Wednesday, November 30, 2011

From Giving to Impact Investing | eJewish Philanthropy: Your Jewish ...

by Shawn Landres

The philanthropic paradigm that funded the organized Jewish community for much of the 20th century is in terminal crisis. Federated giving and allocation platforms no longer are the dependable revenue streams they once were. Within the organized Jewish community, at least three factors are challenging assumptions that governed donor behavior for generations:

Increasing numbers of individual Jews question not only the significance of Jewish communal involvement in their own lives but also the relevance of inward-looking Jewish institutions to global concerns.

At a time when Jewish federations and human service agencies report growing demand for their core priorities ? educational initiatives, anti-poverty programs, health services, assistance to the aging ? they face a sharply declining donor pool.

Many of those who do give to federations, especially younger donors, expect to be able to direct their contributions to specific beneficiaries and programs, irrespective of the budgetary needs of the broader service platforms. Growing numbers of donors want to know the measurable impact of their gifts and grants.

While the traditional Jewish nonprofit economy is reacting to these seismic shifts, a new sector dedicated to public benefit is flourishing in North America and around the globe. This ?impact economy? encompasses social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social business, and impact investing, and it does not focus purely on profit or social benefit. Instead, the impact economy combines multiple bottom lines: financial returns, social gains, environmental benefits, and economic development. Impact investing rapidly is becoming a vital part of contemporary individual, institutional, and foundational investment portfolios. Analysts estimate that by 2020, the global impact economy will reach $400 billion to $1 trillion, mostly from individual investments of less than $25,000 each.(1)

Impact investing in social enterprise blurs the boundaries between profit seeking and charitable giving. This is a market paradigm governed as much by Adam Smith?s The Theory of Moral Sentiments, writes the White House?s Jonathan Greenblatt, as it is by Smith?s The Wealth of Nations.(2) Social enterprise transforms welfare recipients into stakeholders in their own socioeconomic future; impact investment transforms donors into investors who can expect to do (reasonably) well while doing good. For example, bonds available through the Community Investment Initiative created jointly by Jewish Funds for Justice and the Calvert Social Investment Foundation provide inexpensive microcredit in economically distressed regions. At the same time, they guarantee investors the return of principal plus interest of 1 percent to 2 percent interest. Social venture funds, another impact investment vehicle, build on principles of ?patient capital? and can achieve an even more sustained impact and higher payouts. In many respects, these financial instruments are 21st-century versions of Maimonides?s highest levels of tzedakah; they create job opportunities and enable beneficiaries to sustain themselves.

Social enterprise also offers Jewish donors and investors the opportunity to apply Jewish principles and values within the organized Jewish community and around the globe. Jews are disproportionately represented among impact investors and social entrepreneurs alike, just as they are in other areas within the public benefit sector. Jewish community involvement in social enterprise honors and involves Jews working globally in tikkun olam and expands our understanding of what it means to ?do Jewish.? Agencies gain the added benefit of access to the latest innovation engines for improving core human service delivery. In Los Angeles, for example, Beit T?Shuvah, a combined Jewish congregation and substance-abuse-recovery organization, won Los Angeles Social Venture Partners? 2010 Social Innovation Fast Pitch competition through its social venture, BT Communications, a nonprofit advertising and social media agency that employs and trains treatment center residents.

Impact investing generates self-renewing revenue streams that fund core priorities. Furthermore, access to those streams attracts and engages high-net-worth investors and funders who may not be interested in traditional Jewish federated philanthropy. Research suggests that for most investors, funds for impact investing are redirected from other investment vehicles rather than from charitable commitments, which results in more funding for the social good. In short, greater investment in the impact economy could generate a net increase in overall Jewish giving.

The future of the Jewish nonprofit sector depends on new mixes of investment income, charitable gifts, and earned revenue. With an investment mix that includes high-growth, socially responsible industries, such as clean energy, financial returns on impact investments will not only benefit investors, but also provide backstop funding to social service programs that lack an adequate donor base. They also can supplement funding for truly philanthropy-dependent initiatives focused on identity, culture, or broad-based social change ? many of which struggle to find stable income and do not have earned income streams. While there are no panaceas for the challenges facing the field of social service, the natural parallels between Jewish values and those of the impact economy augur a creative and promising future for the Jewish philanthropic and nonprofit sectors.

(1) Hope Consulting, 2010, ?Money for Good: The U.S. Market Opportunity for Impact Investments and Charitable Gifts from Individual Donors and Investors?; J. P. Morgan, 2010, ?Impact Investments: An Emerging Asset Class?.

(2) Jonathan Greenblatt, ?Investing for Change: The Emergence of the Impact Economy.? Huffington Post, January 14, 2011.

Shawn Landres is the co-founder and CEO of Jumpstart ? a nonprofit that works across the globe to empower organizations and leaders committed to compelling, relevant, and meaningful visions of Jewish life. Jumpstart?s most recent publication is The Jewish Innovation Economy: An Emerging Market for Knowledge and Social Capital. A 2009 Ariane de Rothschild Fellow and a 2010 Nahum Goldmann Fellow, Landres is a member of the ROI Community, a Jerusalem-based global community for young Jewish innovators initiated by philanthropist Lynn Schusterman. He serves on the Sh?ma Advisory Committee and on the board of Keshet, a grassroots advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Jews. He was named to the Forward 50 in 2009 and to The Big Jewcy 100 in 2011. He thanks Joshua Avedon, Jonathan Greenblatt, and Renata Landres for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this article.

