Sunday, May 29, 2011

Prostate Cancer Symptoms Radical Prostatectomy - Resource for ... http The prostate is a small structure, size of nuts, leading to a system for the reproduction of human beings, it surrounds the urethra, the tube, with the urine from the body ? there may be various problems with urination. At the start of prostate cancer is limited to the prostate itself, the majority of patients with this type of cancer live for years without problems. Recognized in its infancy, prostate cancer can be effectively treated and cured.
Video Rating: 0 / 5 http The prostate is a small structure, size of nuts, leading to a system for the reproduction of human beings, it surrounds the urethra, the tube, with the urine from the body ? there may be various problems with urination. At the start of prostate cancer is limited to the prostate itself, the majority of patients with this type of cancer live for years without problems. Recognized in its infancy, prostate cancer can be effectively treated and cured.


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Business Marketing Online is Changing Rapidly, Wake Up. Leverage ...

Business Advertising Online is Changing Rapidly, Wake Up. Leverage the Business and Advertising Power of Blogs with New Business Blog Marketing and advertising Training Package Video

Solana Beach, CA (PRWEB) October 21, 2005

Company Blog Advertising Training Session: Leverage the Organization and Advertising Power of Blogs Nowadays. releases new Company Advertising Blog Training Video Package.

You have heard about Blogs, but you are not certain how they can effectively be used as a enterprise advertising tool. You will need to know about the most recent marketing developments and turn into educated so that your marketing and advertising team can fully exploit the power of organization blogging. has been working with organization clients to assist them in attaining the highest probable results with enterprise blogging. Their expertise at company blog marketing and advertising, strategy and execution is well documented over the past several years.

You will find out why your firm, big or modest, should be blogging. You will see how Google, Yahoo and MSN are extremely involved in Blogs, RSS Feeds &amp Podcasting and why it is crucial for your business to have on the internet visibility with the fast moving and highly powerful and valuable marketing tools supplied by Company Blogs. This Organization Blog Training Session 77 minute Video will get you up to speed swiftly.

You will be informed about the very recent adjustments and new services that Google &amp Yahoo search engines have implemented that genuinely brings blog marketing and advertising technology and on the internet visibility to a whole new level. You will see precisely how a Business Blog can deliver impressive marketing and advertising outcomes backed by intelligent technology and extensive reporting analytics.

You will find out how your organization can attain increased on the internet visibility, targeted traffic, organization leads, improved communication, extended branding opportunities, improved PR and additional sales from the correct implementation and execution of a Enterprise Blog.

We have assembled a total training session that allows for you to have access to one of the leading subject matter professionals in the Company Blogging World. Rodney Rumford recently presented this Organization Blog Marketing and advertising Session to a large group of marketing professionals in the software industry to rave reviews.

He has supplemented the training session with a 23 page Companion Workbook. This Informative Workbook is loaded 23 pages of valuable content, check lists, keys to success, 8 fatal errors to avoid, action items, blog platfrom reviews, resources, glossary and much more.

This Company Blog Marketing and advertising Video Training Session and Workbook were just published and released. All of the latest tools and marketing and advertising strategies will be covered. Don?t hesitate and get beaten to the punch by your compettion, you have a window of chance to leap ahead online with a correctly executed Organization Blog and experience the full marketing positive aspects that you can obtain with this technology.

You don?t want to be caught saying a year from now ?I ought to have learned about Company Blogging when I had the chance last year.? You can learn a lot more about this Blog Training Package at these days.

You can also see a five minute sample video clip at

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It is nice to see a advertising company that is really implementing what they preach to their client base.



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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Multiply Your Business Success by Studying Self Improvement ...

It?s not just a lucky trick of fate that makes some people more successful with their businesses than others. A majority of entrepreneurs make no secret of the fact that they read self-improvement books and attend seminars. This is one factor that sets the successful person apart from the not-so-successful. They know how important it is to analyze and work on how they think and concentrate on doing just that. When you observe what you do from a different perspective, it can often help when you have come to a point where you are no longer moving forward. Sit down with a pad and pencil and write down all of your thoughts of what a business should be and what strategies you would need in order to run one successfully. Be honest when you analyze your behaviors as they relate to running a successful business. But don?t only look at the knowledge or skills you are lacking, also start to identify your unique strengths that will benefit your business. It?s not unusual to find the answer to your problem right in front of you.

People from all walks of life ? business people or otherwise ? have experienced procrastination at one time or another in their lives. Research has shown that different fears in our lives are the reasons we procrastinate. In reality you can also find other examples of reasons why people procrastinate. To illustrate, if you are faced with a project and you are not sure how to proceed, or you just don?t want to do it, you may be guilty of procrastination.

If you have a severe procrastination problem, then step back away from the situation. What is the situation that you just cannot seem to move forward on? Give it some serious thought and try to get in touch with the feelings that this issue brings up in you. It probably won?t become clear quickly ? it may take some time ? but keep searching until you find the reason behind your feelings.

It?s only natural to prefer things to be as we want them to be. The real world isn?t always to our liking. Sometimes, we can become discouraged and even want to just give up. If you really want to, you can turn a situation that?s not to your liking into a positive experience. You just have to look for the good in the situation. One main attribute a business owner must foster for success is his or her objectivity. Our method for realistically interpreting what is going on with our businesses is based upon our being willing to recognize and accept the truth. Listen to what is running through your mind. It?s not easy, but it can be done. It might even help if you keep a notepad handy and write down whatever you can remember of your thoughts. We feel most people know when they are engaging in wishful thinking. Being objective about your business is the secret. Subjective thinking will not move you forward.

