Monday, January 28, 2013

Apple updates iPhone, iPad software

(AP) ? Apple has released a software update for iPhones and iPads that speeds up data downloads on some major overseas telecom networks and a handful of small U.S. carriers.

Apple says iOS version 6.1 adds the ability to access the "LTE" networks of 36 additional iPhone carriers. Those include Alaska Communications, Bluegrass Cellular of Kentucky and C Spire of Mississippi. Internationally, they include major carriers in Italy, Denmark, Finland, Croatia, Portugal, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.

The update also includes the ability buy U.S. movie tickets through the "Siri" voice-controlled assistant feature. Also, subscribers to "iTunes Match" will now be able to download individual songs from their online lockers to their phones.

The update is compatible with the iPod Touch as well.

Associated Press


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Eva Longoria Is Obama's Newest Hispanic ... - Business Insider

Eva Longoria, the actress best known for her racy Desperate Housewives character, has emerged as a political operator and Hispanic activist with Barack Obama's ear after starring at the presidential inauguration.

She shot to fame as a sultry seductress in Desperate Housewives, regularly features on glossy magazine lists of "hottest women", is producing a dating reality show in Los Angles and has been romantically attached to top sports stars.

But Eva Longoria has now taken on new role - reinventing herself as a political activist on the national stage, a champion of immigration reform and Hispanic causes and a confidante of Barack and Michelle Obama.

During celebrations for the president's second inauguration in Washington last weekend, the 37-year-old actress seemed ubiquitous among the wide-eyed celebrities that swirled around the first couple. Yet she is also playing an increasingly serious part in American public life: using her profile to push for greater recognition of the contribution made by the country's largest minority, to culture, the economy and to politics.

Last night she was due to chair a question and answer session in Los Angeles with US Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic to sit on the United States Supreme Court - a woman who herself began life in a poor district of New York but clawed her way up through education and hard work to the highest court in the land.

Longoria is far from the first Hollywood celebrity to be attracted by the glamorous aspects of American politics. But she had earned her formal position as co-chair of President Obama's inaugural committee - with a seat on the platform for his swearing in and an invitation to the private party at the White House after the public events - by her work during his election campaign.

She helped channel millions of dollars towards his campaign at fundraising parties and emerged as an articulate spokeswoman for the president on the stump.

Now she is campaigning to persuade Americans that the country's current immigration laws need to be reformed, to make it easier for the children of illegal immigrants to become US citizens and to provide a pathway to citizenship for their parents - something which Mr Obama will be pushing for as part of a new package of legislation he has promised to unveil in the next few weeks.

Republicans have previously tried to block any such reform but, since Mr Obama won three quarters of the Latino vote at the election, are now considering how to reshape their own policies: a moment of opportunity,Longoria believes.

"I think the Republicans are going to realise, if they don't do it because it's morally imperative, they have to do it because it's politically imperative," she told an interviewer.

"And if they're not going to do it because it's politically imperative, they've got to do it because it's economically imperative. So there's a lot of gains for everybody, no matter what party affiliation, to get this done and to fix this problem."

To underscore her point, last week she also helped host a brunch organised by The Daily Beast media group in Washington, attended by senior political figures from both sides of the political divide, aimed at increasing cooperation between Democrats and Republicans in policy making.

"There has never been a moment when bi-partisanship is more important," she told the gathering of movers and shakers in US politics and media, co-hosted by Mark McKinnon, who was a communications strategist for President George W Bush.

"We all went through the bruising campaign together and we were all very loyal to our parties, to our candidates, but now it's time to be loyal to America," she added. "I think we can do that."

It is not the former Texas beauty queen's first foray into the arena of public policy. She helped set up the Futuro Fund, that has become a major national voice on Latino issues, and has employed a political and philanthropic consultant who has worked with the music stars Bono and Madonna to advise on her charitable foundation.

The emergence of the petite brunette as a skilled political operator reflects both her own personal interests and also the growing financial and electoral clout of the Hispanic community. And for Mr Obama and his fellow Democrats, the inauguration was a chance to solidify their standing with a key voting bloc.

At first glance, it is all quite a change of character for an actress best known as the raunchy Gaby in the Desperate Housewives television series - and whose love life is a staple of the gossip columns.

Indeed, just a week before her starring role at the inauguration, she was making very different headlines for a nipple-flashing "wardrobe malfunction" in a low-cut dress on the red carpet after the Golden Globes awards show.

She is divorced from Tyler Christopher, a soap opera actor, and Tony Parker, a basketball star, and recently dated Mark Sanchez, a dashing American football quarterback more than a decade her junior.

But Longoria had previously returned to university in Los Angeles to study American-Hispanic history, and emerged last summer she emerged on to a national political stage with an assured performance at the Democratic National Convention.

She tore up a draft speech sent by the campaign, complaining that it was "too much rah-rah and too little substance" and failed to convey why, from her own lower middle class background, she supported Mr Obama.

Instead, she produced one of the convention's most quotable put-downs when she attacked the Republican candidate Mitt Romney for supporting tax cuts for the rich. "The Eva Longoria who worked at Wendy's flipping burgers -- she needed a tax break," she said. "But the Eva Longoria who works on movie sets does not."

The line brought a rousing ovation from the party faithful for an actress born in Texas to Mexican-American parents but who last year made an estimated $15 million from television and film and endorsements such as L'Oreal.

It subsequently emerged that, away from the cameras, she had played a key part in persuading Mr Obama to keep pushing for immigration reform despite opposition in Congress.

She admits that she is taking some professional risks with her support for the Democrats. "Half my movie tickets and my products are bought by Republicans," she acknowledged recently.

She seemed to be addressing some of those concerns at the power brunch co-hosted with Mr McKinnon, the co-founder of No Labels, a grouping of Republicans, Democrats and independents established to pursue policy solutions across party lines.

"Eva is the real deal, very authentic," he told The Sunday Telegraph. "Unlike a lot of Hollywood celebrities, her political activity is not just checking the box. She has blue collar roots, she's passionate about issues and she does her homework.

"Eva recognises that hyper partisanship is poisoning the landscape, making problem solving more difficult, and that's why she's engaged in a discussion with No Labels."

Now there is a growing clamour in Hispanic and Democrat circles for the self-described "political junkie" to run for office herself. Longoria is seeking to quell those calls -- for now at least.

"I respect everything that politicians do," she said. "I think it's a very, very big job, but it's not my day job."


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Square COO Keith Rabois: I Resigned Because ... - Business Insider

Last night, Square COO Keith Rabois unexpectedly resigned his position.?

Kara Swisher, who broke the news, said it was over "disagreements" between Rabois and CEO Jack Dorsey.

Now, Rabois has written a blog post saying that he actually resigned due to accusations of sexual harassment made against him by a Square employee.

He denies the allegations.

He says he resigned "so my colleagues could continue to do great work without the distraction that a lawsuit would most certainly bring."

In its own statement, Square says: "While we have not found evidence to support any?claims, Keith exercised poor judgment that ultimately undermined his?ability to remain an effective leader at Square. We accepted his resignation."?

The?WSJ's?Evelyn Rusli published a report about the sexual harassment claims just before Rabois published his blog post.

Rusli reports that a lawyer for the Square employee, Steve Berger, came to management with the claims two weeks ago.

Square has since hired its own lawyer,?Richard J. Curiale, who is now conducting an investigation.

Other than for his work at Square, Rabois is known as one of the Valley's top angel investors.

Square is a payments company based in the Bay Area. It makes a product that turns iPads and iPhones into cash registers. It was founded by Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey.

Here is?Rabois's blog post:

Yesterday I resigned from Square, and I want to take the opportunity to explain to you why.

The past few days have been the toughest, saddest, most frightening, and emotionally draining of my life. They have deeply affected me, both personally and professionally.

In May 2010, I met someone via mutual friends. With increasing frequency, we hung out, drank wine, and I helped prepare him for interviews with tech startups. As our friendship deepened, we spent more time together, and our relationship became physical. We regularly worked out at the gym, occasionally hung out at my home, and exchanged intimate, personal information, as people in similar relationships often do.

