Wednesday, October 10, 2012

OHS Biology / Env Sci Blog: Week 9: Oct 8-12 Bio Cell Growth, Cell ...

SB: SWBAT idnetify the structure and fuctions of living things. Understand that the genetic?code of an individual lies in the nucleus (and some in the mitochindria) of the cell.

SB2: Genetic Information is passed down from parent to offspring.The DNA genetic code with be transcribed in a message by RNA and carrying through the cytoplasm to the ribosomes. Inside the ribosome, the mrna message will be the ingredients for making amino acids. Assembling amino acids in the right order will produce the proteins. Proteins are the?chemicals responsible for repairing?damaged cells, building muscles, sending signals, triggering hormones and chemical processes?such as?ezymes.

Open: This week we started into Cell Growth and Cell Division. At some point, the growing cell whether it is a prokaryote or a eukaryote will need to divide so it can pass down genetic information in the nucleus. No cell division means a cell will die without an offspring (next generation). At some point, this leads to the death or extinction of that organism.? Cell death is called APOPTOSIS.

Weekly Work Sessions:

Monday: Reviewed Cel Organelle Test (retest on Thursday) Created organelle jigsaw-puzzle flash cards to help us review the organelle functions.? Use page 199 in the Biology textbook for reference.? Online Biology textbook access can be found below in the resource list.

Tuesday: Finished creating the flashcards.? Students then used the textbook to complete a "clozed" studyguide over the Cell Cycle and Cell Division (pages 245-254) assignment: Download Cell Growth and Cell Division guided text book notes pgs 246-276.

Wednesday: Computer Lab

????1) Complete studyguide for online tutorial from last week?"Introduction to Genetics" turn in today.

????2) Email me your Voki organelle...many of you have not done this yet.

3) Moving forward: Students who are onpace or ahead, please check out these sites to learn about? Cell Growth and Cell Division, the structure of DNA, and Mendelian Genetics.

Thursday- Friday Center Stations (Cell Growth, Cell Division, DNA vs RNA,? Protein Synthesis, Vocabulary Infusion, and Simple Mendelian Genet


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