Getting to that point in your business where you need to hire help means you are doing something right. But avoid being the kind of manager that is too controlling and engages in micromanaging. If you exhibit that behavior, are you like that in other areas of your life, too? Do you feel that your hired work is suffering from this in terms of efficiency? With that said, you need to determine if this is you, and then you will know for sure and then proceed. Controlling people have some amount of fear of the unknown and have to keep everything totally predictable. By doing that, you will be more willing to ease up the reigns and allow people to do their jobs more productively. Any kind of self improvement program is not the easiest thing to do. If you are willing to work hard to succeed, then you can tackle anything that needs to be improved. You do realize that positive action is what is needed, and this is no different.

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The Clock Is Ticking | Fitness & Wellness News

The Clock Is Ticking

Posted on 25. May, 2011 by Fitness & Wellness News in Feature Story, Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Training

by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner

Your Big Day is approaching quickly. It might be a wedding, graduation, or dreamy visit to the beach. Or, you may simply want to fit into last year?s swimsuit. (We all know the dread of shopping for a new one!) Bust that rut and get rid of your gut ?

For many, the season?s weather alone is perfect motivation to make health a priority. (Although, some tend to see ?the glass? of spring as half rainy rather than half sunny.) Take a deep (antihistamine-relieved) breath in, and kick off toward your best bod yet.

Fitness on a Tight Schedule

Fitness is composed of five essential components: Aerobic/cardio endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, and flexibility. Tackle each aspect, add a nutritious diet, and you?re good to go?wherever the locale.

To make the most of your exercise sessions, keep your body guessing. Check the Group Fitness schedule for classes that focus on circuit training. Fitness Boot Camps are well known to get the job done. A Bridal Boot Camp can focus on unique pre-wedding goals and how to efficiently accomplish them. One bride?s sleeveless gown dilemma (jiggly arms) may be another?s bodice issue (wide hips).

Follow a routine that tackles your personal health issues and supposed appearance flaws. You?ll dazzle your way down the aisle, whether to your beloved at the altar, your diploma on stage, or a vacation flight. Upon arrival at this season?s events, your healthy stamina will keep that new svelte look going overtime.

For graduates, a cap and gown can hide one too many pizzas, but those late-nights show on your skin. Get your glow on with a great cardio routine as you prep for diploma day. (For tips on radiant skin, see ?Exercise Gives Your Face a Lift? at Intense aerobic intervals common in circuit training and boot camps quickly burn fat and increase muscle tone when your goal list is long, time is short, and your sleeping hours even shorter.

Quick Routine Changes & Strategies

Check with a personal trainer or Group Fitness instructor for minor tweaks to your routine, which can take you to the next level. Your fitness program may not be stagnant and ready for a revamp, but keep it fresh daily with small adjustments.

Shift the way you hold weights to tone an overall area rather than one specific set of muscles. One study suggests lowering weights in two seconds and pressing up superfast on the lift position. This rhythm blasts 10 more calories over four sets.

In between weight lifting, break into traditional basics like jumping jacks, torso twists, and lunges. The interval of cardio torches calories that may have been otherwise smoldering.

Vary your weights with each session. Use lighter weights and perform more reps; use heavier weights and do less. This has proven to firm more quickly than the same repetitions of the same weights done repeatedly.

Try doing a Group Fitness class in double-time for a cardio spike. Jazz up a standard fitness move. Repeated yoga sun salutations can burn up to four calories per minute, which is equivalent to a brisk walk. Put on your shades for all that burning!

Negative self-talk is counterproductive.

Negative self-talk is counterproductive.

Positive Affirmations

You are what you think. When you need to transform a winterized figure into a summer sizzler, you can?t afford the added weight of heavy words. According to a recent study published in the journal Psychology of Women Quarterly, 93 percent of college-aged women admitted to sharing body-bashing banter with friends. Speak about yourself with kindness. If you wouldn?t utter those small, yet powerful, negative remarks to a chum, then silence them with regards to your own self.

Calling yourself a pig after overeating, pointing out your bulging gut, and other common putdowns drain fuel from the cognitive vehicle that drives you toward goals. Ask yourself the point to these proclamations. Perhaps you?re seeking compliments or assurances from others. Don?t rely on this. Your friends may not take the bait or, worse, may try to help (through brutal honesty) by agreeing with you. This can cause you to fixate on the issue rather than fix it. Boost your own self-esteem by taking action and acknowledging results.

Should I stay or should I go (to the Center)? Banish the inner debate and stay committed. When you?re not in the mood for a workout, you probably need it most. Trick yourself with a 10-minute exercise session. Once those endorphins get released, you?ll probably finish your entire routine (and maybe then some).

Eat (and Drink) to Energize

Keep your workouts vigorous with help from healthy nutrition. Take advantage of the season?s fresh harvest. Enjoy seasonal fruits and vegetables as they make their appearance. Nature knows variety is essential so each week of the warm weather promises new delights.

Check out ?Dos & Don?ts of Pre-Workout Snacking, and the Season?s Farm-Fresh Picks? at

Adequate hydration provides long-term energy, unlike a shot of caffeine. Sipping water throughout the day is an easy way to stay energized. Dehydration shrinks cells in your body so they don?t function properly. The result: fatigue.

Member Mary, before.