Several months after our relationship began, I recommended that he interview at Square. He went through the interview process and was ultimately hired. I had no impact on his potential success at the company. At no point did he ever report directly to me, and I have seen his work product less than a handful of times.

Last week, a New York-based attorney threatened Square and myself with a lawsuit. I am told this lawsuit would allege that the relationship was not consensual, and would go on to accuse me of some pretty horrible things. I was told that only a payment of millions of dollars will make this go away, and that my career, my reputation, and my livelihood will be threatened if Square and I don?t pay up.

I realize that continuing any physical relationship after he began working at Square was poor judgment on my part. But let me be unequivocal with the facts: (1) The relationship was welcome. (2) Square did not know of the relationship before a lawsuit was threatened; it came as a complete surprise to the company. (3) He never received nor was denied any reward or benefits based on our relationship. And (4), I did not do the horrendous things I am told I may be accused of. While I have certainly made mistakes, this threat feels like a shakedown, and I will defend myself to the full extent of the law.

I decided to resign from Square so my colleagues could continue to do great work without the distraction that a lawsuit would most certainly bring. I deeply regret that I let my personal and professional lives to become intertwined, and I apologize to my colleagues and friends (at Square and elsewhere) who I?ve let down, and who will bear the brunt of some of the unnecessary, negative attention this situation will likely bring.

I am already working on something new and hope to announce that in February.

Here is the full statement from Ricardo Reyes, Square spokesperson:

"The first we heard of any of these allegations was when we received?the threat of a lawsuit two weeks ago. We took these allegations very?seriously and we immediately launched a full investigation to?ascertain the facts. While we have not found evidence to support any?claims, Keith exercised poor judgment that ultimately undermined his?ability to remain an effective leader at Square. We accepted his resignation.?


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Apogee One for iOS and Mac hands-on

Apogee One for iOS and Mac handson

Apogee strolled into NAMM with a trio of audio interfaces newly outfitted for both iOS and Mac. While the Duet and Quartet are certainly formidable pieces of recording kit, the more compact Apogee One caught our eye for its dual capture ability without adding too much heft to the ol' backpack. The unit accepts input from a built-in mic and either a XLR or 1/4-inch analog input -- both of which connect via a two-headed Y-cable. From there, the One connects to a power supply and either your iPad, iPhone, iPod touch or Apple computer of choice for that dual-tracking capture. After seeing the device up close and spending a few minutes handling it, our main gripe remains the lack of a Lightning connection. Sure it's great that we can outfit our iDevices, but we'd love to see an included cable for the latest port to come out of Cupertino rather having to locate an adapter.

Without being able to capture a solid vocal track on the bustling show floor here at NAMM, we unfortunately can't speak to the quality of that on-board condenser microphone. However, the One seemed to handle guitar licks quite well when recorded with GarageBand on an iPad mini. As we've mentioned before, the outfit has also outed its Maestro app for low-latency monitoring and a bit more control over how matters progress. Aside from all of that, the gadget sports a similar dial knob to that of the original release for selecting functions and controlling input / output levels with dual LED stacks for a visual indicator of said signals. The One wields the same solid build quality that we've come to expect from Apogee based on a few of the other products we've spent extended time with. For a quick walkthrough, take a look at the video that lies beyond the break.

Update: Apogee has passed along the info via the comments below that a Lightning cable is on the way in Q2 and that users shouldn't experience any difference in performance with the adapter that they'll need in the meantime.

James Trew contributed to this report.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

'American Idol': Randy Jackson Was At The Center Of That Infamous Mariah-Nicki Feud (VIDEO)

  • "The Biggest Loser"

    Returns Sunday, January 6 at 9 p.m. EST and moves to regular timeslot on Monday, January 7 at 8 p.m. EST on NBC <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Jillian Michaels! She's back to help whip contestants into shape. Plus, for the first time, kids (ages 13-16) will be on the show along with 15 adult contestants.

  • "Downton Abbey"

    Returns Sunday, January 6 at 9 p.m. EST on PBS <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Bates was left to rot in jail, Matthew and Mary finally got together and the Dowager Countess was sassy. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Americans! Shirley MacLaine guest stars as Martha, Cora's mother. She's very rich. Season 3 has already aired in the UK and <a href="">one prominent character is saying goodbye to "Downton Abbey."</a>

  • "The Bachelor"

    Returns Monday, January 7 at 8 p.m. EST on ABC <strong>Starring</strong>: Sean Lowe <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Jilted "Bachelorette" contestant Sean returns to TV as "The Bachelor" and seeks to find love.

  • "Deception"

    Monday, January 7 at 10 p.m. EST on NBC <strong>Starring</strong>: Meagan Good, Laz Alonso, Tate Donovan and Victor Garber <strong>What's It About</strong>: A wealthy socialite and party girl is found dead of an overdose, but something's fishy about her death. Enter FBI Agent Will Moreno (Alonso), who recruits his former partner Joanna Padget (Good), the deceased's former best friend. Joanna hides her true occupation and infiltrates the family she grew up around to find the truth about her friend's death.

  • "Betty White's Off Their Rockers"

    Returns Tuesday, January 8 at 8 p.m. EST on NBC <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Betty White will entertain a ton of guest stars while introducing the elderly pranksters. Kim Kardashian, the ladies of "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," Ed Asner and NeNe Leakes are among the names who will appear on the prank show.

  • "Pretty Little Liars"

    Returns Tuesday, January 8 at 8 p.m. EST on ABC Family. <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Toby is on the A Team, Garrett's dead, Aria's dad has some strange connection to Ali, Paige saved the day and Ezra's a dad ... and Alex Mack is his baby mama. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Mona is released from Radley and is back at Rosewood High. Clearly, she'll be working with Toby, who the liars are still in the dark about. It's only a matter of time before Spencer learns the truth ... and starts to lose it. Dr. Sullivan will return, hopefully to prevent any breakdowns. Plus, we'll see more about what the hell Byron was doing with Ali the night she died.

  • "Cougar Town"

    Returns Tuesday, January 8 at 10 p.m. EST on TBS. <strong>Where We Left Off: </strong>Jules and Grayson had a quickie beachfront wedding and rode off into the distance on horseback. <strong>What's Ahead: </strong>For starters, it's on TBS! Everybody's favorite wine-guzzlin' crew will be joined by guest stars Alexndra Wentworth, Shirley Jones, Gillian Vigman, Tippi Herden and more.

  • "Justified"

    Returns Tuesday, January 8 at 10 p.m. EST on FX. <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: In Season 3, Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) prevented carpetbagger/gangster Robert Quarles from establishing a criminal network in Harlan, but a pregnant Winona left the US Marshal and he found out his father shot a good man. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins) will no doubt continue to be a thorn in Raylan's side.

  • "Stars In Danger: The High Dive"

    Wednesday January, 9 at 8 p.m. EST on Fox <strong>Starring</strong>: JWoww, Bethany Hamilton, Alexandra Paul, Kim Richards, Kyle Richards, David Chokachi, Terrell Owens, Antonio Sabato Jr. <strong>What's It About:</strong> C-list celebrities learn to dive like the pros with the help of Olympian Troy Dumais.

  • "1600 Penn"

    Thursday, January 10 at 9:30 p.m. EST on NBC <strong>Starring</strong>: Josh Gad, Bill Pullman, Jenna Elfman <strong>What's It About</strong>: The Gilchrists are your typical American family ... they just so happen to be the first family of the United States. Gad stars as the hapless son of President Dale Gilchrist (Pullman) and stepson of Emily (Elfman).

  • "Girls"

    Returns Sunday, January 13 at 9 p.m. EST on HBO. <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Jessa bizarrely got married, Shoshanna slept with Ray, Hannah and Adam broke up and Marnie still misses Charlie. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: After months of criticism, Hannah makes a black friend (or more than a friend) -- and it's Donald Glover. Patrick Wilson will also play a love interest for Hannah later in the season and Shiri Appleby joins Season 2 as Adam's new girlfriend, much to Hannah's dismay. Elijah moves in with Hannah -- and starts to question his sexuality. Shoshanna is dealing with her post-sex relationship with Ray. Plus, Rita Wilson will stop by to play Marnie's mom and to help her shape up.