Reprinted with permission from the October 2011 issue of the journal?Sh?ma, as part of a larger conversation about philanthropy and tzedakah.


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Geek shopping site threatens to leave you broke

This Is Why I'm Broke

By Rosa Golijan

I don't really know what I expected to find on a site called "This Is Why I'm Broke" when I first heard about it a few months ago, but I certainly didn't think that it would become the main stop for my geeky holiday shopping needs.

Yet here I am ??debit card in one hand, mouse in the other.

This Is Why I'm Broke

This Is Why I'm Broke is not a traditional shopping site ??meaning that it's not an retailer or reseller and won't take any of your money. Instead it'll provide you with a collection of some of the silliest, geekiest, and strangest items on the Internet?? along with links to online shops which offer them.

There are things like?water jet packs, suit pajamas, flying radio controlled sharks, jedi bath robes, 7-foot gumball machines, custom bobbleheads, glow-in-the-dark toilet paper ... and well, you're probably starting to get the idea. This Is Why I'm Broke basically lists everything a geek's dream store would contain?? which should make holiday shopping a breeze.

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Want more tech news, silly puns or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts, or circling her?on?Google+.


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UN scientist: fighting climate change saves costs

(AP) ? The U.N.'s top climate scientist cautioned climate negotiators Wednesday that global warming is leading to human dangers and soaring financial costs, but containing carbon emissions will have a host of benefits.

Rajendra Pachauri, head of the Nobel-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, summarized a litany of potential disasters at a U.N. climate conference in the South African city of Durban. Although he gave no explicit deadlines, the implication was that time is running out for greenhouse gas emissions to level off and begin to decline.

Heat waves currently experienced once every 20 years will happen every other year by the end of this century, he said.

Coastal areas and islands are threatened with inundation by global warming, rain-reliant agriculture in Africa will shrink by half and many species will disappear. Within a decade, up to 250 million more people will face the stress of scarce water.

Increasingly frequent weather disasters have imposed heavy financial burdens, with some poor countries running up 90 percent of their national debt to deal with the aftermath of storms, droughts and floods, he said.

But the Indian scientist said "many impacts can be avoided, reduced or delayed" by reducing emissions.

To stabilize carbon concentrations in the atmosphere would slow economic growth by 0.12 percent per year, he said, but those costs would be offset by improved health, greater energy security and more secure food supplies.

Associated Press


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Start Me Up [Video]

Start Me Up If you're feeling lethargic after an extended holiday weekend, let The Rolling Stones motivate you into your work week with a little Start Me Up. Apart from being an upbeat kickstart to the week, it also holds the honor in many of our minds as the Windows 95 song. Good times!

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Work Sounds is a twice-a-week post that highlights good music to enhance your 'getting stuff done'. On Mondays, we focus on a piece of music to help motivate you for the week ahead; on Wednesdays we feature distraction-free, headphones-on, head-down work tunes. Have a suggestion on a song or album we should feature for Work Sounds? Share it with us here.


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Beyonce's "Live at Roseland" almost worth the self-worship (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES ( ? No one ever need organize a tribute concert for Beyonce, since she's done such a good job staging her own self-homage with "Beyonce: Live at Roseland," a concert DVD that also doubles as a self-directed episode of "This is Your Life."

The second half of the program, shot during a four-night stand in August, is a nearly complete run-through of her most recent album, the possibly underrated "4." Fan reaction to the record hasn't been as enthusiastic as it was for Beyonce's earlier albums, which doesn't stop her from introducing it (without any real elaboration) as "my most defining moment."

Preceding this is a 30-minute medley/monologue billed as "The Journey B 4," in which the pre-2011 greatest hits of Beyonce's and Destiny's Child are excerpted mostly in half-minute snippets, interrupted by a self-serving stream of fact- and figure-filled historical commentary. It's sort of like the inevitable middle act in a Diana Ross show dedicated to paying lip service to the Supremes.

It's all highly impressive, and almost all a little annoying, if solipsism isn't your thing. Say this for Beyonce though: Even at her most egotistical, she's strangely never less than utterly likable. She might actually be the world's most good-natured megalomaniac.

Part 1 was probably more fun to experience at Manhattan's Roseland ballroom than it is to watch on home video -- especially if you already own a copy of "I Am Yours - An Intimate Performance in the Encore Theater," a 2009 DVD filmed in Vegas that included a scripted Destiny's Child mega-medley almost identical to this disc's.

In the intervening two years, apparently no one told her she needed a script doctor to reshape a life story that goes a little like this:

"And the hits just kept on coming! But the success just wasn't enough to keep Destiny's Child together With a lot of success comes a lot of negativity Now it's 2002, and I just finished co-starring in my first No. 1 movie, 'Austin Powers' They told me I didn't have one hit single (on 'Dangerously in Love'). I guess they were right. I had five!... All the hard work (portraying Etta James) paid off, since it got me my second Golden Globe nomination " And then this: "What do you do after 16 Grammys and millions of records sold? Whatever makes you happy!"

Repeated triumphs over show-biz adversity aside, no one will be mistaking this for an Elaine Stritch one-woman show.

Part 2 proves far more satisfying, even though Beyonce may be overestimating "4" as the culmination of her career to date, if only because the tunes all last more than a minute each and there is no further boasting about the accolades she has earned from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. Liberated from the lousy patter to pay tribute to songs instead of herself, she is fairly glorious. Naturally.

Almost across the board, the live versions of the "4" material are more invigorating than the studio equivalents, with Beyonce's's eight-piece all-female band making everything sound like the great cross-pollination of contemporary urban and '70s soul you'd hope for.