Member Mary, before.

With the help of a personal trainer, member Mary Hervey managed to meet her fitness deadline in the final stretch. Over a year of failed attempts to lose weight for her daughter?s wedding resulted in a ?fitness sprint? that prepared her for her daughter?s wedded bliss in only four months. ?I lost inches and my whole body shape changed. This made me so confident that I changed my overall appearance?clothes, hair, and more,? shares Mary.

After a 4-month fitness blitz, Mary is glam for her daughter?s wedding.

After a 4-month fitness blitz, Mary is glam for her daughter?s wedding.

Whether you want a total transformation or a lighter look as you step out to this season?s events, the time to start is now. Seize the fresh berries, kick some boot camp, and get your glow on. A new pair of sandals can?t hurt either.


?Better Body Boot Camp: Rev Up Your Workout,? by Stefani Jackenthal at

?6 Unhealthy Things You Should Stop Saying Now,? by Sharon Tanenbaum at

Image Credits

Salad clock (introductory photo): ? Michal Adamczyk at

Women chatting: (c) Nicholas Sutcliffe at

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Have a story that you would like to share or a topic/interest that we haven't covered? Click here to contact us.


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Friday, May 27, 2011

Moving In London -The Best Way To Get A Moving Quote | Real Estate ...

Value is probably the most critical items to take into account when deciding the expense of the move. Distinct relocating companies offer distinct rates for thier services. This has produced the ideal set for a man or woman wanting to select the companies which will match inside their price limits for their transfer. Such a determination requires an accurate shifting quote from your support supplier.

Almost all of the quotes provided by relocating firms are not automatically accurate so you will discover that you pay out much more than you intended to pay in case you get a quote that is not precise. The companies engaging in this kind of practices have their own best interests at heart and do not truly treatment about what the client is looking for. Their principal function would be to draw in clients with good charges but they finish up swindling folks with the expenses incurred right after the initial quote has been manufactured, spoiling their corporations inside the approach.

It really is crucial to obtain distinct shifting quotes from distinct companies. This can allow you to in ruling out a number of the firms whose costs seem too very good to be correct. For those who have any suspicion with regards to the quote you receive for the moving solutions you need, make a level of dropping the company as it could stop up leading to you a lot of misery. A quote is an important item because it aids in the management of relocating expenditures and an correct quote can only be gotten from a trustworthy firm.

A fantastic organization that has experience within the relocating marketplace and it is also focused to presenting the most effective services needs to be able to provide you an precise quote relying on in which you might be relocation to London. Be cautious with companies that consider also lengthy to acquire you a quote.

Aside from finding a quote which is exact, it can be essential to decide on a moving organization which is sure to obtain your products or items to their vacation destination securely and quickly. Constantly pick a company which has educated and knowledgeable personnel to become positive that your products are in good fingers during the move and that you just will not stop up paying out for providers which might be substandard. The quote, reputation and quality with the relocating company ought to be deemed before picking a company for the transfer.

The a single mistake many people make when relocating within London is deciding on the extremely first offer they get for their transfer. It is a good idea to take the time to find out when the firm you might be thinking about for your move is really going to deliver exceptional providers.

Call on 0207 096 1146 for a moving quote

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Dear DNC: Automotive ?I Told You Sos? Need to Be Directed Down ...

The DNC and Midwestern state Democratic Parties are rolling out an extravaganza today, using the occasion of Chrysler paying back some of its federal loans to mock GOP presidential candidates for opposing the auto bailout.

The DNC had a press conference with Jennifer Granholm, Ted Strickland, and Bob King to mock people like Mitt, T-Paw, Gingrich, and Huntsman. ?Many of these naysayers now want to be President,? Strickland said.

MI posted a release (though apparently didn?t care enough send it to members):

Chrysler is reportedly set to announce that it will repay $5.9 billion in loans to the U.S. government and American taxpayers. Chrysler?s good news comes on the heels of a report that Chrysler made its first quarterly profit since emerging from structured bankruptcy reorganization.? Chrysler posted a 22.5% increase of sales in April compared to the same month last year and first quarter net income of $116 million, marking a remarkable turnaround for Chrysler and the domestic auto industry.?This is a great sign for Chrysler communities across the state and another positive sign of the recovery of manufacturing here in Michigan,? said Michigan Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer. ?Though it was unpopular in many parts of the country, President Obama and Democrats did what was needed to save the more than 1.4 million jobs that the American auto industry supports. If the President hadn?t acted to prevent Chrysler and GM from shutting their doors permanently, the entire state could have seen further economic disaster.?

After receiving loan packages and emerging from structured bankruptcy reorganization, Chrysler and General Motors are both hiring again and operating at a profit. Right here in Michigan, more than 12,100 manufacturing and auto dealer jobs have been created in the last year.

IN posted a release and sent it to DFH journalists from adjoining states:

In response to today?s news that Chrysler has repaid $5.9 billion in loans to the U.S. government and American taxpayers, Indiana Democratic Party Chair lauded President Obama for his strong economic leadership and success taking action to prevent the collapse of America?s domestic auto industry.Parker also said Indiana Republicans who voted against or publicly opposed Obama?s auto plan now find themselves on the wrong side of history.

?Indiana?s auto industry was hard hit by the recent economic crisis, and this is a great sign both for Chrysler and Hoosier workers,? Parker said. ?President Obama?s plan wasn?t popular in many parts of the country, but Democrats did what was necessary to save the more than 1.4 million jobs that the American auto industry supports. Without that kind of strong leadership, many of our communities would have suffered economic disaster.?