  • "Shameless"

    Returns Sunday, January 13 at 9 p.m. EST on Showtime. <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Karen had her and Lip's baby and fled, prompting Lip to move back home and go back to school. Estefania and Marco were on the verge of breaking up and in happier news, Fiona passed her GED. ("Teen Mom's" Amber: Take note.) <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: It's 137 days since we?ve last seen the Gallagher's. Jimmy has moved into the house with them and Fiona uses the family's money in desperation and the others aren't too pleased. Oh and (shocker) Frank's missing.

  • "Enlightened"

    Returns Sunday, January 13 at 9:30 p.m. EST <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Following her very public breakdown, Amy (Laura Dern) returned to work with a positive outlook ... only to start down the path of revenge after being laughed at by her coworkers. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Will Amy return to the path of enlightenment?

  • "House of Lies"

    Returns Sunday, January 13 at 10 p.m. EST on Showtime. <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Did they or didn't they? Marty (Don Cheadle) and Jeannie (Kristen Bell) ended the season with a romp in the sheets ... maybe. They've gotten rid of the Rainmaker and stand triumphant. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Galweather Stearn brings in a new CEO who's all about female power. Adam Brody returns to TV with a guest role.

  • "Californication"

    Returns Sunday, January 13 at 10:30 p.m. EST on Showtime. <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: After Bates left Karen, Hank sees an opportunity. But when his ex Carrie returns and offers him an anti-depressant-laced drink, Hank loses consciousness just after seeing a vision of Karen, to whom he says, "I love you." <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Hank is penning a rock opera "about love conquering all" with Atticus Fetch (Tim Minchin), a coked up rock star. Maggie Grace has a nine-episode arc as infamous rock groupie Faith, who becomes involved with Hank, and in one episode, Grace's former "Lost" co-star Jorge Garcia will appear as an old contact from Faith's past. Season 6 will also see a guest appearance from Marilyn Manson.

  • "The Carrie Diaries"

    Monday, January 14 at 8 p.m. EST on The CW <strong>Starring:</strong> AnnaSophia Robb, Freema Agyeman, Chloe Bridges, Austin Butler and more. <strong>What's It About:</strong> A prequel to "Sex and the City," the new CW series follows Carrie Bradshaw as a high schooler in the '80s. She's discovering her style, dating, dealing with the death of her mother and falling in love for the first time ... with Manhattan.

  • "Lost Girl"

    Returns Monday, January 14 at 10 p.m. EST on Syfy <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Victory! But the darkness continues to grow in Bo (Anna Silk). <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Bo must make a deadly decision. Plus, tune in for guest star Linda Hamilton and recurring guest star Rachel Skarsten.

  • "American Idol"

    Returns Wednesday, January 16 at 8 p.m. EST on Fox <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Feuds! Divas! Dawgs! Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban join the judging panel alongside veteran Randy Jackson for Season 12.

  • "Anger Management"

    Returns Thursday, January 17 at 9 p.m. EST on FX. <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: After Charlie and Kate slept together, they were in a weird place with their relationship. And when Charlie's daughter Sam kissed a girl at school, a photo wound up on Facebook and Charlie and Jennifer questioned their daughter's sexual orientation. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: 70+ more episodes. And in Season 2, Charlie will blow up at his sister's baby shower and will question if his father Martin is developing Alzheimer's. Cee Lo Green will stop by as a version of himself, seeking Charlie's assistance under Hollywood pressure.

  • "Archer"

    Returns Thursday, January 17 at 10 p.m. EST on FX. <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: The ISIS crew -- including Archer -- were held captive on the Space Station Horizon <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: A "Bob's Burgers" crossover! H. Jon Benjamin provides the voice of both Archer and Bob.

  • "The Following"

    Monday, January 21 at 9 p.m. EST on Fox <strong>Starring</strong>: Kevin Bacon, James Purefoy, Shawn Ashmore, Natalie Zea, Annie Parisse <strong>What's It About</strong>: Ryan Hardy's (Bacon) been out of the FBI game for a while, that is until his biggest catch, serial killer Joe Carroll (Purefoy) resurfaces ... along with a cult-like following ready to carry out his bidding.

  • "The Taste"

    Tuesday, January 22 at 8 p.m. EST on ABC <strong>Starring</strong>: Anthony Bourdain, Nigella Lawson, Ludo Lefebvre, Brian Malarkey <strong>What's It About</strong>: Think "The Voice" (there are teams and coaches), plus "Top Chef" (culinary competition) and you've got ABC's "The Taste."

  • "White Collar"

    Returns Tuesday, January 22 at 10 p.m. EST on USA <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Peter (Tim DeKay) and Neal (Matt Bomer) stepped into the boxing ring to infiltrate a white collar boxing club. Neal discovered his father was still alive (and played by Treat Williams!) <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Peter and Neal search for the truth about Neal's dad and his crimes and Neal goes undercover with the Irish mob ... And hopefully, more boxing.

  • "Dallas"

    Returns Wednesday, January 28 at 9 p.m. EST on TNT. <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Slaps, sex and secrets filled the first season of the new "Dallas." The season ended with John Ross (Josh Henderson) teaming up with J.R. (Larry Hagman) to destroy Christopher (Jesse Metcalfe) and Elena (Jordana Brewster). <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Familiar faces return and the Ewings say goodbye to J.R. after series star Larry Hagman passed away about half way into filming Season 2. Producers will incorporate his death into the story.

  • "The Americans"

    Wednesday, January 30 at 10 p.m. EST on FX. <strong>Starring</strong>: Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich <strong>What's It About</strong>: Elizabeth (Russell) and Phillip (Rhys) Jennings are the perfect couple: They've got two kids and are living the life of every American in the '80s ... but they just so happen to be KGB spies posing as regular ol' US citizens.

  • "Do No Harm"

    Thursday, January 31at 10 p.m. EST on NBC <strong>Starring:</strong> Steven Pasquale, Alana de la Garza, Phylicia Rash?d, John Carroll Lynch <strong>What's It About: </strong>A brilliant neurosurgeon (Pasquale) has a big secret: a very villainous dual personality. It's a modern-day Jekyll and Hyde story mixed with a medical drama.

  • "Rules of Engagement"

    Returns Monday, February 4 at 8:30 p.m. EST on CBS <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Audrey (Megyn Price) was upstaged at her own baby shower by Brenda (Sara Rue). Meanwhile, Russell (David Spade) started to display creative talents after taking a break from women. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Sitcom hijinks!

  • "Smash"

    Returns Tuesday, February 5 at 9 p.m. EST on NBC and moves to its normal Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST timeslot on February 12 on NBC <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Karen (Katharine McPhee) wowed the crowd as Marilyn Monroe in previews of "Bombshell" in Boston. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: More Broadway drama! There's a new musical in town that could rival "Bombshell" for all the buzz. Plus guest stars Jennifer Hudson, Liza Minnelli, Sean Hayes, Jesse L. Martin and more.

  • "Body of Proof"

    Returns Tuesday, February 5 at 10 p.m. EST on ABC <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Peter (Nicholas Bishop) saved Megan (Dana Delany) from a serial killer, but was stabbed in the process. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: New blood! Bishop, John Carroll Lynch and Sonja Sohn are out and Mark Valley is in.

  • "Community"

    Returns Thursday, February 7 at 8 p.m. EST on NBC <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Evil Abed, "lawsuits" and sandwich shops filled the "Community" Season 3 finale that aired what feels like 30 years ago. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Six seasons and a movie. Just kidding, although that'd be cool (cool cool cool). Malcolm McDowell, Tricia Helfer, Jason Alexander and more will drop by for some Human Beings antics. Plus, Chevy Chase will depart the show.

  • "Touch"

    Returns Friday, February 8 at 8 p.m. EST on Fox <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Martin (Kiefer Sutherland) and Jake (David Mazouz) fled to California and met up with Lucy (Maria Bello). <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Martin (Sutherland) and Jake (David Mazouz) soak up the Los Angeles sun ... and find themselves in the middle of a "global conspiracy."