(You do have to wonder what that 10-piece string section -- also all-female -- is doing constantly sawing away directly behind Beyonce's, besides providing visual props, since you'd be hard-pressed to ever hear cellos and violins in the mix.)

"End of Time" is a particular stunner, with drummer Cora Coleman-Dunham transforming an already martial beat into something like a one-woman marching band drum corps.

And Bey is at her best on "Love on Top," which takes what is a very tired diva stunt -- repeated octave changes -- so far over the top that the trick officially becomes spectacular again. It doesn't hurt that she's employing her mastery of multiple key changes not on some hackneyed ballad but on a fun, Motown-inspired romp.

"4" had more balladry than we'd heard on a Beyonce's album in a while. Three of the first four songs featured from the album fall into that category, climaxing with the memorable sight of the singer kneeling on a piano top for "1 + 1," allowing us a chance to focus exclusively on the super-humanness of her thighs and, sure, vocal prowess that seems almost irritatingly effortless.

It's all good until the closing "I Was Here," a self-celebratory anthem that seems to be arriving a few decades earlier than any superstar's valedictory ballad should. While Beyonce sings about the mark she's making on the world, you get random footage of the star traveling the world, admiring a portrait of Gandhi, earning more awards, greeting Make-a-Wish kids, and hanging with Nelson Mandela, Michael Jackson, Obama, and Oprah.

Oh, well. The straightforward performances were fun while they lasted, before they gave way not just to that terrible closing montage but also auteurist end credits that have Beyonce's giving herself title cards as director, executive producer, and co-show-director/choreographer.

It may be up to true diva devotees, of course, to rightfully determine whether all this sweet self-congratulation counts as hubris when we're dealing with an actual goddess.


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GOP supercommitteers meet, sort-of (Politico)

The six Republican members of the supercommittee got the gang back together Tuesday - but they weren?t talking policy.

This time, it was a thank-you gathering for the staff, Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) told POLITICO.

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?There was no real substantive discussion,? Toomey said.

But there was food. The freshman senator noted that there were deep-fried jalapenos, crudite, and chips and salsa.

?We had the best food we had in this entire process,? Toomey said.


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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Coulter calls McCain a ?douchebag,? gets bleeped by MSNBC (The Cutline)

Ann Coulter, conservative author and preferred provocateur among cable news bookers, was repeatedly bleeped during a recent appearance on "Morning Joe" on Tuesday. In the bleeped asides, Coulter apparently called John McCain a "douchebag."

Coulter was also cut for several seconds while discussing the consistency of current and former GOP candidates, including Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and McCain.

"What did I say, 'douchebag'?" Coulter, realizing she had been bleeped, asked Joe Scarborough.

"We'll just blur it all out," Scarborough said.

"Well, they got the general drift," Coulter added.

On Monday, McCain appeared on "Imus in the Morning" on Fox Business, and was asked about his daughter Meghan's recent hiring by MSNBC.

"She went over to the dark side I guess," McCain said. "I am very proud of her. She's feisty. Being over there she is going to have to have quite a bit of that. I'm sure she will fight for the things she and I believe in."

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Arab League sanctions Syria

In an unprecedented move against a fellow Arab nation, the Arab League on Sunday approved economic sanctions on Syria to pressure Damascus to end its deadly suppression of an 8-month-old uprising against President Bashar Assad.

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But even as world leaders abandon Assad, the regime has refused to ease a military assault on dissent that already has killed more than 3,500 people. On Sunday, Damascus slammed the sanctions as a betrayal of Arab solidarity and insisted a foreign conspiracy was behind the revolt, all but assuring more bloodshed will follow.

The sanctions are among the clearest signs yet of the isolation Syria is suffering because of the crackdown. Damascus has long boasted of being a powerhouse of Arab nationalism, but Assad has been abandoned by some of his closest allies and now his Arab neighbors. The growing movement against his regime could transform some of the most enduring alliances in the Middle East and beyond.

At a news conference in Cairo, Qatari Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim said 19 of the League's 22 member nations approved a series of tough punishments that include cutting off transactions with the Syrian central bank, halting Arab government funding for projects in Syria and freezing government assets. Those sanctions are to take effect immediately.

Story: UN: 'Numerous' reports of child torture by Syria's security forces

Other steps, including halting flights and imposing travel bans on some, as-yet unnamed Syrian officials, will come later after a committee reviews them.

"The Syrian people are being killed but we don't want this. Every Syrian official should not accept killing even one person," bin Jassim said. "Power is worth nothing while you stand as an enemy to your people."

He added that the League aims to "to avoid any suffering for the Syrian people."

Video: Inside Syria: Underground network of cyber activists keeps revolution alive (on this page)

Iraq and Lebanon ? important trading partners for Syria ? abstained from the vote, which came after Damascus missed an Arab League deadline to agree to allow hundreds of observers into the country as part of a peace deal Syria agreed to early this month to end the crisis.

Arab League Secretary General Nabil Elaraby said the bloc will reconsider the sanctions if Syria carries out the Arab-brokered plan, which includes pulling tanks from the streets and ending violence against civilians.

The regime, however, has shown no signs of easing its crackdown, and activist groups said more than 30 people were killed Sunday. The death toll was impossible to confirm. Syria has banned most foreign journalists and prevented independent reporting inside the country.

The Local Coordinating Committees, a coalition of Syrian activist groups, praised the sanctions but called for a mechanism to ensure compliance.