Chrysler?s good news comes on the heels of a report that the company made its first quarterly profit since emerging from structured bankruptcy reorganization. Chrysler posted a 22.5% increase of sales in April compared to the same month last year and first quarter net income of $116 million, marking a remarkable turnaround for Chrysler and the domestic auto industry.

After receiving loan packages and emerging from structured bankruptcy reorganization, Chrysler and General Motors are both hiring again and operating at a profit.

Parker noted that Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and U.S. Rep Mike Pence, who is seeking the Republican gubernatorial nomination, both opposed the President?s auto plan.

(I haven?t seen one from OH yet, but they sent this wonderfully catty release earlier this month.)

Update: Here?s Obama?s statement (which lacks any ?I told you sos?):

Chrysler?s repayment of its outstanding loans to the U.S. Treasury and American taxpayers marks a significant milestone for the turnaround of Chrysler and the countless communities and families who rely on the American auto industry. This announcement comes six years ahead of schedule and just two years after emerging from bankruptcy, allowing Chrysler to build on its progress and continue to grow as the economy recovers. Supporting the American auto industry required making some tough decisions, but I was not willing to walk away from the workers at Chrysler and the communities that rely on this iconic American company. I said if Chrysler and all its stakeholders were willing to take the difficult steps necessary to become more competitive, America would stand by them, and we did. While there is more work to be done, we are starting to see stronger sales, additional shifts at plants and signs of strength in the auto industry and our economy, a true testament to the resolve and determination of American workers across the nation.

But there?s something missing, perhaps because the DNC is too focused on national races and doesn?t appear to know much about the local industry. The DNC is focused on the GM and Chrysler headlines, not so much the suppliers, where the bulk of the jobs are. More importantly, the Democrats as a whole don?t seem to be cataloging the many examples where down-ticket Republicans are claiming credit for government investments in new technology that are just now paying off in jobs.

The problem is particularly acute here in W MI, home of some of the GOP?s biggest evangelists claiming business simply needs government to get out of the way. But it?s also home to a good number of factories?including, increasingly, clean energy factories supported by Granholm credits and federal stimulus dollars?that rely on government funding.

As Wizardkitten ranted wonderfully earlier this months, GOPers routinely show up to claim credit for these plants, even while ignoring that Democratic investments rather than GOP austerity made the plants possible.

Governor Snyder, who spent a campaign trash-talking both the state economic development team and the tax credits that are now growing a clean energy economy here in Michigan, not only used an advanced battery plant created with state incentives and stimulus money to introduce the Republican ticket last August, now has given his ?Reinventing Michigan? award to another Governor Granholm/MEDC/Recovery Act success story ? and tries to play it off as a victory surrounding his political talking points.


Pete Hoekstra also tried to turn Energetx into a political football during his failed 2010 gubernatorial campaign, at the time holding a press conference to both celebrate the jobs and denounce the credits that brought them here ? a move that forced CEO Slikkers to defend the company and the state economic development team. Awkward.

Now, Snyder has given them a shiny award, and uses the occasion to push his simplistic trickle-down plan that probably would have had the company looking at Indiana or some other state for incentives in the first place. The hubris is amazing.

Both at a national and a regional level, it seems to me, these are the jobs the DNC ought to be bragging about. Nationally, few people understand how stimulus dollars invested in new technology that should help the Big 2.5 compete in the near future. I hear a lot of people badmouthing the auto bailout because they don?t understand how significant a shift GM, at least, has made on efficiency; but this cool new tech ought to make folks on the coasts happier about the money spent.

And pointing to these factories at a regional level would highlight the good, new news. Michiganders, for one, are acutely aware that MI needed new technology, and Granholm worked her ass off to attract it. That effort is just now coming to fruition.

More importantly, we?re waging an ideological battle here in the Midwest, as a bunch of GOP hacks try to restructure the Midwest with policies that will strip the region of the things we do well (in many cases, like educating our children). The national party might like to keep it a secret that government investment actually works, particularly in new industries. But if it keeps that story a secret, we?re going to lose the ideological battle for the Midwest.


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The Importance of Business Management Skills

Goal setting is without doubt one of the most important things you can do within your business. There are many methods to go about setting goals, but it is one thing that can be utilized in any respect levels of your business and will help even the front-line employees to realize a higher stage of success. It?s a way to ensure that people are making progress on the individual and corporate levels.

Another essential attribute business managers should strive to possess is effectiveness.

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There are many ways to enhance your business administration skills symptoms of social anxiety. This can be a crucial process that requires ongoing attention to detail. Improving your skills will require a rigorous and disciplined process for setting an agenda that shall be designed to focus on the important features of the business rather than the urgent. You will need to consider here, that necessary and urgent may be two totally totally different aspects.

A specific merchandise may be each necessary and urgent, however urgent does not always mean it is of specific importance. As an alternative, it is crucial to think about how important numerous items are and how the business can be impacted if they do not receive the proper consideration they deserve.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011


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online business marketing | yamidian

First To Strike Is Not Always the Winner ? In any confrontation, you don?t necessarily have to be the one to strike first to win.If I am attacked, I can fend off that first strike and then bring what I have to the confrontation.Most likely, my attacker will not know what that is ? they will not know my skills, my experience, what intensity I might respond with, and they will be taken off guard.The same can be said about Internet marketing.Obviously at this stage in the game, pretty much anything and everything has been marketed online.Don?t expect to be the first to strike but don?t expect that to be a barrier to your success either.What you can bring to the table is going to be unique to you ? your skills, your experience, and your desire to succeed.Bring what you?ve got and do it with an intensity that will not allow for failure and you will be able to take the competition off guard.