  • "Survivor"

    Returns Wednesday, February 13 at 8 p.m. EST on CBS <strong>Starring</strong>: Jeff Probst, unnamed contestants <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Fans vs. Favorites, Round 2

  • "Southland"

    Returns Wednesday, February 13 at 10 p.m. EST on TNT. <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Cooper saved Tang, and then Tang got a big promotion becoming sergeant and watch commander. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: "One Tree Hill" star Chad Michael Murray joins the cast as goofball Officer Dave Mendoza.

  • "Zero Hour"

    Thursday, February 14 at 8 p.m. EST on ABC <strong>Starring</strong>: Anthony Edwards, Carmen Ejogo, Scott Michael Foster, Addison Timlin, Jacinda Barrett and Michael Nyqvist <strong>What's It About</strong>: Think "National Treasure" and "Da Vinci's Code," but on TV and starring Dr. Greene from "ER." Edwards plays Hank Galliston, the publisher of Modern Skeptic Magazine. When his wife is abducted, Hank and his pals are joined by the FBI as they attempt to crack various conspiracies and get his wife back.

  • "The Amazing Race"

    Returns Sunday, February 17 at 8:00 p.m. EST on CBS <strong>Starring</strong>: Phil Keoghan, unnamed contestants <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Globetrotting adventure.

  • "Cult"

    Tuesday, February 19 at 9 p.m. EST on The CW <strong>Starring:</strong> Matt Davis, Alona Tal, Jessica Lucas, Robert Knepper <strong>What's It About</strong>: Matt Davis stars as Jeff, a journalist who investigates his brother's disappearance and his involvement with a group of obsessive fans who have formed a pseudo-cult around a TV series ... about a cult.

  • "Golden Boy"

    Premieres Tuesday, February 26 at 10 p.m. EST. Special showing on Tuesday, March 5 at 10 p.m. EST before moving to its regular Fridays at 9 p.m. EST time period on March 8 on CBS <strong>Starring</strong>: Theo James, Chi McBride, Kevin Alejandro, Bonnie Somerville <strong>What's It About</strong>: The series charts the rise of Walter William Clark Jr. (James), a beat cop who quickly moves up the ranks of the NYPD before becoming commissioner.

  • "Psych"

    Returns Wednesday, February 27 at 10 p.m. EST <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: Henry (Corbin Bernsen) got back into the detective game with the help of Shawn (James Roday) and Gus (Dule Hill). But the case ended with a bang as Henry was shot by a former friend. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Parminder Nagra joins the cast as a love interest of Gus. Plus, the long-awaited musical episode airs! Look for episodes inspired by "Clue" and "The Blair Witch Project" and for guest stars Jeffrey Tambor and Anthony Michael Hall, as well.

  • "All-Star Celebrity Apprentice"

    Sunday, March 3 at 9 p.m. EST on NBC <strong>Starring</strong>: Trace Adkins, Stephen Baldwin, Gary Busey, Penn Jillette, Lil Jon, Bret Michaels, Dennis Rodman, Dee Snider, Marilu Henner, La Toya Jackson, Claudia Jordan, Omarosa, Lisa Rinna, Brande Roderick <strong>What's It About</strong>: It's "Celebrity Apprentice," but with contestants who have already been to the boardroom with Donald Trump.

  • "Red Widow"

    Sunday, March 3, 9:00 p.m. EST and moves to its regular timeslot on Sunday, March 10, 10:00 p.m. EST on ABC <strong>Starring</strong>: Radha Mitchell, Goran Visnjic, Clifton Collins, Jr., Sterling Beaumon <strong>What's It About</strong>: Marta Walraven (Mitchell)'s husband Evan supports the family by exporting weed and is involved in the world of organized crime with Bratva, Russian gangsters. After Evan's murder, Marta seeks to protect her kids, but gets tangled in the seedy underworld.

  • "Fashion Star"

    Returns Friday, March 8 at 8 p.m. EST on NBC <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Mentors Jessica Simpson, Nicole Richie and John Varvatos return to the show with new host Louise Roe as 13 new contestants compete for the chance to launch their own clothing line.

  • "Dancing With the Stars"

    Returns Monday, March 18 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC <strong>Starring</strong>: Tom Bergeron, Brooke Burke Charvet, Carrie Ann Inaba, Bruno Tonioli, Len Goodman and unnamed celebrity contestants. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Celebrities dancing.

  • "The Voice"

    Returns Monday, March 25 at 8 p.m. ET on NBC. <strong>Starring</strong>: Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Usher and Shakira <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Presumably, a lot less ridiculously outfits without Christina Aguilera and Cee Lo Green.

  • "Game of Thrones"

    Returns Sunday, March 31 at 9 p.m. ET on HBO <strong>Where We Left Off</strong>: War came. <a href="">Read Maureen Ryan's recap for more</a>. <strong>What's Ahead</strong>: Tons of new cast members played by the likes of Diana Rigg, Iwan Rheon, Mackenzie Crook, Clive Russell and many more. Season 3 will be about half of George R.R. Martin's "A Storm of Swords," one of the series' most beloved books.

  • "How To Live With Your Parents (For The Rest Of Your Life)"

    Wednesday, April 3 at 9:30 p.m. ET on ABC <strong>Starring</strong>: Sarah Chalke, Elizabeth Perkins, Brad Garrett <strong>What's It About</strong>: Polly (Chalke) is a recently divorced single mom. Since the divorce, Polly's been having some struggles and decides to move back in with her eccentric parents, Elaine (Perkins) and Max (Garrett). Hijinks ensue.

  • "Family Tools"

    Wednesday, May 1 at 8:30 p.m. ET on ABC <strong>Starring</strong>: Kyle Bornheimer, J.K. Simmons, Leah Remini <strong>What's It About</strong>: After Tony (Simmons) suffers a heart attack, he's forced to hand over the family handyman business to his bumbling son Jack (Bornheimer).

  • "The Goodwin Games"

    TBA on Fox <strong>Starring</strong>: Becki Newton, Scott Foley, T.J. Miller <strong>What's It About</strong>: Three estranged siblings reunite after the death of their father and unexpectedly find themselves heirs to a $20 million fortune ... if they adhere to their dad's wishes.

  • "Save Me"

    TBA on NBC <strong>Starring:</strong> Anne Heche, Michael Landes and Alexandra Breckenridge. <strong>What's It About: </strong>Anne Heche stars as Beth, a woman whose life -- and marriage -- is falling apart. However, after a new-death experience, Beth claims God starts speaking to her and sets her on a new life path.

  • Source:

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    K Strategies Hiring for Public Involvement/Public Relations Positions ...

    Posted by qappture on Friday, January 25, 2013 ? Leave a Comment?

    K Strategies Hiring for Public Involvement/Public Relations Positions (Dallas & Houston)

    K Strategies Hiring for Public Involvement/Public Relations Positions (Dallas & Houston)


    K Strategies is an award-winning public affairs firm recognized for its successes in developing effective and influential diversity, public involvement and public relations programs. We are currently seeking talented professionals with experience in the area of public involvement and public relations.

    Immediate Openings Available in our Dallas and Houston Offices

    Public Involvement / Public Relations Coordinator and/or Manager. The ideal candidates for these positions are comfortable moving within a dynamic, innovative and fast-paced work environment, and equally comfortable being empowered to coordinate and manage high-profile public involvement projects and clients.

