cheek, according to
  • On May 23, a Spring Valley, Calif., man was arrested for allegedly biting the tip off of his cousin's nose off, according to NBC San Diego.
  • On May 26, a Florida anesthesiologist allegedly banged his head against the inside of a cop car until he started bleeding following a DUI arrest. He then proceeded to allegedly spit blood in a police officer's face, according to ABC News.

Rudy Eugene's devouring of Ronald Poppo remains by far the most horrifying and gory, but it makes you wonder when the next bizarre incident will occur.

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