Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Duluth Personal Injury Attorneys - Montlick & Associates

Our Montlick and Associates team of experienced Duluth personal injury attorneys has been serving Duluth clients and providing injury victims with effective legal representation for almost thirty years. Our dedicated attorneys diligently advocate for our Duluth clients in an extensive range of personal injury cases with legal strategies designed to fit the unique facts of each client?s case. Whether our clients have endured an injury through the intentional, indifferent or inattentive misconduct of a third party, we are devoted to procuring significant compensation for significant losses and injuries. We pursue financial compensation for our clients? physical, emotional, and financial hardships so that our clients can reclaim their lives after serious injuries.

Since the founding of our firm in 1984, our skilled Montlick and Associates legal team has recovered millions of dollars in compensation for hundreds upon hundreds of personal injury victims. Motor vehicle collisions, construction site accidents, nursing home abuse and neglect, medical malpractice, defective products and other specialized areas of advocacy are included in our wide-ranging scope of legal experience. For our Duluth clients, the most frequently arising personal injury claims have included:

Duluth Motor Vehicle Accidents: The most regularly occurring cause of personal injury claims is motor vehicle accidents with more than ten million collisions reported annually. When including property damage, police, emergency and medical services, lost productivity and quality of life, the enormous costs related to motor vehicle collisions exceeds an estimated $160 billion per year. Motorized vehicles of all types may be involved in collisions resulting in injury as well as pedestrians and bicycles. For our Duluth clients, automobile accidents lead to the greatest number of accident-related injuries and wrongful deaths. Life altering injuries or wrongful death may be caused by a number of distinct forms of negligent conduct, including inattentive driving, following too closely, traveling at unsafe speeds, driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol, and violating traffic signals and regulatory signs. Extremely challenging financial obstacles and intense medical treatment often burden Duluth car accident victims after experiencing the extensive injuries which may be involved with such accidents.?? Our dedicated motor vehicle accident attorneys at Montlick and Associates are committed to assisting Duluth residents with their needs, capably handling our clients? legal and insurance issues while they focus their efforts on their own physical recovery. Speak with our experienced staff of Duluth vehicle accident injury professionals for assistance.

Duluth Commercial Trucking Collisions: Tractor-trailer accident cases present particular concerns for personal injury lawyers and the victims of such vehicle accidents. The complex issues, dynamic forces, and extensive injuries involved in a commercial trucking collision are greatly increased because a commercial tractor-trailer may weigh up to 40 tons when transporting a full load of cargo. In such accidents, the risk of wrongful death is also considerably heightened. Although interstate and intrastate trucking companies are strictly regulated, benefitting all motorists, commercial trucking companies are sometimes compelled by added profits to disregard safety regulations and acceptable procedures. Insufficiently trained or improperly screened drivers or their inadequate supervision by the commercial carrier often increase the risk of its drivers being involved in a serious collision. Issues including improperly maintained equipment, mechanical failures and driver fatigue may also pose significant risk to other motorists, bicyclists, motorcycle riders and pedestrians. In effectively representing our Duluth personal injury victims, an extensive familiarity with industry practices and trucking regulations is essential. Our experienced Duluth trucking accident attorneys at Montlick and Associates are also are well versed in the tactics employed by trucking industry companies in their efforts to circumvent liability for the injuries caused by their drivers and their own indifference.

Duluth Motorcycle Accident: Motorcycles offer almost no physical protection in a collision and are also much less stable vehicles. According to transportation statistics, while serious injury may result from almost any motor vehicle accident, motorcyclists are approximately twenty-five times more likely to experience a fatal accident than motorists in passenger vehicles. Other motorists? failures to effectively detect motorcyclists in traffic result in devastating motorcycle crashes. When undertaking motorcycle injury lawsuits and settlements, our Duluth accident injury attorneys endeavor to construct the most effective legal theory based on the facts of your motorcycle collision

Duluth Dog Attacks (Dog Bite Claims): The scope and intensity of injuries caused by dog attacks is underscored by the fact that nearly one billion dollars in insurance claims are paid out by homeowner?s insurance policies annually from these types of injuries. More than 750,000 dog bite injuries that are of sufficient severity to require medical treatment are sustained each year with millions of individuals throughout the country becoming dog bite victims. Recent data shows the number of hospitalizations for such injuries over a 15-year period has basically doubled; the number of emergency room visits in rural areas being nearly four times as great as in urban areas. Duluth residents that sustain injuries as the result of an aggressive dog whose owner has not properly restrained or confined it may by subject to civil liability. Our experienced team of Duluth personal injury lawyers at Montlick and Associates has successfully recovered compensation for seriously injured dog attack victims, including those requiring reconstructive surgery.