    Responsibilities include (but are not limited to):

    • Coordinate and manage public involvement plans and timelines
    • Develop and write comprehensive public involvement and public relations plans
    • Create and maintain extensive stakeholder databases
    • Write content for newsletters, websites, brochures, advertisements and flyers
    • Design marketing collateral such as: brochures, flyers, newsletters, advertisements, signage and door hangers
    • Coordinate public meetings and stakeholder events
    • Coordinate large-scale special events (ground breakings, grand openings, press conferences, etc.)
    • Develop and manage social media campaigns, write social media plans, and write and post messages
    • Develop and present presentations and public speaking engagements
    • Write press releases, news alerts and create press kits
    • Build relationships with media, manage media relations and develop media lists
    • Take detailed meeting minutes and create reports
    • Write speeches and speaking points
    • Develop comprehensive project reports
    • Create complex Excel spreadsheets
    • Lead and participate in meetings with clients
    • Negotiate price quotes and manage vendors and budgets
    • Build relationships and manage correspondence with public officials, community groups and the public
    • Stay updated on community issues in project areas
    • Assist in developing and writing proposals to pursue new public relations contacts

    Please submit your salary requirements, a cover letter detailing your qualifications and why you are the best candidate for the position, as well as your resume with design and writing samples to


    For these positions, K Strategies is looking for hardworking, motivated candidates who possess the abilities, skills and experience detailed below.

    Candidate Requirements

    • Bachelor?s degree in public relations, communications, political affairs or related field
    • Public involvement, public relations, community relations, or public information experience
    • Excellent writing, communications and presentation skills (writing samples required)
    • Exceptional graphic design skills (design samples required)
    • Proficient in Adobe InDesign
    • Proficient in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint
    • Available to work evenings and/or weekends, when needed
    • Able to travel, when needed
    • Professional demeanor, image and dress attire
    • Detail oriented and strong organizational and time-management skills
    • Fast learner and able to complete multiple assignments quickly
    • Passion for working with the public

    Additional Criteria

    • Fluent in Spanish (spoken and written)
    • 3-7 years of full-time (internships will not count) employment experience in public involvement, public information or public relations
    • Very proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator)
    • Advanced Microsoft Excel skills
    • Experience in using Microsoft Access
    • Experience in the transportation and/or construction industries
    • Adherence to AP and Chicago writing styles
    • Outgoing personality, confident and great people skills
    • Sharp, quick and critical thinking skills
    • Strong and established community relationships


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    Update: AT&T Says U-verse Service Restored, Promises Credit ...

    Four days after the first reports of a widespread outage of AT&T's U-verse service across the South, the company said Thursday afternoon that the service had been restored to "all customers affected by the outage" and promised to credit subscribers' bills.

    Anita Smith, AT&T spokesman in Arkansas, emailed to Arkansas Business a company statement at 2:33 p.m.: "U-verse service has been restored for all customers affected by the outage. The software problem causing the issues was resolved by AT&T engineers early this morning. We are not pleased it took so long to fix the issue. AT&T will provide a credit to customers who were affected. We know our customers count on their U-verse service and we apologize for the inconvenience."

    U-verse typically includes landline telephone, Internet and television service.

    "We will issue credits to customers we know are impacted," Smith said. "Credits will appear on the customer?s bill within 30-60 days. If they haven?t seen a credit on their bill within 60 days, they can call us to make sure they receive it. We?re crediting customers based on the length of their outage."

    Despite AT&T's statement, some customers posting on its U-verse Facebook page complained that they still lacked service.

    The outage had prompted a social media firestorm of subscribers complaining on Facebook, Twitter and other Web forums about the lengthy outage and AT&T's failure to provide information about the cause, when service might be restored, a number of how many had been affected and the location of those customers experiencing the breakdown.

    Criticism, however, of how the company had handled the event continued. A sentiment from one customer on AT&T's U-verse Facebook page appeared to be typical:

    "Service restored to 27613 [ZIP code] around 06/06.30 this morning.

    "Many thanks to the customer service reps who had to absorb our complaints. They deserve merit increases for their professionalism. Also ? many thanks to the good folks at Starbucks for being gracious hosts.

    "As for AT&T management ? let's hope you learned a valuable lesson in crisis management. Not sure we'll renew our service agreement when our current one expires. We have zero confidence in your service and ability to manage it."

    On Tuesday, AT&T had blamed a server for the outage, but on Wednesday night, the company said the cause involved "a software upgrade."

    Based on online customer comments, the outage appeared to have affected service in about 14 states, from North Carolina to Texas and Oklahoma, as well as numerous subscribers in Arkansas.

    AT&T said Wednesday that less than 1 percent of its U-verse customers were affected by a widespread outage that began on Monday. The company said it had 7.4 million U-verse subscribers as of third-quarter 2012. One percent of that would be 74,000.


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    Setting the Dark on Fire: Beautiful view of clouds of cosmic dust in region of Orion

    Jan. 23, 2013 ? In space, dense clouds of cosmic gas and dust are the birthplaces of new stars. In visible light, this dust is dark and obscuring, hiding the stars behind it. So much so that, when astronomer William Herschel observed one such cloud in the constellation of Scorpius in 1774, he thought it was a region empty of stars and is said to have exclaimed, "Truly there is a hole in the sky here!" [1]

    In order to better understand star formation, astronomers need telescopes that can observe at longer wavelengths, such as the submillimetre range, in which the dark dust grains shine rather than absorb light. APEX, on the Chajnantor Plateau in the Chilean Andes, is the largest single-dish submillimetre-wavelength telescope operating in the southern hemisphere, and is ideal for astronomers studying the birth of stars in this way.

    Located in the constellation of Orion (The Hunter), 1500 light-years away from Earth, the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex is the closest region of massive star formation to Earth, and contains a treasury of bright nebulae, dark clouds and young stars. The new image shows just part of this vast complex in visible light, with the APEX observations overlaid in brilliant orange tones that seem to set the dark clouds on fire. Often, the glowing knots from APEX correspond to darker patches in visible light -- the tell-tale sign of a dense cloud of dust that absorbs visible light, but glows at submillimetre wavelengths, and possibly a site of star formation.

    The bright patch below of the centre of the image is the nebula NGC 1999. This region -- when seen in visible light -- is what astronomers call a reflection nebula, where the pale blue glow of background starlight is reflected from clouds of dust. The nebula is mainly illuminated by the energetic radiation from the young star V380 Orionis [2] lurking at its heart. In the centre of the nebula is a dark patch, which can be seen even more clearly in a well-known image ( from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.

    Normally, a dark patch such as this would indicate a dense cloud of cosmic dust, obscuring the stars and nebula behind it. However, in this image we can see that the patch remains strikingly dark, even when the APEX observations are included. Thanks to these APEX observations, combined with infrared observations from other telescopes, astronomers believe that the patch is in fact a hole or cavity in the nebula, excavated by material flowing out of the star V380 Orionis. For once, it truly is a hole in the sky!

    The region in this image is located about two degrees south of the large and well-known Orion Nebula (Messier 42), which can be seen at the top edge of the wider view in visible light from the Digitized Sky Survey.

    The APEX observations used in this image were led by Thomas Stanke (ESO), Tom Megeath (University of Toledo, USA), and Amy Stutz (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany). APEX is a collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR), the Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) and ESO. Operation of APEX at Chajnantor is entrusted to ESO.


    [1] In German, "Hier ist wahrhaftig ein Loch im Himmel!"

    [2] V380 Orionis has a high surface temperature of about 10,000 Kelvin (about the same in degrees Celsius), nearly twice that of our own Sun. Its mass is estimated to be 3.5 times that of the Sun.

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by European Southern Observatory - ESO.

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

    Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

    Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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    Tuesday, January 22, 2013

    Free Legal Question: Criminal Law | Florida | Hello, | LawGuru


    I had an active warrant in Marion County, Florida for violation of probation (Possession of Cannibus less than 20 grams). The warrant was issued in 2004. It is now inactive or it is gone(according to the website and the Warrant Department) but I'm not totally sure. I am currently living outside of the United States. My question is, can this warrant be re-activated if I re-enter the United States in Florida? The last few times I entered through California and TSA detained me and told me I had a warrant but they took no action as Florida chose not to extradite. Can TSA or the State of Florida do anything if I go through customs in Florida? Thank you for helping me out with this.