Tags: online business marketing


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martin - Ice Hockey Gear ? Is It Getting Too Expensive? | Ice ...

Posted by on May 23, 2011 ? Leave a Comment?

Article by James J. Phillips

Category: Recreation and Sports :: Hockey

In our current economic times, everyone is trying to reduce spending as much as possible. Discretionary spending is almost a forgotten term. Salaries are being reduced and jobs are being lost. We are more sensitive with our food and entertainment budgets, our charitable donations have been cut way back, and in general we are ?trimming the fat?.

Yet, I have noticed parents trying to keep pace with ice hockey expenses for their children. There are the league fees, the hockey skates, the hockey sticks, helmets, pants, face masks and the list goes on. Double A hockey is more expensive than single A, and Triple A hockey is more expensive than double A. Many Triple A families are being forced to drop to double A to save money.

What are the hockey manufacturers doing about it? The hockey manufacturers don?t really seem that interested in lowering their prices because those guys in the boardroom have profit quotas to meet.

What is a parent to do?

One suggestion would be to try a smaller, quality hockey equipment manufacturer. There are two that come to mind but there are others. These companies are located in Canada, have been around a long time, and make an excellent product, which cost less than the large corporate brands. Hockey manufacturers like these claim the money they save on high end endorsements is put back into their products and the customer?s pocket.

Generally, you will find these smaller type companies will carry a full line of ice skates, and some of the other hockey equipment that we as parents purchase. If you examine the construction quality of their ice hockey skates, you will observe that they stand up to scrutiny. These manufacturers even have patents and patents pending for their products including first fit technology, and their ankle support systems.

In conclusion, I would suggest you surf the web. There are so many sites that sell ice hockey equipment, and look for the alternative manufacturers. Keep shopping til you are convinced you have the best deal.

I hope this article has helped you during these difficult economic times, and don?t forget, the bottom line is to be a shrewd consumer.

Find Affordable Ice Hockey Gear at ?Where The Net Makes The Difference?.

About the Author

Our family is involved in Ice hockey and roller hockey throughout the year. Over many years we have travelled the East Coast, and parts of Canada to participate in state, region and national tournaments.

Since we are so dedicated to hockey, and spend so much time with the sport, I decided to look at hockey eqipment manufacturers that would give parents another choice other than the more expensive, popular brands of ice hockey equipment.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fitch Affirms NorthStar Education Finance, Inc. 2006-A Private ...

Fitch Ratings affirms the ratings on all notes of NorthStar Education
Finance, Inc 2006-A. The Rating Outlook remains Stable. Fitch?s Global
SF Criteria and U.S. Private SL ABS Criteria were used to review the
transaction. The ratings actions are detailed at the end of this press

The affirmation is based on loss coverage multiples commensurate with
the ratings on the class A and B notes, currently rated at ?AAA? and
?A?, respectively. This review of NorthStar Education Finance, Inc
2006-A Private Student Loan Trust is based on collateral performance
data as of March 2011.

Loss coverage multiples were determined by comparing the projected net
loss amount to available credit enhancement. Fitch used historical
vintage loss data provided by Access Group to form a loss timing curve
representative of the collateral pool. After giving seasoning credit for
those loans in repayment, Fitch applied the current cumulative gross
loss level to the loss timing curve to derive the expected gross losses
over the remaining life. A recovery rate was applied, which was
determined to be appropriate based on the latest data provided by the

Credit enhancement consists of excess spread and overcollateralization.
Furthermore, senior notes benefit from additional credit enhancement
provided by the subordinate note. Fitch assumed excess spread to be the
lesser of the current annualized excess spread; the average historical
excess spread; and the most recent 12-month average excess spread. That
same rate was applied over the remaining life.

The collateral securing the notes are 100% private student loans and
consists of loans originated by Access Group.

Fitch affirms the following ratings:

NorthStar Education Finance, Inc. 2006-A

?Class A-2 at ?AAA?; Outlook Stable;

?Class A-3 at ?AAA?; Outlook Stable;

?Class A-4 at ?AAA?; Outlook Stable;

?Class B at ?A?; Outlook Stable.

Additional information is available at ?

Applicable Criteria and Related Research:

??Global Structured Finance Rating Criteria? dated Sept. 30, 2009;

??U.S. Private Student Loan ABS Criteria? dated Aug. 24, 2009.

Applicable Criteria and Related Research:

Global Structured Finance Rating Criteria

U.S. Private Student Loan ABS Criteria


Article source:


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Firefox 5: Track Me, Just Don't Track Me

Just weeks after Firefox 4 arrived in its final version, Mozilla has released a beta version of its next-generation browser, Firefox 5. Firefox 5 targets Windows, Linux and Mac desktops as well as Android mobile devices. It includes both a location awareness feature for mobile users as well as a do-not-track function for privacy-minded surfers.

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The Mozilla Foundation launched a beta version of its fifth edition of the Firefox Web browser Monday -- just eight weeks after it rolled out Firefox 4.

This includes a mobile version for Android as well as versions for Windows, Mac and Linux desktops.