"The sanctions leave open the opportunity for the regime to commit fraud and strip the sanctions of any substance, thereby prolonging the suffering of the Syrian people at the hands of an oppressive and brutal regime," the group said.

The Arab League move is the latest in a growing wave of international pressure pushing Damascus to end its crackdown. The European Union and the United States already have imposed sanctions, the League has suspended Syria's membership and world leaders increasingly are calling on Assad to go. But as the crisis drags on, the violence appears to be spiraling out of control as attacks by army defectors increase and some protesters take up arms to protect themselves.

Syria has seen the bloodiest crackdown against the Arab Spring's eruption of protests, and has descended into a deadly grind. Though internationally isolated, Assad appears to have a firm grip on power with the loyalty of most of the armed forces, which in the past months have moved from city to city to put down uprisings. In each place, however, protests have resumed.

The escalating bloodshed has raised fears of civil war ? a worst-case scenario in a country that is a geographical and political keystone in the heart of the Middle East.

Syria borders five countries with whom it shares religious and ethnic minorities and, in Israel's case, a fragile truce. Its web of allegiances extends to Lebanon's powerful Hezbollah movement and Iran's Shiite theocracy. Chaos in Syria could send unsettling ripples across the region.

For now, Assad still has a strong bulwark to prevent his meeting the same fate as the leaders of Egypt, Tunisia or Libya anytime soon. His key advantages are the support of Russia and China, fear among many Syrians about a future without Assad, and the near-certainty that foreign militaries will stay away.

But the unrest is eviscerating the economy, threatening the business community and prosperous merchant classes that are key to propping up the regime. An influential bloc, the business leaders have long traded political freedoms for economic privileges.

Video: Start of a civil war in Syria? (on this page)

The opposition has tried to rally these largely silent, but hugely important, sectors of society. But Assad's opponents have failed so far to galvanize support in Damascus and Aleppo ? the two economic centers in Syria.

Sunday's sanctions, however, could chip away at their resolve.

Since the revolt began, the regime has blamed the bloodshed on terrorists acting out a foreign conspiracy to divide and undermine Syria. The bloodshed has laid bare Syria's long-simmering sectarian tensions, with disturbing reports of Iraq-style sectarian killings.

Syria is an overwhelmingly Sunni country of 22 million, but Assad and the ruling elite belong to the minority Alawite sect. Assad, and his father before him, stacked key military posts with Alawites to meld the fates of the army and the regime ? a tactic aimed at compelling the army to fight to the death to protect the Assad family dynasty.

Until recently, most of the bloodshed was caused by security forces firing on mainly peaceful protests. Lately, there have been growing reports of army defectors and armed civilians fighting Assad's forces ? a development that some say plays into the regime's hands by giving government troops a pretext to crack down with overwhelming force.


Youssef reported from Cairo. Associated Press writer Adam Schreck contributed from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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NSN CEO sees no more cash from Nokia, Siemens: report (Reuters)

FRANKFURT (Reuters) ? The chief executive of Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN), the world's second-largest maker of mobile phone network equipment, has warned employees NSN cannot expect any more money from its parent companies, a German magazine reported on Sunday.

Parents Nokia and Siemens have provided capital "for the last time" and expect this investment will provide results, Spiegel reported, citing a copy of a letter sent from Rajeev Suri to NSN's 9,000 employees in Germany.

"Our profitability is still too low, we're burning cash reserves, have too many business areas that have never produced adequate returns and regions that have always been loss-making," Spiegel cited the letter as saying.

NSN has struggled to make a profit since being set up in 2007 and last week announced plans to axe 17,000 jobs, or nearly

a quarter of its workforce.

Nobody at NSN was immediately available for comment.

(Reporting by Victoria Bryan; Additional reporting by Tarmo Virki; Editing by David Holmes)


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Obama shops for Small Business Saturday (cbsnews)

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Syracuse fires assistant basketball coach amid probe (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Syracuse University fired assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine, the target of an investigation into allegations he molested a former ball boy and at least one other boy, the university said on Sunday.

"At the direction of Chancellor (Nancy) Cantor, Bernie Fine's employment with Syracuse University has been terminated, effective immediately," the school said on its website.

Fine, who has called the accusations against him "patently false in every aspect," was in his 35th season with Syracuse and the longest-serving coach at one school in major college basketball.

He was accused of inappropriate behavior with the former ball boy, identified as Bobby Davis, now 39, and his stepbrother Mike Lang, now 45, when they were juveniles.

Fine's longtime boss, Hall of Fame coach Jim Boeheim, who has coached Syracuse for 34 years, had previously issued a statement supporting Fine but said on Sunday the university had taken appropriate action in firing him.

Syracuse is the third major U.S. university to recently disclose an incident involving alleged abuse, including the announcement on November 5 that a longtime assistant football coach at Penn State was charged with sexually abusing eight boys over nearly 15 years.

The Penn State scandal shocked the university and led to the dismissal of legendary head football coach Joe Paterno.

Syracuse's basketball team is undefeated and the university in upstate New York is widely heralded as having one of the top college basketball programs in the country.

(Reporting by Barbara Goldberg; Editing by Cynthia Johnston)


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Europe scrambles to save euro (AP)

PARIS ? European leaders raced Monday to save the euro from impending collapse, as momentum gained for a radical proposal in which countries that use the common currency would cede control of a big chunk of their budgets to a central authority.

In the run-up to the next European summit on Dec. 9, hopes were rising that, with their backs to the wall, leaders will finally come up with a solution that will once and for all bring an end to a crisis that has threatened to wreck the global economy.