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    Facebook Rolls Out Ad Conversion Measurement Globally So That Marketers Know When One Of Their Ads Did The Trick

    facebook-ads-logo DoneFacebook today took one more step in making its advertising more accountable for media buyers: it has now rolled out a conversion measurement system ?across its global footprint. Aimed at direct marketers, the optimization and conversion toll was first announced back in November; now it's available globally, and can be used?on all Facebook ads and sponsored stories, the company says, as well as in combination with any other targeting services. And, in a sign of increasing cross-platform marketing,?Facebook says that its conversion measurement tool is ?can report when a user views an ad on one platform, like mobile, but then converts on another, like a PC. It's the only tool so far that can do this -- but as Facebook continues to expand its advertising business, it's not likely to be the last.


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    Toronto travelling notary embattled by price war, traffic, travel times ...

    Vital Stats


    Notary Public, Commissioner of Oaths and Lawyer offering mobile services 24/7 anywhere in the GTA

    Years active:

    Despite a favourable industry reputation and high-quality service, Rula B. Morcos is struggling against large new competitors trying to price her out of her travelling notary business.


    ?My competitors are slashing prices and killing the market,?? says Morcos. ?There are guys out there charging $15 for a notarization, and in many cases, not following the processes and protocols required under law.?


    Morcos has operated her part-time mobile notary public and commissioner of oaths business in the GTA since 2003. She?s a lawyer and public officer authorized to serve the public in non-contentious matters dealing with estates, deeds, powers-of-attorney and international business. This means Morcos? main job is administering oaths and affirmations, taking affidavits, and witnessing and authenticating documents.


    To stand out in a market rife with fierce competition ??Morcos claims her direct competitor count recently reached 25 ? her business focuses on two key customer benefits: on-demand service and competitive rates.


    ?I offer late-night appointments, evening appointments, holiday appointments, early morning appointments, weekend appointments and emergency appointments,? says Morcos. ?Whenever and wherever a customer needs us, generally I?ll be able to assist.?


    Notary services are often needed at all hours of the day and night.


    ?I got a call from a woman who had a death in her family in South America,? recalls Morcos. ?She immediately needed to fly out of Toronto and wanted to take her child with her, but needed the child?s father to sign a consent letter authorizing her to do so.?


    The business??second benefit is competitive pricing. Morcos charges $37 plus tax for a typical notarization. But market conditions have forced these rates down to $35 including tax, depending on availability and time of booking ? even though Morcos? travel costs remain fixed.


    And, despite the price drop, Morcos says customers regularly present her with a competitor?s quote ? which is usually lower.


    This is because the scale of Morcos? competition is daunting, with some larger market players owning more than 100 walk-in locations across Canada. Prices can range from $9 to $59 per notarization, depending on location and the number of documents being notarized. So, even if Morcos differentiates herself with home visits, her customers don?t have to travel far for the services of cut-rate competitors.


    And, says Morcos, customers often don?t understand what they?re paying for or how complex notary services can be.


    ?We charge by the signature, not the document,? she says. ?Some documents can require five signatures notarized in triplicate ? which requires additional work.?


    What a customer might think is one document warranting a $37 notarization fee may actually involve 15 signatures and a cost of almost $200. Naturally, clients unfamiliar with these processes and pricing structures may become upset and go elsewhere.


    ?Some people think it?s just a one minute, one signature job,? says Morcos. ?And that?s definitely not the case if the job is to be properly executed.?


    The combination of these factors make a very volatile marketplace for notary services, which means Morcos? business is constantly forced to attract new customers. To supply that fresh stream of prospective clients, Morcos invests in Google search engine keywords, her website, online advertisements, print advertisements and referrals.


    Morcos believes the investments will help re-establish her business, returning it to its pre-price war status. She says the key is finding more customers needing large-scale, repeat work. Her ideal client is a business that deals with mortgages and real estate transactions at a high enough volume to generate $500 to $1,500 per week.


    There?s room to grow. At the moment, 80 to 90 per cent of revenue comes from new, ad hoc clients who don?t require long-term service.


    ?Legal services are increasingly more competitive and subject to pricing pressures,? says Albert Luk, a lawyer with the firm Devry Smith Frank LLP in Toronto. ?In this uncertain economy, there has been a race to the bottom on certain types of legal services.?


    While it may not give Morcos much immediate comfort, Luk believes these changes in the marketplace are a wake-up call for the legal profession.


    ?Pricing pressures force the industry to explain why it is charging what it is charging, the value it is providing over a competitor and to be generally innovative and responsive to changing market demands,? he says.


    Despite these challenges, Morcos remains optimistic about the future of her business.


    ?I really want to build this business up, hire staff, and invest in better online marketing,? she says.


    But first, she?ll need to figure out how to increase her volume and turn a profit amidst rampant price deflation.


    ?I need to be paid what the work is worth,? she says.


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    Sunday, January 20, 2013

    'Everyone wants a piece': Uptick in Pakistan violence

    By Waj S. Khan, Producer, NBC News

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- In Pakistan's complicated and multiple insurgencies, killing is cyclical.

    The onset of winter traditionally marks the end of the militants' "fighting season" and heralds a lull in attacks.

    But this year is different. Pakistan is facing an?extraordinary surge in terrorist activity.

    The country is reeling from an intense spate of organized militancy that has?crossed international borders and morphed from an anti-Western jihad in Afghanistan to an anti-state and sectarian movement deep inside Pakistan.?

    The increasingly sophisticated and high-profile attacks have killed scores. They include at least 114 people who were slain in a series of attacks on Jan. 10, a day which was later dubbed "Black Thursday."

    This uptick in violence in Pakistan comes as Islamabad is trying to improve its relationship with Kabul and Washington. It is seen as a message from insurgents: They are not going anywhere.

    "With the end in sight, and the ground for final talks being laid across the border in Afghanistan, and by default in our badlands, too, everyone wants a piece," said Gibran Peshimam, political editor at the Express Tribune newspaper and a fellow at the Reuters Institute?at?Oxford University. "And those who were bound by circumstance are now at each others' throats for a piece of the pie."

    One human rights group has warned that sectarian violence targeting Pakistan's Shiite Muslims was rising.

    Speaking to Reuters in the aftermath of "Black Thursday," ?Ali Dayan Hasan of Pakistan Human Rights Watch said:

    "Last year was the bloodiest year for Shias in living memory. More than 400 were killed and if [the Jan. 10] attack is any indication, its just going to get worse." ?...

    The roughly 500,000-strong Shia Hazara community in Quetta are routinely hunted by extremist groups because their ethnically distinct features make them an easy target, Dayan said.?

    "They live in a state of siege. Stepping out of the ghetto means risking death."

    The impact of the "Black Thursday" attacks was felt nationally, with relatives of the victims refusing to bury their dead for four days and staging a downtown sit-in, forcing an executive decision by the prime minister and president to sack the province's elected government for ineptness.

    Although 14-year-old education activist Malala Yousafzai survived a point-blank shooting which provoked international attention and outrage, there has been no shortage of deadly incidents since the Taliban targeted her in October.

    By mid-December, Pakistan's gradient of terror became remarkably steep, and continues to rise.

    Women and children now fair game
    On December 15, a sophisticated, multi-stage suicide-bomber and sniper attack on Peshawar airport and an air force base triggered concerns about the ability of the country's nuclear-armed military to protect itself.

    Two days later, the Taliban would claim responsibility for the deadliest car bombing of 2012. Women and children were among 21 killed in Jamrud.

    On December 18 and 19, drive-by shootings targeting health workers -- who were part of a national immunization drive to treat children with much-needed polio vaccines -- would claim the lives of eight people, most of them young women.

    The following weekend, one the Taliban's most vocal critics would be silenced. Veteran politician Bashir Bilour, a senior government minister, was among nine victims of a suicide bombing in Peshawar. The Taliban would claim responsibility, pledging to continue targeting secular politicians like Bilour.

    And just before New Year's Eve, 22 of the 23 paramilitary soldiers kidnapped during a daring militant attack on their posts near Khyber turned up dead. They were executed without any ransom demand being received.

    Militants would continue to target women, killing seven health workers on New Year's Day -- newfound misogyny in a region that, though historically volatile, has long respected women's safety as non-combatants. Seven more army soldiers, who were abducted while returning from vacation to join their unit, would be killed on January 2 in Attock.