Desktop and mobile versions have a Do Not Track privacy feature, and the desktop version's features include a channel switcher that lets users switch between Firefox's Aurora, Beta and Release channels.

Firefox 5 includes a location-aware browsing feature, a move that might seem surprising given the current Congressional grilling of Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) and Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) over data privacy.

The final version of Firefox 5 is scheduled for rollout the week of June 21.

Firefox 5's Channel Feature

The desktop version of the Firefox 5 beta includes a channel switcher and performance and stability enhancements. It also supports Mozilla's new CSS animations standard.

CSS animations let users animate transitions from one CSS style configuration to another.

The channel switcher lets Windows, Mac and Linux desktop users move between Firefox's Aurora, Beta and Release channels to test features at different levels of development, quality and polish.

Mozilla added the Aurora channel to its existing Nightly, Beta and Final Release channels for the desktop version of Firefox in mid-April. Aurora releases come before beta and may not be as stable as beta or final releases.

The mobile version recently got a beta channel to Firefox in addition to the nightly test builds and final release channels. It might get an Aurora channel soon.

Other Firefox 5 Features

Firefox also added an opt-in location-aware browsing feature that can improve the browsing experience by, for example, returning maps of the area to users.

Mozilla's first mobile release of Firefox 5 is an Android version of the browser.

Both the desktop and mobile versions of Firefox 5 have a Do Not Track feature that lets users opt out of online behavioral tracking.

The Android version of the browser has performance enhancements that speed up page loads, especially on 3G networks.

Mozilla spokesperson Shannon Prior declined to answer specific questions, pointing TechNewsWorld to the Firefox 5 FAQ page.

Mozilla and Privacy

Congress has been grilling Apple and Google for the past few weeks about data privacy, so is Firefox perhaps putting itself in danger by including location awareness in Firefox 5?

"GPS-enabled location awareness is part of numerous technologies," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld.

"Cellphones have allowed location tracking for years, and if you use a Garmin (Nasdaq: GRMN) or TomTom directional device or drive a car equipped with [GM's] OnStar [service], you're being tracked in a comprehensive manner," he added.

"So long as the location-aware feature is opt-in, I don't think there is a problem," opined Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group.

The inclusion of the Do Not Track feature in browsers is not new, although perhaps Firefox 5 for Android is the first mobile browser with this feature.

"This is becoming a standard feature in all current-generation browsers," Enderle told TechNewsWorld. "People just don't want strangers to know where they've been."

How that will play out against the location-awareness feature is yet to be seen, as it's not clear whether enabling Do Not Track will impact the functioning of Firefox 5's location awareness capability.

Stepping Up the Pace

Mozilla has stepped up the pace of its releases in an attempt to keep up with Google and Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT).

Given that Firefox is created by volunteers while the other two browsers are produced by cash-rich vendors, can the Mozilla Foundation keep up the cracking pace?

"So far, the volunteers have done a very good job, though Firefox 5 missed the boat on a few crucial features, including support for Adobe (Nasdaq: ADBE) Flash," Pund-IT's King said. "Given the money and effort that Microsoft is putting into Internet Explorer and the uptake of Apple products, the Firefox community will have to keep up or risk being left behind."

Mozilla has "lost a lot of talent to Google," but doesn't have any choice except to maintain its cracking pace, Enderle pointed out.

Another reason for speeding up rollouts is the problem of security.

"Hackers aren't sitting still," Enderle said. This speed is part of the world we live in, and those that fail to keep up will likely pay a very high price in terms of security breaches."


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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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Lenovo Says 2010 Is "The Year" For USB 3.0

We've often wondered how long it would take companies to finally start adopting USB 3.0 en masse. It's been a couple of years now, and SuperSpeed ports are still few and far between. It's not like the USB standard stands any chance of being neglected, so what's the holdup? Well, these things always take time, and implementation is always easier said than done. But Lenovo, a major player in the notebook and desktop market, now thinks that next year is "the year." What do we mean? 2012 will be the year that USB 3.0 becomes "the norm."

Jason Parrish, worldwide product manager for Lenovo ThinkPad, told C|NET the following: "In 2012 USB 3.0 will be a mainstream technology. And we see 2011 as the transition year for USB 3.0 as it starts to come into more and more products." We don't doubt it. Many newly announced laptops are indeed showing up with USB 3.0 on the build sheet, but there's still a long way to go before it totally replaces USB 2.0. Intel's chipsets will probably push adoption along with they start supporting USB 3.0 natively in 2012.

What does Lenovo think of Thunderbolt? They're "evaluating it," looking at customer needs and making determinations based on that. Obviously, space comes at a premium on notebooks, so if there's no overwhelming demand for Thunderbolt, you'll probably see it skipped over on Lenovo machines, at least. But we can all agree that USB 3.0 is the future, and a future that many will be looking forward to adopting soon. Now, if every other PC maker would just drink whatever Kool-Aid Lenovo has been, we'd be in high-speed heaven!


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Relationships | Healthy Relationship, Healthy Self: Build A ...

May 22, 2011 ? 10:20 am

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Home Page > Relationships > Marriage > Healthy Relationship, Healthy Self: Build a Stronger Connection Through Self-intimacy

Posted: Mar 12, 2008 |Comments: 0 | Views: 1,652 |

Intimacy is all about connection?the feeling that you and your partner are kindred spirits. The hallmark of a healthy marriage or relationship is feeling close and attuned to your partner, but maintaining this connection isn?t always easy. Therefore, finding ways to enhance intimacy is a priority for all couples.