Duluth Slip and Fall Accidents: Even though slip and fall cases may seem like relatively straightforward cases, they can be extremely difficult to effectively litigate because of challenges in uncovering key facts and the common insurance industry strategy of blaming the fall victim. Falls of various types are the basis of more than one million reported injuries each year in the U.S., and the life-altering debilitating nature of falls injuries often goes unnoticed until someone is a slip and fall victim.?? As a patron of a Duluth commercial establishment, it is a reasonable expectation that those running commercial enterprises will exercise sensible precautions and perform suitable inspections for possible hazards, either warning patrons of possible hazardous conditions that may not be apparent or correcting potentially unsafe conditions.?? Our capable personal injury attorneys at Montlick and Associates possess the knowledge and experience necessary to investigate and distinguish hazards such as uneven flooring, unacceptable cleaning procedures, inadequate lighting and other conditions which may promote the risk of falling accidents. Contact our qualified Duluth legal staff for a consultation if you have experienced injury in a falling accident.

Duluth Wrongful Death Claims: When a person suffers injuries in a car accident, motorcycle accident, slip and fall, construction accident, or other incident caused by intentional or negligent actions proves fatal, an accident victim is unable to seek compensation personally, but a fundamental principle of law provides that such victims should be compensated. With the loss of a loved one in a motor vehicle or other serious accident, numerous challenges are encountered by families. Intense emotional loss and immense financial obstacles are not infrequent with the loss of a loved one. Wrongful death actions can address both compensation to family members for their personal losses incurred, as well as compensation which accident victims would have received had they survived. Montlick and Associates is dedicated to pursuing the compensation our Duluth clients need in these extremely challenging circumstances.

Duluth Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Claims: Some form of abuse is experienced by more than thirty percent of all nursing home residents, as the resources needed to care for our elderly loved ones continue to grow with a rapidly aging population. With approximately 1.5 million people living in nursing home facilities, government statistics indicate that as many as 9 out of every 10 may be understaffed or staffed with under-qualified caregivers. Because there is no uniform national screening process, the employment of inadequately screened workers is common in nursing home facilities. The elderly are frequently vulnerable and may be unable or hesitant to express their own concerns, fears, or complaints, often becoming victims of psychological distress, physical abuse, malnutrition, financial exploitation, chronic neglect and even sexual abuse. When nursing homes give precedence to cutting costs rather than proper care-giving practices or their residents? well-being and care, our experienced Duluth personal injury attorneys may be able to represent you. Contact our experienced Duluth staff if your vulnerable loved one has suffered personal injury through nursing home neglect and abuse.

Duluth Premises Liability: Duluth commercial property owners generally are legally obligated to maintain their land and property in a reasonably safe condition or to warn those entering their premises of potential non-obvious manmade hazards. Canine and other animal attacks, dangerous falls, and other sources of injury caused by hazardous conditions on the property of others may require the informed legal representation of an experienced Duluth personal injury lawyer. Our Duluth premises liability team is experienced in these matters and we invite your inquiries.

Duluth Construction Site Injuries: Duluth construction sites are often hazard-filled workplaces with a wealth of injury risks. Each year while carrying out their jobs, construction workers in a broad range of construction trades are injured at the job site. An estimated 150,000 accident injuries occur annually on construction sites based on labor statistics. Falls from poorly constructed scaffolding, unfinished roofs or ladders can cause catastrophic injuries like spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries or even fatalities. Another serious hazard on Duluth construction sites is heavy equipment, such as cranes, backhoes, loaders, booms, excavators and other equipment. Electrocution, exposure to toxic chemicals, or explosions may also form the basis for a workers? compensation and/or personal injury claim. Our Duluth construction accident attorneys have the skill and experience to provide effective legal representation to our clients in the full spectrum of Duluth construction accident cases.

Duluth Workers? Compensation Claims: In the U.S., private industry employers report approximately three million illnesses and non-fatal workplace injuries each year.?? For a Duluth employee suffering such an injury, the need for medical treatment and disability from employment may be extremely hard on an employee and the employee?s family. Such claims typically involve a no-fault basis for seeking workplace injury compensation, meaning no proof of negligence on the part of an employer must be provided. We analyze our client?s construction accident to determine the most effective approach, which may involve undertaking both a personal injury claim and a workers? compensation claim.

Duluth Pedestrian Accidents: An increased nationwide emphasis on health issues has prompted many Duluth residents to join others taking to city roadways as pedestrians, whether by way of walking, jogging or running. While being effective methods of exercise, an unfortunate reality is that motorists that use these same thoroughfares often fail to satisfactorily focus their attention on their driving or to drive in a safe manner. At Montlick and Associates, our experienced Duluth legal team works with pedestrian accident victims to pursue the monetary recovery that is often needed to promote one?s recovery after suffering serious pedestrian accident injuries.

If you or someone you love has suffered a serious personal injury, our experienced Duluth personal injury lawyers are committed to representing personal injury victims in obtaining compensation to rebuild their lives and support their family. Call now for a FREE CONSULTATION with Montlick and Associates experienced Duluth injury attorneys. Our attorneys are available to help you and may even visit you if needed. You can call us anytime 24/7 at 1-800-LAW-NEED (1-800-529-6333) for a FREE CONSULTATION. Alternatively, you can visit our website to make use of our FREE CASE EVALUATION FORM or 24-hour live online chat service.

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