    As Afghanistan's endgame evolves, the matrix of hostilities changes in Pakistan as well -- where women and children are now considered fair game by insurgents. The plot thickens and the terrible surprises continue.

    "There are a large number of players and an increasing number of attacks in a lot of different areas, with a lot of different agendas with no real common element," the journalist Peshimam added. "It would be safe to say there are a lot of different quarters that need to be satiated. And fast. If they can't be appeased, then the armed forces will need to lock and load."

    Related stories:?
    Cleric leaps from low-profile life in Canada to center of Pakistan's political maelstrom
    Crisis in Pakistan as court orders prime minister's arrest
    An A to Z guide to the Islamic Republic of 'Banistan'?


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    Miami Industrial Real Estate Market Report Year End 2012 Edward ...

    miami industrial warehouse stats 2012

    In ComReal Miami?s year end report for 2011, we wrote about the ?return of the landlords? and about the announcements of speculative construction for several, new warehouse projects. In 2012, the theme was absolutely ?breaking ground!? as eight new projects commenced. It was very good to see vertical construction in Miami occur once again. ComReal reports that the total amount of warehouse space that was completed and/or nearly-completed in 2012 was about 2,200,000 sq. ft. In addition, new warehouse buildings are going to be constructed in 2013 in Beacon Lakes, Flagler Station, Miami International Tradeport, Airport North Industrial Park, South Florida Logistics Center and Miami International Logistics Center. This year we can expect to see more new construction, some in-fill developments, some re-developments of existing warehouses plus even some demolitions of older, non-functional buildings.

    In comparison to the end of the year in 2011, 2012 ended with slight increases to both the average sales price and lease rate; $64 per sq. ft. and $7.54 per sq. ft. respectively. The vacancy rate dropped from 7.9% to 6.7%. Although the positive absorption was only 2,080,000 sq. ft. (down from 2,508,000 sq. ft.), that is a very good sign considering that we had new warehouse space delivered to the market.

    The grand finale of the year, was the late-December closing on 45 acres located at 7500 NW 82nd Place in Medley by L&B Realty Advisors. The price was $45,000,000 or about $11.75 per sq. ft. plus the cost of the additional site work that will be needed. Butters Construction & Development will be constructing over 900,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space for what is now being branded as Airport North Industrial Park.

    Miami continues to be one of the most dynamic markets in the entire country. No city in the USA may benefit more than Miami from the Foreign Trade Agreements (FTA?s) and Foreign Trade Zones (FTZ?s) thanks in part to the U.S. Department of Commerce. The federal, state and local investments to our infrastructure and transportation systems will secure the foundation for developing our overall industrial real estate market.

    On a side note, our team appreciates all of your support this past year. We look forward to working with you in 2013 and beyond. Like many of you, the past few years have been challenging for our team, our staff and our families. However, with your support and patronage, we were able to re-build ourselves to help serve you better than ever. Looking back, the work was never easy, but we always did business the right way. We would not have it any other way. Thank you very much.

    In case you missed our prior report, you may click this link for ComReal?s Miami Industrial Real Estate Market Report for the 3rd Quarter, 2012. >>>

    New Construction Report:

    warehouse construction in miami miami warehouses map

    The ComReal Miami Industrial Team is pleased to present this report on new construction of industrial warehouses in Miami. At the time of this report, there was over 1,000,000 sq. ft. of newly-completed and/or nearly-completed warehouse buildings in 2012. For our brief summary of the report, please visit New Industrial Warehouse Construction in Miami. >>>


    Miami International Commerce Center ? 8000 Flex Space Building:

    flex space miami

    ComReal Miami is pleased to announce their representation of PS Business Parks for the lease of their 45,000 sq. flex space in Doral. The Doral flex space building is comprised of both office and warehouse space that is divisible from about 7,500 sq. ft. and up. The property is located at 8000 NW 25th Street in Miami International Commerce Center (MICC) in Doral, Florida.Visit the property website at >>>


    Miami International Logistics Center:

    port miami warehouse

    ComReal is pleased to announce the pending construction of a new class A warehouse named Miami International Logistics Center. The class A, bulk-sized 400,000 sq. ft. building will be one of the closest warehouses to Port Miami and Miami International Airport. The twenty acre site is located just off the Airport Expressway (State Road 112) which is less than twenty minutes from the port and airport. The completion date of this nearly $40M project is expected by May 2014. If having a warehouse near Port Miami is important for your Miami drayage operations then this is the property for you. Please visit Miami International Logistics Center. >>>


    Miami Commercial Real Estate Event(s):

    ccim miami outlook conference 2013

    Join the the Miami-Dade District of the Certified Commercial Investment Members (CCIM) for their annual Outlook Conference. Expect 300 commercial real estate professionals in attendance. Ed Redlich, CCIM, SIOR will be presenting the Industrial Report. For more details and/or to RSVP visit: CCIM Miami Commercial Real Estate 2013 Outlook Conference. >>>


    South Florida Distribution Warehouse Sold:

    carls furniture warehouse

    Congratulations to Ronald ?the Silver Fox? Winokur of The ComReal Companies for the successful closing of this South Florida warehouse formerly known as Carl?s Furniture. The sales price was $12,700,000 making it one of the largest sales for 2012. The mixed use building totals over 400,000 sq. ft. Read more about the transaction at South Florida Warehouse. >>>


    Miami Warehouses Leased in 4th Quarter 2012 (partial list):

    Tenant Size SF Property Address
    Pacific Services & Trading 35,160 12200 NW 25 Street
    University of Miami 70,500 6891 NW 74 Street
    Towne Air Freight 67,000 1530 NW 98 Court
    TM Telecom 32,000 10205 NW 19 Street


    Miami Warehouses Sold in 4th Quarter 2012 (partial list):

    Buyer Property Address Size SF Price $ PSF
    Genet Property Group 10510 SW 185 Terrace 220,000 $9,000,000 $41
    UBS AG 10000 NW 15 Street 209,000 $26,000,000 $124
    Bristol Aventura LLC 20725 NE 16 Avenue 206,000 $17,260,000 $83
    Terreno Realty 7600 NW 26 Street 138,000 $12,100,000 $88
    Exporther Bonded Corp 2323 NW 72 Avenue 82,261 $6,000,000 $73
    Industrial Income Trust 2750 NW 84 Avenue 70,000 $7,050,000 $100
    SNJ Real Estate 4601 NW 77 Avenue 54,000 $4,250,000 $80
    Holem Realty Group 2500 NW 74 Avenue 52,466 $3,000,000 $57
    Professional Products Group 6990 NW 25 Street 50,000 $4,160,000 $83
    STB Properties LLC 8900 NW 33 Street 49,708 $5,050,000 $101
    Ring Power Coporation 3400 NW 77 Court 46,059 $3,447,000 $74
    WK Cargo 8020 NW 60 Street 35,000 $1,250,000 $35
    Contreras y Compania 2685 NW 105 Avenue 15,000 $1,630,000 $108


    Service Provider of the Quarter:

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    If you are considering a financial consultant, we recommend consulting with Mr. Eric Garcia of Popular Investments in Miami. Eric can assist you by making educated choices. There are voluminous stocks, bonds and other investments to select from; each with various degrees of rewards versus risks. Both new and seasoned investors should consider retaining their own financial adviser. Popular Investments will serve your needs and help make you achieve the financial success you deserve. For more info, please contact Eric J. Garcia at 305-335-5333.



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    Groupon Removes Pro Gun, Pro Hunting Deals & Listings - Boycott ...

    Gun Rights Activist Takes Aim At Online Coupon Giant Groupon.



    AmmoLand Gun News

    AmmoLand Gun News

    Austin, TX - -( An Austin-based concealed handgun instructor has called for a nationwide boycott of Groupon, the popular deal-of-the-day website that offers discounted gift certificates on behalf of local businesses.

    Michael Cargill, the owner of Central Texas Gun Works, says his contract with Groupon was abruptly terminated Friday morning, after Groupon founder and CEO Andrew Mason decided the company would no longer associate with any business related to firearms.