A raft of hitherto taboo ideas gained sudden prominence Monday.

Chief among them: a fast-track move to a fiscal union between the 17 countries that share the euro ? a proposal some say would be a big leap toward a United States of Europe. Such a move could greatly enhance European stability, but at a cost, critics say, of national sovereignty and democratic accountability.

Another plan gaining support in the face of fierce German resistance is for the eurozone's six triple A rated nations to pool their resources through a joint bond to prop up some of the single currency bloc's most indebted members. Germany, the EU's richest member, rejects the idea because it fears it would be tapped for the lion's share of the bailout.

A critical test comes Tuesday when European finance ministers meet for a summit in Brussels and Italy tries to tap markets for billions more in cash. U.S. President Barack Obama was meeting top EU officials Monday at the White House to discuss the crisis.

Whatever materializes, the euro is in grave danger ? with experts saying the currency could fall apart within days without drastic action.

Evolution Securities economist Gary Jenkins said a series of government bond auctions this week "may determine the future of the EU."

Financial Times columnist Wolfgang Munchau wrote Monday that the common currency "has 10 days at most" to avoid collapse and big decisions need to be taken, including moves to a fiscal union and the creation of a common treasury with wide-ranging powers.

As experts predicted the endgame for the euro, Europe buzzed with talk of a central treasury authority for the eurozone ? an idea that just a week ago would have seemed impossible.

Unlike the United States, which has centralized institutions in Washington D.C. for raising taxes and spending, the eurozone has 17 independent treasuries with little oversight from Brussels. That would change under the fiscal union proposal being aired ahead of the EU leaders' summit in less than two weeks.

While not explicitly backing such a move, Germany and France, the eurozone's two biggest economies, have promised to propose new measures that will make the 17 operate under strict and enforceable rules ? the hope being that no country, however small, can wreak such damage again.

The idea of fiscal union is controversial not least because it raises fears among some members that economic policy around Europe will be run by the EU's biggest player: Berlin.

But with Europe on the brink, it may be a price that many nations are willing to accept.

The break-up of the euro, established only in 1999, could have catastrophic effects around the global economy. Among the unappetizing prospects are a massive bank run, the seizing-up of the global financial system, and chaotic currency fluctuations for those that go back to their historic money.

"Everyone knows that if the eurozone crashes the consequences would be very dramatic and in the race after that there would no winners, just losers," said Finland's finance minister Jutta Urpilainen.

Already, the Paris-based OECD is warning that the global economy is in for a hugely rocky road over the coming months ahead. In its half-yearly report Monday, it said the continued failure by EU leaders to stem the debt crisis that has spread from Greece to much-bigger Italy "could massively escalate economic disruption" and end in "highly devastating outcomes."

The latest bout of turmoil to afflict the eurozone came last week after Germany failed to raise all the money it wanted in a bond auction and Italy had to pay through the roof to get investors to part with their cash.

If a busy bond schedule this week meets ? Italy is planning to raise euro8 billion on Tuesday ? with an equally poor reception, then the euro's countries will be in real danger of being locked out of international markets and facing the devastating prospect of defaulting on their debts.

Germany, as Europe's only powerhouse economy, would then have to decide whether to bail its partners out ? or bail out itself.

As governments nervously tap bond markets, Germany appeared to be readying to ask its eurozone partners to back measures for deeper fiscal union.

"The common currency has the problem that the monetary policy is joint, but the fiscal policy is not," Germany's Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said in a meeting with foreign reporters in Berlin. "Consequently, we are working now to expand the common currency through a common stability policy."

Schaeuble said the proposal, which Chancellor Angela Merkel is to bring up during the Dec. 9 EU summit, would only require passage by the 17 eurozone member states, although the other ten EU countries, such as Poland and Sweden, would be welcome to adopt it if they wanted.

The prospect of a deeper fiscal union has been greeted positively in the markets, with the Stoxx 50 index of leading European shares closing up 3.6 percent and the euro rising 0.4 percent to $1.3337.

"There appears to be a sense of greater urgency among eurozone leaders after some very worrisome developments last week," said Vassili Serebriakov, an analyst at Wells Fargo Bank.

However, analysts said such a move would take a long time to come to fruition.

"We do seem to be moving slowly towards more of a fiscal union but at a pace that may result in all the components being put in place after a complete meltdown of the financial system," Evolution Securities' Jenkins said.

Many think the ECB is the only institution capable of calming frayed market nerves and German Chancellor Angela Merkel's continued dismissal of a greater ECB role has frayed market nerves.

"The ECB has the means to provide a credible measure to avoid further contagion in the sovereign bond markets," the OECD's Chief Economist Carlo Padoan said. "And if you ask me if that is the lender of last resort function, I would say yes."

Potentially, the ECB has unlimited financial firepower through its ability to print money. However, Germany finds the idea of monetizing debts unappealing, warning that it lets the more profligate countries off the hook for their bad practices. In addition, it conjures up bad memories of hyperinflation in Germany in the 1920s.

So far, the ECB has been reluctant in taking on a bigger firefighting role. Current rules only allow it to buy up government bonds in the markets on condition that it sells an equivalent amount of assets.

Though figures Monday showed that it stepped up its purchases in the markets last week to euro8.6 billion from euro8 billion the week before, analysts think that's not enough to keep a lid on countries' borrowing rates. Italy's main ten-year bond yield stands at over 7 percent, the threshold that eventually proved too costly for Greece, Ireland and Portugal and led them to seek financial help.