Self-intimacy: A prerequisite to interpersonal intimacy

You are probably in many different relationships: with acquaintances, friends, family, coworkers, to name a few. When you think about the relationships in your life, does your relationship with yourself ever come to mind? Probably not, yet this relationship is central to all of your other relationships.

Self-intimacy is the experience of feeling connected to all of yourself?the parts of yourself you naturally embrace as well as the parts you wish didn?t exist. This connection allows you to feel grounded?giving you an emotional center that anchors your experiences. This anchor has an important place in your relationship.

To get a better understanding of your relationship with yourself, reflect on the following questions: ?How do I feel about myself? What do I like about myself? Dislike? Hate? Which parts of myself do I find easy to accept? Which parts make me feel uneasy or conflicted?? Your answers to these questions reflect the type of intimate relationship you have with yourself.

Self-Estrangement: A block to interpersonal intimacy

Unfortunately, you may not have access to important parts of yourself. Why? Because you can dislike a part (or parts) of yourself so intensely that you deny its existence. Your denial doesn?t mean, however, that these parts do not surface in your relationship?they usually seek expression. When you ignore parts of yourself, you?ve left the realm of self-intimacy (a connection to yourself) and have entered the world of self-estrangement (a disconnection from yourself).

At one time or another we?ve all denied certain truths about ourselves, maybe with little consequence?truths that would make us feel vulnerable or ashamed, desperate or inadequate. However, when you?re in a relationship, the consequences of self-estrangement are always significant. Why? Because you can never fully hide from your spouse or partner.

When self-intimacy is the norm, you?ll be fully present and emotionally available to your partner. When self-estrangement rules your inner world, you will remain disconnected from yourself and your partner. Your relationship is robbed of intimacy whenever you close off aspects of yourself to your partner.

Self-estrangement in action:

The husband who cannot be vulnerable with his wife is self-estranged?he denies his vulnerable self. A wife who minimizes her outbursts is self-estranged?she denies her anger. The girlfriend who ignores her jealousy is self-estranged?she denies her insecurities.

For the last ten years, Chris has worked almost nonstop to become a successful attorney. His driven nature has served him well professionally and he recently made partner at his New York City law firm. To his dismay, Chris?s work-related success has always eluded him in his personal relationships.

Chris complains that he often feels distant in his marriage, despite his wife Kendra?s encouragement to be more open and share his feelings. Chris is estranged from any emotions that make him feel ?weak? or vulnerable. It?s his inability to connect with these parts of himself that continues to block intimacy in his marriage.

Chris?s first step in breaking out of this self-estrangement pattern is to honestly assess his relationship with himself?in particular, the parts of himself that he wished didn?t exist.

Are you ready to assess yourself?

Rate yourself and your relationship intimacy:

Using a scale from one (no intimacy) to ten (very satisfying levels of intimacy), rate the intimacy in your marriage or relationship.

If your rating is relatively high (8 or higher), than you probably don?t struggle with self-estrangement. If your rating is relatively low (4 or lower), self-estrangement may be standing in the way of a deeper connection with your partner.

To help determine the impact that your level of self-intimacy has on your marriage or relationship, now rate yourself on the self-intimacy/self-estrangement continuum below:


Pick a spot on this continuum that reflects how connected (or disconnected) you feel to yourself. Try to think about how self-connected you feel in general, since this may shift for you, depending on circumstances. If the spot you choose is closer to the self-intimacy end of the continuum, this means you feel grounded and are able to share yourself fully with your partner; if your spot is closer to the self-estrangement end, you feel disconnected and are unable to share yourself fully with your partner.

Rating yourself can feel a little daunting, so give yourself enough time to adequately reflect on these issues. If it does feel like self-estrangement is holding you (and your relationship) back from achieving the intimacy you desire, speak with someone who can give you support around this issue (your partner, a trusted friend or family member, a counselor). You?ve already taken an important step by assessing your level of self-intimacy.

Are you ready to build a stronger, more intimate relationship?

To receive FREE monthly tips on how to build the relationship of your dreams, visit and sign up for Dr. Nicastro?s Relationship Toolbox Newsletter.

As a bonus, you will receive the popular free reports: ?The four mindsets that can topple your relationship? and ?Relationship self-defense: Control the way you argue before your arguments control you.?

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Richard Nicastro, Ph.D. is a relationship coach and psychologist who is passionate about helping couples protect the sanctuary of their relationship. Rich is cofounder of LifeTalk Coaching, an Internet-based coaching business that helps couples strengthen their relationships.

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    Banks under fire again for missing small firms loan target (Guardian)

    Anger from MPs and pressure groups as banks admit falling short on politically
    sensitive ?19bn Project Merlin pledge

    Britain's banks will be back in the firing line this week as they admit to
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    "Good Banking" summit on Wednesday, ...
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    Monday, May 23, 2011

    Late Night 'Thank You Notes' From Jimmy Fallon

    Jimmy Fallon says he spends almost 12 hours each day at the Late Night offices, which makes the rest of his life difficult. "If I want to play video games now, I have to schedule it," he tells Terry Gross.
    Enlarge Virginia Sherwood/NBC

    Jimmy Fallon says he spends almost 12 hours each day at the Late Night offices, which makes the rest of his life difficult. "If I want to play video games now, I have to schedule it," he tells Terry Gross.