    Cargill, who ran for Austin City Constable (Precinct 2) in the 2012 Democratic primary, says he was astounded that Groupon executives might object to promoting the Texas concealed handgun course?a course designed by the Texas Department of Public Safety and mandated by state law for anyone wishing to obtain a Texas concealed handgun license.

    ?What reasonable person could have a problem with gun owners choosing to undergo safety training and proficiency testing?? he asked. ?It?s as if the people at Groupon equate anyone who believes in the Second Amendment with the armed monsters who occasionally make headlines.?

    When his appeals to Groupon fell on deaf ears, Cargill settled on an alternative tactic.

    In his words, ?If the executives at Groupon want nothing to do with supporters of the Second Amendment, supporters of the Second Amendment should want nothing to do with Groupon.

    That?s why I?m calling on every American who believes in the right of safe, lawful gun ownership to join me in refusing to hand over even one cent to an organization that clearly has no respect for those of us who?whether for recreation or personal protection?choose to exercise a constitutional right.?

    Cargill says he will coordinate with the many gun rights organizations with which he has longstanding relationships, to ensure that the boycott extends beyond the Lone Star State.

    ACTION: Call Groupon at, 1 (888) 375-5777 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm CST, and tell them you will not use there services till they support the Second Amendment and firearms related goods and services.

    ABOUT?Michael Cargill
    Michael Cargill is a certified Texas concealed handgun instructor and a small business owner who is active in both state and local politics. As an advocate for fair-minded gun laws, he has become a fixture at the State Capitol and on local television. In 2012, he ran in the Democratic primary for Austin Precinct 2 Constable and forced the incumbent into a runoff race. During the 2012 presidential race, he served as a featured speaker at a rally for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson.


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    Saturday, January 19, 2013

    Apple's Jony Ive, Twitter's Dick Costolo, Yahoo's Marissa Mayer sit down for pizza feast...

    tech-pizza-feast.pngWhat do Apple's Jony Ive, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, Google X director Mike Cassidy and Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer all have in common? A love of pizza, by the looks of things!

    Business Insider have posted an image from what looks like the most tech-savvy pizza party of all time, where the aforementioned tech luminaries were joined by the CEOs of Yelp, Dropbox and Path, at a dinner hosted by Nextdoor CEO Nirav Tolia. Junk food by the silver plater load seems to have been the order of the day for the wealthy execs. Silver-service pizza - still all geeks at heart then!

    To have been a fly on the wall that night! While Business Insider offers little insight to go with the image posted by Cassidy to Facebook, the discussions between Ive and Dropbox's team would have been particularly interesting, considering Apple's previous attempt at buying out the company. As The Verge speculates, could Ive have been trying to ignite that deal once again, boosting Apple's iCloud?


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    Green Blog: E.P.A. Extends Deadline for Navajo Plant's Pollution Controls

    In a bid to clean up one of the nation?s dirtiest coal-fired power plants without causing economic harm to the Navajo Nation that surrounds it, the Environmental Protection Agency indicated on Friday that it would give the plant?s owners five extra years, until 2023, to install expensive state-of-the art emissions reduction equipment.

    The agency expressed its willingness to extend the deadline by releasing a proposed rule.

    The Navajo Generating Station near Page, Ariz., not far from the Grand Canyon, has long been a priority for environmentalists concerned about the health impacts from the pollution it generates and the ensuing haze that settles over the the majestic park.

    But the 2,200-megawatt plant has powerful defenders. Its electricity has helped light Los Angeles and pump Colorado River water to communities around Arizona. The plant, which first generated electricity 39 years ago, and the Kayenta coal mine that feeds it provide about 1,000 local jobs. The vast majority of these are held by Native Americans. Unemployment rates are well above 50 percent in and around the reservation.

    Jared Blumenfeld, the E.P.A.?s regional administrator for California, Nevada and parts of Arizona, said the economic issue was a major reason for the extension. ?There?s an economic reality and imperative here,? he said in an interview. ?I am committed to ensuring that we were not the reason the facility closes,? he said. ?I wanted it to remain open while the tribes develop a plan for a more sustainable future.?

    Yet the essential goal, he added, is to enforce the Congressional mandate to reduce the haze the obscures the view in national parks like Grand Canyon.

    The managers of the Salt River Project, the private utility that manages the plant, said they were uncertain what the implications of the proposal would be. Even investing as much as $1 billion in control equipment, and extending the deadlines, might not solve the problem, they said.

    ?We appreciate that the E.P.A. appears to have attempted to take into consideration the complex timing issues that this decision creates for the N.G.S. owners,? John Sullivan, the chief resources executive at the project, said in a statement. ?Unfortunately, the proposal may not allow the owners enough time to resolve uncertainties facing the plant before they will be required to make a significant financial commitment.?

    The E.P.A. proposal makes it clear that the agency will accept only one technology to clean up the emissions of nitrogen oxides. These chemicals are a key component in the formation of fine particles, which are associated with both haze and heart and lung disease. But it also gave the plant credit for its installation of so-called low-NOx burners several years ago; these credits were part of the formula for extending the deadline for installation of the new equipment.

    The technology the agency is requiring, known as selective catalytic reduction, transforms some of the smokestack gases into a harmless blend of pure nitrogen and water vapor. Installing these control systems on the three units of the Navajo generating station could cost $550 million to $1.1 billion, according to an estimate published by the Central Arizona project, which distributes the Colorado River water.

    The conciliatory proposal, on which the public can submit comments for the next 90 days, drew mixed responses from the longtime combatants in the battle over the plant?s emissions.

    Erny Zah, a spokesman for the Navajo Nation, said the proposal?s insistence on this technology was disappointing. ?But it seems that the E.P.A. did have in mind our concerns about the economic impact that harsh deadlines could do to this plant, and the mine, and northern Arizona as a whole,? he said.

    Andy Bessler of the Sierra Club praised the E.P.A. proposal. ?We applaud the Environmental Protection Agency for requiring the long-overdue cleanup of pollution from this dirty coal plant, which for decades has harmed human health and marred one of the nation?s iconic national parks, the Grand Canyon,? he said.


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    No Question of Anxiety Go for Unsecured Online Finance | Good Info ...

    By: Amarjeet Singh
    Submitted: 2013-01-18 22:44:59 | Word Count: 449

    Where is the end of anxiety when shortage of cash does not allow a person to meet demands which are really unavoidable? People who have tangible property may risk the same if they look for finance available in secured category. There are plenty of finance institutions or agencies which come forward to assist those finance seekers. On the other hand, the borrowers can keep their assets untouched if they like to have an access to online unsecured loans CA. The same is also ideal for the people who are non-homeowners or who do not have property of worth in this sense.

    Online unsecured loans CA can be secured within shorter time. Actually, the finance agencies want to finish the job as quick as possible. They advise the loan seekers to follow online mode of loan application. Consumption of time is remarkably less in this mode. The borrowers are to enter some primary information (name of the borrower, bank statement details, proof of address etc for example) in a very simple type of online form. Online submission of loan application helps the applicants in maintaining privacy, because the lending agencies take advantage of encryption technology.

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    The borrowers can make use of the fund as they would consider it right. They can try to clear important bills and also can manage several demands like funding for child's education, wedding budget, holidaying, reconstruction of any part of the home etc. The finance does not require collateral. Hence, it is a great relief.

    With online unsecured loans CA, the finance seekers can obtain an amount in the range between $1,000 and $25, 000 subject to their income potential. The lenders assess financial condition of the applicants and fix the amount that will be paid. The borrowers should be careful in repaying the loan amount and they should respect the repayment program. If they do not or cannot repay the monthly installments, they are charged with fines.

    People are worried of their credit status, if they have weaker credit score (that is, less than 600 marks as per FICO). They need not be upset and they can apply for online unsecured loans CA for which the lenders set aside the credit record when they review the loan application. People residing in Canada are eligible for this variety of cash programs provided that they are adult and that they are citizens of Canada. They must earn substantially in every month through employment of permanent kind. It is an imperative that they hold a bank account, valid and active.

    Author Resource:- Amarjeet Singh is Author of this article. For more information about Canada Loans No Credit Check please visit

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