One proposal that's often been touted as another key pillar of a long-term solution is the issuance of eurobonds, whereby the 17 euro nations pool together to raise money in the markets. Again though, Germany has opposed the principle of eurobonds since it would expose its taxpayers to the bad debt of weaker countries.

A variant of that emerged Monday with a report in Germany's Die Welt newspaper that the six eurozone countries with a triple A rating would issue bonds together. So-called "elite bonds" would be used to support the fiscally-endangered.

Germany's Schaeuble said the report was "completely made up."


Melissa Eddy, Juergen Baetz, Kirsten Grieshaber and David Rising in Berlin, and Matti Huuhtanen in Helsinki contributed to this story.


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Monday, November 28, 2011

Neocons & the GOP National Security Debate (Atlantic Politics Channel)

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Once again, GOP hopes this is their chance to defeat Nelson (tbo)

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US vows full probe into Pakistan border incident (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The Obama administration on Saturday pledged a full investigation into a NATO attack that allegedly killed 24 Pakistani troops.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in a joint statement offered their "deepest condolences" for the loss of life in the cross-border incident in Pakistan. Clinton and Panetta also said they "support fully NATO's intention to investigate immediately."

Secretary Clinton, Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. John Allen, commander of the NATO-led coalition forces in Afghanistan, each called their Pakistani counterparts as well, the statement said.

U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter also met with Pakistani government officials in Islamabad.

"In their contacts, these US diplomatic and military leaders each stressed -- in addition to their sympathies and a commitment to review the circumstances of the incident -- the importance of the US-Pakistani partnership, which serves the mutual interests of our people," the statement said.

"All these leaders pledged to remain in close contact with their Pakistani counterparts going forward as we work through this challenging time," the statement concluded.

The incident was a major blow to American efforts to rebuild an already tattered alliance vital to winding down the 10-year-old Afghan war. It was the latest in a series of setbacks to the alliance, often caused by border incidents.

Islamabad called the bloodshed in one of its tribal areas a "grave infringement" of the country's sovereignty.

If confirmed, it would be the deadliest friendly fire incident by NATO against Pakistani troops since the Afghan war began a decade ago.

A NATO spokesman said it was likely that coalition airstrikes caused Pakistani casualties, but an investigation was being conducted to determine the details.

The relationship between Pakistan and the U.S. has severely deteriorated over the last year, especially following the covert American raid that killed Osama bin Laden in a Pakistani garrison town in May. Islamabad was outraged it wasn't told about the operation beforehand.

The border issue is a major source of tension between Islamabad and Washington, which is committed to withdrawing its combat troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Much of the violence in Afghanistan is carried out by insurgents who are based just across the border in Pakistan. Coalition forces are not allowed to cross the frontier to attack the militants. However, the militants sometimes fire artillery and rockets across the line, reportedly from locations close to Pakistani army posts.


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Sunday, November 27, 2011

T-Mobile Springboard 4G

At the crest of a wave of highly anticipated 7-inch tablets, you may have missed Huawei?s T-Mobile Springboard 4G. It lacks the hype of the Amazon Kindle Fire?($199, 4 stars) or the Barnes and Noble Nook Tablet?($249, 4 stars), but the Springboard is worth considering if you're looking for a tablet with 3G connectivity?something those other tablets are missing. Unlike the Kindle Fire and Nook Tablet?s heavily modified Android 2.3 software, the Springboard runs Android Honeycomb 3.2, joining the Acer Iconia Tab A100 ($329.99, 4 stars) in a growing lineup of smaller-screen Honeycomb tablets. The Springboard outclasses the Iconia Tab A100, with its slick aluminum chassis, beautiful IPS display, and above-average battery life. But with a new version of Android coming and competition stepping up, it's just harder to get a four-star rating than it was when we reviewed the A100 this summer.

Pricing and Design
The Springboard comes in a 16GB model that T-Mobile offers for $179.99 with a two-year contract, or $429.99 sans contract. The contract price requires you to pay at least $50 per month for your first 20 months, which gets you 2GB of data with no overages, but reduced speeds if you go beyond 2GB. For many users, a simple Wi-Fi connection will be enough, and any additional data can be bought on a pay-as-you-go basis. T-Mobile offers no-contract prepaid plans in MonthPass and WeekPass options, ranging from $10 for 7 days with 100MB, to $50 for 30 days with 3GB. The $429.99 off-contract price is higher than the Springboard's main competitors, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus ($399), the Acer Iconia Tab A100, the Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet, and Kindle Fire. However none of those offer a cellular data option, and all but the Galaxy Tab have less onboard storage.

Fitting comfortably in a single hand, the Springboard feels solidly built and substantial. Its aluminum body is reminiscent of the iPad 2 ($499, 4.5 stars), using a smooth nearly-unibody construction with two plastic pieces attached to the back. At 7.5 by 5.1 by 0.4 inches and 14.1 ounces, the tablet is heavier than the 13.9-ounce Iconia Tab A100 and on par with the Kindle Fire and Nook Tablet.? When held in portrait mode, the top edge of the tablet houses two small speakers and a standard 3.5-mm headphone jack.? The speakers are fair and produced decent audio output in my tests, but like with most tablets, to get the best results, you'll need headphones or an external speaker.

The Power button and volume rocker sit towards the top of the right edge. A power jack, micro HDMI port, and micro USB port for connecting to computers can be found on the bottom edge. The Springboard comes with 16GB of onboard storage, expandable up to 48GB with up to a 32GB microSD card. The microSD slot and SIM card slot can both be found under the bottom plastic panel on the back. ?