    Virginia Sherwood/NBC

    Jimmy Fallon says he spends almost 12 hours each day at the Late Night offices, which makes the rest of his life difficult. "If I want to play video games now, I have to schedule it," he tells Terry Gross.

    Every single day of Jimmy Fallon's life is like Thanksgiving. The comedian and host of Late Night tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross that he is appreciative of the word moist ? for being the "worst word ever." He's thankful, too, for taco shells that have survived their long journey from factory to supermarket to his plate ? and then break the moment he fills them. And he's grateful that the name Lloyd starts with two L's. Otherwise, he says, it would just sound like "Loyd."

    Fallon collects more than 100 nuggets of gratitude in his book, Thank You Notes. The book is based on a recurring segment on Late Night, when Fallon and his staff round up mundane things that don't get enough attention and give them each the praise they deserve.

    "Like do you ever go down the hallway at work and there's someone walking at the same speed as you and right next to you so you're almost like walking together?" Fallon asks. "And you don't know who they are so you're like, 'Should we hold hands? Are you going to slow down? Do I speed up? One of us has to make a decision here.' So those types of things, they're just random but you go, 'Oh, yeah, there should be a joke somewhere about this.'"

    Fallon has spent most of his career coming up with jokes and doing impressions. His early impersonations of Jerry Seinfeld, Bill Cosby, Pee-Wee Herman, Adam Sandler and Eddie Murphy helped get him an audition in front of Lorne Michaels and then a job on Saturday Night Live, where he stayed for six years. After leaving the show to appear in several films, he was tapped by NBC to become the host of Late Night, after Conan O'Brien left in 2009 to prepare to take over Jay Leno's slot on The Tonight Show.

    When he's not interviewing guests, Fallon spends a lot of time on Late Night impersonating musicians. He does spot-on versions of Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, John Mayer and Neil Young. Last November, his Neil Young even famously dueted with the real Bruce Springsteen on a cover of Willow Smith's "Whip My Hair." The resulting duet became one of the most popular segments in Late Night history.

    Thank You Notes
    By Jimmy Fallon with the writers of Late Night
    Paperback, 176 pages
    Grand Central Publishing
    List price: $12

    Fallon says that he's had always had a good ear for imitating others. At two, he perfected a James Cagney routine. By high school, he had Jerry Seinfeld down pat.

    "I just had that thing, when I was growing up, where I'd just start talking like people," he says. "I would go visit a friend of mine's house and my mom would say 'You sound like Joey Gonzalez' because I would sound like my best friend."

    Occasionally, he even runs into a celebrity right after he does his impersonation on Late Night. A recent segment parodied Donald Trump, whose show Celebrity Apprentice was interrupted by the news that Osama bin Laden had been killed.

    Just after the taping, Fallon ran into Trump himself. "And I said, 'Hey Mr. Trump, I did an impression of you on the show that's airing tonight.'"

    "You do great impressions," Trump replied.

    "I don't want you to be upset," said Fallon.

    Trump turned to the rest of the people seated at his table and announced, "Jimmy Fallon's doing an impression of me tonight!"

    "He knows I never kick anyone when they're down," Fallon says. "I kick them when they're up and they don't mind."

    Interview Highlights

    On his 'Whip My Hair' performance

    "I think every impressionist has a Neil Young but you don't know what to do with it. It's like having a Jack Nicholson. Everyone has one. What do you do with it? So one of my writers said, 'Why don't you do a Neil Young doing a nice version of Willow Smith's 'Whip My Hair?' ... So we have a guitar and we're sitting in my office, trying to think of how Neil would do it."

    On how he practiced for his gig at Late Night

    "I would sit to the left of my wife every night at dinner and look at her and try to ask her about her food and stuff but you don't know what it's like until you're in the situation and talking to people. I interviewed strangers. I interviewed my mom. ... She was an awful guest. She kept wanting to cut to a clip. And we have no clip. She's not in a movie. She's my mother."

    On reenacting Saturday Night Live as a child

    "I was obsessed with the show and this is back when VCRs had just started to come out. ... I remember being obsessed with [the show]. My parents would tape it and they would watch it and cut out any sketches that were risque or dirty or things that we couldn't see. And the ones that were clean, we would be able to watch, me and my sister Gloria."

    On Weekend Update

    "Colin Quinn was leaving Weekend Update and Lorne Michaels said, 'Jimmy, I think you'd be great at doing Weekend Update.' And I said, 'I don't think so. I don't really read the newspaper all that much. I don't know much about the news. I'm the worst person for Weekend Update. Thank you so much. But no thank you. I'd rather not do it.' He said, 'I think it should be someone from the cast.' So they had auditions. A couple writers were auditioning. One of the writers auditioning was Tina Fey. She was just a writer at the time who wrote a lot of stuff for me and she was super fun and super funny and super hard-working. And sharp ? almost too sharp just to be by herself at the time.

    "So I saw her audition, and I said, 'Tina's audition was amazing. It was hilarious.' And I talked to Lorne and he said 'I really think you should still do it. Tina's the head writer. No one knows who she is.' And I go, 'What about me and Tina?' And he goes, 'Yeah. I like that. I would see what that's like.' So he set up a test screening of Tina Fey and I in Conan O'Brien's studio over a weekend and we did a test run of what our Weekend Update would be like. And Lorne said, 'I think it would be great because she's the smart one and you're the guy who forgot to do his homework and you need to cheat off her. That's the dynamic.' And we got together and man, it just clicked."


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