Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Many Hats of the Soloprenuer

How many hats do you wear on a given day?Wearing all these hats at once ? and looking good while you do ? isn?t as easy most people think. Solopreneurs and freelancers are part of a special breed. Most struggle initially with how to build a viable business and manage it once we have one.

Your marketing hat is probably one of those that you find a little challenging. Or, maybe not! Either way, wouldn?t you like to know how your efforts compare to the rest of the indie biz folks out there?

We would, too!

Word Chef is partnering with Right Mix Marketing and several other curious folks to find out what solo professionals like you are doing (in terms of online marketing) and how well it?s working for you.

We?re looking to create some real benchmarks and share that information with those who?re affected by the challenges of marketing a micro business.

The most recent US Census data (for 2008) shows that there are 21.3 million Nonemployers (what the US Government calls lifestyle and home businesses that have no employees).

These nonemployers had receipts of nearly a trillion dollars and about $639 billion of that was in individual proprietorships (as opposed to Corporations or partnerships).

Our lifestyle and home businesses go under other names too ? monikers like personal business, SOHO (SmallOffice, Home Office), freelancers, microbusinesses, independent contractors, or what the Kauffman Foundation calls jobless entrepreneurship.

Let?s find out how we all feel about our marketing efforts ? what we?re doing, what we?re not doing, and how well our efforts are working for us.

We hope you?ll help the community of solo biz folks by completing the survey below (it should only take about 5-10 minutes).

In return, you?ll receive a report (in mid-July) that summarizes the key findings of the survey, and we?ll enter you in a raffle with a chance to win one of the following prizes:

It?s challenging to wear all the hats and look good doing it.

Are you ready to help us? Great!

Just click here and you?ll be good to go.

Many thanks to all the survey partners:
Firepole Marketing
Deva Coaching
Outside the Cubicle
Bold Business Works
The Numbers Whisperer
Up Your Impact Factor
The Solopreneur Life
WTF Marketing
Be Your Brand
Stage Presence Marketing
Content Strategy Hub
Right Mix Marketing
Solo Mompreneur
Virtually Distinguished
Be a Photographer
Streamline Solutions
Women?s Economic Ventures
Ethical Launch
Get Paid to Write Online
Caddy Marketing & Communications
Artizen Coaching

And please rest easy that your individual responses are completely confidential, and will only be used in aggregate with those of other survey respondents. No names will be associated with your answers or given to any other company.


Bio: Tea Silvestre, aka The Word Chef (, teaches solopreneurs of all types how to find and share their Secret Sauce with the online world. She?s also the author of ?Attract and Feed a Hungry Crowd: How thinking like a Chef can help you build a solid business? and the founder of the Tastiest Small Biz Brand Awards. Connect with her on Twitter @TeaSilvestre.

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