Saturday, April 13, 2013

Screenwriters Say 'Winter Soldier' Sets Stage for 'Avengers 2 ...

Iron Man 3 comes out in a couple of weeks, Thor: The Dark World is nearing the completion of production, and shooting on Captain America: The Winter Soldier has gotten underway. Yup, Marvel Phase 2 is shaping up nicely, but it?s that last title that has the most mystery to it, and coincidentally it is also the one of the three with the most direct connection to The Avengers 2.

Screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely penned The Winter Soldier, and they also did some work on The Dark World, so they are as close to an authority on Phase 2 you can get after say Kevin Feige or Joss Whedon. While doing a round of press for a non-Marvel film that they wrote, Michael Bay?s Pain & Gain, Markus and McFeely talked with /Film about their process working on Marvel films, the difference between the two Captain America movies, and what their work on Winter Soldier might say about The Avengers 2.

I saw you guys speak soon after Captain America: The First Avenger came out and you were already working on Captain America 2. Since then, how much has the script changed? Was it always the Winter Soldier, did it have Black Widow, Nick Fury and everyone else?

Stephen McFeely: When you saw us speak, we probably were just in the throwing stuff against a wall phase. So that would?ve been like July or June of 2011. For those, say, next three or four months, it was a process of us going back and forth with Marvel and thinking what about ?this, and what about this??. And eventually that sort of steered down into an outline and then we started writing that outline in late 2011. So from the summer, it changed plenty, but from the outline in late that year, it?s been the same

Christopher Markus: ?It?s been pretty drilled down.

So if you were writing that movie, how did you have time to work on Thor: The Dark World as well?

Markus:?Between Cap drafts, Kevin gave us a call. We were in a great place on Cap because we had a lot of lead time on Cap 2 so there was a certain amount of leisurely pacing. We had the time.

McFeely:?And when you turn in drafts you don?t automatically get notes the next day. Sometimes it takes a while. So Kevin said ?You?re gonna have a month or whatever? and so we slid over to Thor. To be honest, we don?t know who?s gonna get credit on that movie. There are a lot of people who contributed to it so it may not be us, we don?t know.

Thor and Cap are such different characters, how do you go about balancing writing for each of them?

McFeely:?We?re inheriting that story so we didn?t come up with the story for Thor 2. We just came in and said ?How can we tell this better and differently?? So your question doesn?t really come up to us. We say ?Here?s the problem Thor is dealing with. These are the people and this is the plot. How do we balance character and plot efficiently here?? And we do the same thing with Cap, but in that case we?re just on it for much longer.

Markus:?Cap is much more about realism. They?re tonally quite different genres, almost. Things get a lot more ?way out? in Thor, so the chance of tonal overlap is pretty slim.

Just looking at Cap?s release date, plus knowing it?s set in the same time, same city, and with the leader of The Avengers, it seems likely it?ll do a lot of legwork for The Avengers 2. You obviously can?t talk specifics, but how do you work with Kevin Feige and Joss Whedon to make sure your film, as well as Thor 2, all fits in for Avengers?

McFeely:?Kevin is the dungeon master, so if there?s something we really need to know, he?ll tell us, but he doesn?t steer us. With rare exceptions does he say ?We can?t do that because of this next movie.? More often than not he?ll say ?Let?s get this movie right and whatever falls out after that,we?ll address in the next movie. We?ll make sure that we don?t steer that movie in the wrong direction.?

Markus:?And more often than not, when you?re thinking of the movies as a whole, it?s ?What do you want the state of the world to be when Avengers 2 kicks off?? It?s never like, Cap has to put down a briefcase so the Hulk can pick it up. It?s never that specific. It?s sort of like, ?Where do you want loyalties to lie when that movie opens??

How much bigger is The Winter Soldier from The First Avenger?

McFeely:?It?ll feel like a different genre, we?ll can say that. We?re very proud of the first one because it was our love letter, and Joe Johnson?s love letter, to Indiana Jones, so it had that Forties vibe to it. This is much more of a modern conspiracy political thriller. So it?s a fast ride. The action will fell commensurate. You?ll see Cap fight in a way that you have never seen before, or at least not for him. The DNA is the same, but the animal is different.

Finally, do you want to continue doing Marvel movies or would you like to pepper in different genres like with Pain & Gain?

Markus:??We always want to switch it up, but I?m VERY comfortable at Marvel (laughs). They?re very nice people and I love playing with their toys.

McFeely:?Chris is right. A lot of people walk in and say ?If you get to a position where you can pick things, you do one for us and one for them.? We like doing big and small, and in terms of big, I don?t know where else I?d rather do big movies than Marvel. I know everybody. When they say let?s write this script, I know they?re going to make the movie. There are expectation. I like all of it. We could go do other things, and maybe we will, but there?s no guarantee that they?ll be as good or as culturally relevant. And that?s fun. It?s really fun for my mom to say my son wrote that.

Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, open November 8, 2013 and April 14, 2014 respectively.


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