?Though T-Mobile touts it as a 4G tablet, we class the Springboard's HSPA+ 14.4 connection as 3G. But that's OK. It's still fast. (More on speed and performance in a minute.) The tablet also supports Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n and I was able to connect to protected networks easily. The Springboard also supports Bluetooth 2.1 with A2DP, which made it easy to connect to wireless headphones or speakers. The Springboard can double as a mobile hotspot and I had no trouble browsing the Web, streaming Netflix, and downloading files on multiple devices.

The 7-inch 1280-by-800-pixel IPS touch-screen display is a pleasure to look at. Colors are vivid, with deep blacks and very sharp text. The viewing angles were considerably wider than on the Iconia Tab A100. I found the screen to be brighter than the Kindle Fire with both at max brightness. The Kindle Fire?s 1024-by-600 display is good, but the Springboard?s higher pixel density made reading on the screen easier. The screen is responsive and I rarely had to press more than once to register touches. One minor problem I found was that the bottom bezel, in portrait mode, is touch sensitive, causing a good amount of accidental clicks, inadvertently exiting apps or going back in the browser.

OS and Performance
The Springboard runs stock Android Honeycomb 3.2, with a few preloaded, removable apps and widgets from T-Mobile. This includes apps such as T-Mobile TV, Lets Golf 2, and Blockbuster, none of which were very useful. Other than that, if you've seen Honeycomb, there's nothing new here to note. The Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus has a smoother interface and apps run more fluidly on Samsung?s 7-inch tablet.

As far as third-party apps go, the Android-tablet-specific app selection still pales in comparison with Apple?s iPad app collection, and those tablet-specific apps are tougher to find in the Android Market. Given the smaller screen size, phone apps scale well on the Springboard, but until Google overhauls its app store to cater to tablet users, Android is at a distinct disadvantage. Tablet-specific apps such as StumbleUpon look great and took advantage of the screen real estate. Phone-specific apps like Facebook worked well enough, but there was a lot of room for improvement.

Under the hood, Huawei went with a 1.2GHz dual-core Qualcomm MSM8260 S3 Snapdragon processor.? Overall the Springboard felt very snappy and responsive, though I did notice some occasional choppy scrolling during my testing.? Apps loaded quickly and I was able to seamlessly switch between multiple running apps with ease. In our benchmarks the Springboard bested the Iconia Tab A100 on all but the Browsermark test. The HSPA+ 14.4 wasn?t what we consider 4G, but it turned in respectable speeds averaging 6.6Mbps down and 1.3Mbps up in Ookla?s app. ?

The Springboard has a 1.3-megapixel front-facing camera and a 5-megapixel rear-facing camera. The front-facing camera is on the top right corner when you hold the tablet in portrait mode, and its placement makes for odd video-chatting angles. Both still photo and video quality were disappointing. Even in good lighting conditions, there was noticeable noise in images. Test shots were grainy, with color speckles obscuring fine details when zoomed in. Outdoor shots were also problematic, with overexposed bright backgrounds and underexposed shadows. The rear-facing camera shot 720p video, but at jerky frame rates ranging from 15-25 frames per second. Video recorded with the front-facing camera had an out-of-sync audio track, rendering it video almost completely useless. Using Google?s Talk app to video chat produced choppy and out-of-sync video, ruling it out as a viable means for communication.

T-Mobile rates the Springboard's 4100mAh battery at up to 7 hours of continuous use and 12 hours on standby.? In our battery test, a continuous looping video with Wi-Fi on and screen brightness at 100 percent, the Springboard lasted 5 hours, 16 minutes. That's better than the Iconia Tab A100?s 3 hours, 53 minutes and more than the Kindle Fire?s 4 hours, 55 minutes, but shorter than most 10-inch tablets with bigger batteries, such as the iPad 2, which lasted 7 hours, 30 minutes.

The T-Mobile Springboard 4G offers a great 7-inch tablet experience in a high-quality design, as long as you're willing to write off the camera. The aluminum construction and excellent display outclass the Acer Iconia Tab A100. But at $430 without a contract, the Springboard is pricier than most other 7-inchers, including the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus at $400. The Galaxy Tab 7.0 is lighter, but it also has a lower-resolution 1,024-by-600-pixel display. Whether that's enough to justify the higher price tag will depend on consumers, but with the price of the Springboard approaching iPad levels, T-Mobile may have a hard time moving its newest tablet.

We gave the Acer Iconia Tab A100 four stars this summer, but competition has stepped up since then, especially in the form of the low-cost Kindle Fire and Nook Tablet. Those two tablets are considerably less-expensive options, with solid features, tighter ecosystems, and more-user-friendly interfaces. If media consumption and light Web browsing are all you are looking for, our Editors' Choice for small tablets, the Amazon Kindle Fire is a better choice. The Springboard isn't a bad tablet especially if you need one with 3G, but at its $430 off-contract price, it falls in a gray area between the high-end iPad 2 and the budget-friendly Kindle Fire. It is well made and feature-rich, but ultimately it doesn't provide enough to draw consumers away from either end of the spectrum.?

More Tablet Reviews:

??? T-Mobile Springboard 4G
??? Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet
??? Amazon Kindle Fire
??? HTC Jetstream (AT&T)
??? Archos 101 G9
?? more


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Cody Rhodes picked the wrong man to anger in Booker T

What was Cody Rhodes thinking?

On the Nov. 21 Raw SuperShow, after defeating Santino Marella, the Intercontinental Champion confronted the former Superstar turned announcer, Booker T, taking umbrage with months of the former King of the Ring?s comments regarding Rhodes? use of his protective mask as a weapon. The fact of the matter is Booker always added that the second-generation Superstar was talented enough not to have to resort to such tactics.

1288548210001|02:38This was arguably an unbiased and complimentary assessment of the Intercontinental Champion?s in-ring abilities; questioning only his attitude. The ringside incident ended shockingly when the reigning Intercontinental Champion threw water in the face of the former six-time WCW and WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

As a second-generation Superstar and son of WWE Hall of Famer, Dusty Rhodes, one would think Cody would be a better student of ring history. Booker hasn?t been removed from full-time competition long enough that anyone should be arrogant or foolish enough to forget who Booker T really is.

Well before beginning his new role as an announcer and even prior to his spectacular singles career, Booker T and his brother Stevie Ray won an unparalleled 10 WCW World Tag Team Championships, defeating top-tier teams like The Steiner Brothers, Sting & Lex Luger and Kevin Nash & Scott Hall.

1290652094001|03:37Following a falling out with his brother, Booker began building his own legacy and became a WCW Triple Crown Champion, winning the World Television, United States and World Heavyweight Championship. In fact, the versatile mat master won a total of 23 WCW titles, making him the most decorated competitor in the history of the organization and was both the United States Champion and World Heavyweight Champion when WWE purchased WCW in 2001.

1290652103001|00:48Booker made an immediate impact in WWE, interfering in the main event of the 2001 King of the Ring pay-per-view event, hopping over the guard rail and putting then-WWE Champion, ?Stone Cold? Steve Austin through the announcers? table. Spinaroonies aside, Booker T would then spend more than six years competing in countless main events against the likes of Austin, The Rock, Edge, Triple H, The Undertaker and John Cena.

This is truly the r?sum? a future member of the WWE Hall of Fame and someone with a wealth of experience. Forget Booker?s funny ?Fave Five.? Rhodes should be worried about being atop another ranking; Booker T?s hit list.

Can you dig that, Cody?


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Wis. GOP blasts plans for recall work near malls (Star Tribune)

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GOP starts costly attack ads early (Star Tribune)

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Official: More than 20 bodies found in Guadalajara (AP)

MEXICO CITY ? More than 20 bodies were discovered early Thursday in vehicles abandoned in the heart of Guadalajara, Mexico's second-largest city and the site of the recent Pan American Games, an official said.

that the bodies were found early Thursday in three vehicles left near the Milennium Arches, one of the most recognizable landmarks in the western city, an official with the prosecutor's office in the state of Jalisco, where Guadalajara is located, told The Associated Press. He spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the information.

The arches stand less than a 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) from the Expo Guadalajara events center, the site of both Pan Am Games events and the Guadalajara International Book Fair, which opens Saturday and describes itself as the world's most important Spanish-language book fair. The fair's website said it was expecting more than 600,000 visitors from around the world.

Guadalajara was flooded with police and soldiers during the Pan American Games and was spared significant violence.

Security officials have feared in recent months, however, that Guadalajara could become the next takeover target of the Zetas drug cartel, which has been using paramilitary-style tactics and headline-grabbing atrocities in a national push to seize territory from older organized crime groups.

Guadalajara was long the home of the methamphetamine-trafficking arm run by Ignacio "Nacho" Coronel, a high-ranking commander in the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel, named for its Pacific Coast home state north of Guadalajara.

Less than 24 hours before the bodies were found in Guadalajara, 17 bodies were found burned in two pickup trucks in a strikingly similar attack in Sinaloa. Twelve of the bodies were in the back of one truck, some of them handcuffed and wearing bulletproof vests.

Luis Carlos Najera, public security secretary for the state of Jalisco, told reporters Thursday morning that a message had been found in one of the vehicles. He did not describe it further. Mexican drug cartels frequently leave threatening messages with the bodies of their victims as a way of sowing fear and taking credit for their actions.

Responding to a reporter's question, Carlos Najera told the Televisa television network that he believed the recent calm in Guadalajara was the result of the increase in security, not that drug cartels had struck a truce during the games.

In Guadalajara, factions of Coronel's operation have been fighting for control since he was killed in a shootout with federal police in July 2010. The factions include the New Generation and another group known as the Resistance.

The Zetas have taken over neighboring Zacatecas state in their push west, and are eyeing Guadalajara both for the meth trade and for extortion potential.

Analysts have said there are rumors that some factions fighting the New Generation are ready to join with the Zetas, a coalition that would form a potent threat to Sinaloa's methamphetamine operations.


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Friday, November 25, 2011

San Jose city clerk says pot referendum qualifies then says 'not so fast' (San Jose Mercury News)

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China to bring charges for pipeline explosion (AP)

BEIJING ? Chinese state media say 14 senior oil managers will be charged and 29 others disciplined for an oil pipeline explosion in northeast China.

The July 2010 explosion near Dalian city caused China's worst known oil spill and an environmental crisis.

Xinhua News Agency says 14 people have been handed over to judicial authorities, but gave no details of possible charges.

The pipeline is owned by China National Petroleum Corp., Asia's biggest oil and gas producer by volume.

Xinhua said Thursday that 29 senior managers of China National Petroleum Corp. and affiliated companies will be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal and demotion.

The explosion resulted from workers continuing to inject a catalyst into the pipeline after a tanker had finished unloading cargo.


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