Sunday, September 25, 2011

80 people arrested at 'Occupy Wall Street' protest

Police carry away a participant in a march organized by Occupy Wall Street in New York on Saturday Sept. 24, 2011. Marchers represented various political and economic causes. (AP Photo/Tina Fineberg)

Police carry away a participant in a march organized by Occupy Wall Street in New York on Saturday Sept. 24, 2011. Marchers represented various political and economic causes. (AP Photo/Tina Fineberg)

Police take a participant, center, from a march organized by Occupy Wall Street after handcuffing him Saturday Sept. 24, 2011 in New York. Marchers represented various causes both political and economic. (AP Photo/Tina Fineberg)

Participants in a march organized by Occupy Wall Street make their up Broadway as police stand by Saturday Sept. 24, 2011 in New York. Marchers represented various causes both political and economic. (AP Photo/Tina Fineberg)

Participants in a march organized by Occupy Wall Street make their up Broadway in New York on Saturday Sept. 24, 2011. Marchers represented various political and economic causes. (AP Photo/Tina Fineberg)

Participants in a march organized by Occupy Wall Street walk through the financial district Saturday Sept. 24, 2011 in New York. Marchers represented various causes both political and economic. (AP Photo/Tina Fineberg)

(AP) ? About 80 people were arrested Saturday as demonstrators who were camped out near the New York Stock Exchange marched through lower Manhattan, police said.

The "Occupy Wall Street" protest is entering its second week. Demonstrators said Saturday they were protesting against bank bailouts and the mortgage crisis; some also held signs decrying Georgia's execution of Troy Davis, who was put to death Wednesday for the 1989 slaying of an off-duty Savannah police officer.

At Manhattan's Union Square, police tried to corral the demonstrators using orange plastic netting. Some of the arrests were filmed and activists posted the videos online. One video appears to show officers using pepper spray on women who already were cordoned off; another shows officers handcuffing a man after pulling him up off the ground, blood trickling down his face.

Police say the arrests were mostly for blocking traffic. Charges include disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. But one demonstrator was charged with assaulting a police officer. Police say the officer involved suffered a shoulder injury.

Protest spokesman Patrick Bruner criticized the police response as "exceedingly violent" and said the demonstrators sought to remain peaceful.

A police spokesman had no comment about the videos or the arrests.

Associated Press


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Taking on tradition, baseball seeks tobacco ban

But some players see commissioner's proposal as an infringement on their freedom

Image: Mike NapoliAP

The Texas Rangers' Mike Napoli opens a can of chewing tobacco prior to?Thursday's?game against the Oakland Athletics.


updated 10:52 a.m. ET Sept. 24, 2011

WASHINGTON - Always a hidebound sport, baseball has accepted interleague play, the wild card and even video replay in the last 20 years.

Now a campaign backed by members of Congress and Commissioner Bud Selig is taking on something that's been a part of the game's culture for well over 150 years ? chewing tobacco on the field.

Public health groups have gained traction with a classic argument: When ballplayers are seen chewing a wad of tobacco or using dip ? products collectively known as smokeless tobacco ? they set a bad health example for kids who look up to the athletes as role models.

To which Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Mark Kotsay replies: "I've seen the president drink a beer, right? I don't know. I don't get all the rules and regulations."

The problem, anti-tobacco advocates say, is the increasing use of smokeless products by young people and the health risks that go with the habit.

The Centers for Disease Control says that smokeless tobacco can cause cancer, oral health problems and nicotine addiction, and stresses it is not a safe alternative to smoking. Despite the risks, the CDC's most recent survey found that in 2009, 15 percent of high school boys used smokeless tobacco ? a more than one-third increase over 2003, when 11 percent did.

The sport's current collective bargaining agreement expires in December, and Selig, who endorsed the ban in March, has said he will propose it in the new contract. Union head Michael Weiner said in June that "a sincere effort" will be made to address the issue. Neither side would comment on the status of a tobacco ban in negotiations.

"I believe that'll be a really tough sell," said Kotsay, a tobacco user.

Nonetheless, Major League Baseball is so keen on scrubbing tobacco from the sport that it asked Sony Pictures to remove scenes depicting its use in the movie "Moneyball," though the studio declined to do so. In the new film, Brad Pitt plays Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane, and incorporates several of his habits, including dipping.

"That came pretty easily," Pitt told reporters this week. "I grew up with a little dip."

Baseball spokesman Pat Courtney said the studio agreed to many of MLB's suggestions in the film, but decided to keep Beane's tobacco use as a matter of authenticity, because he used the product at the time the movie is set (Beane has since quit dipping).

Health groups are urging a ban on players using the product any time they're on camera, including the field and dugout. Several members of Congress have also urged a prohibition, such as Democratic Sens. Frank R. Lautenberg of New Jersey and Dick Durbin of Illinois, and Democratic Reps. Henry Waxman of California and Frank Pallone of New Jersey. Smokeless tobacco already is prohibited in the non-unionized minor leagues.

But some players see the commissioner's proposal as an infringement on their freedom.

"We're all adults here," said White Sox pitcher Jake Peavy. "We should get to make our own decisions. I'm a grown man. I've got a mortgage. I can make my own decisions."

"What's next?" asked his teammate, Adam Dunn, who dips. "They're going to have a sugar ban? I think it's personal choice. I'm not promoting it and I understand kids look up to us. I think we're grown-ups."

The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, one of the groups leading the effort for the ban, counters that baseball players have a responsibility beyond themselves.

"What we're talking about here is baseball players as role models for young adolescents who don't appreciate the risk, and don't understand the power of addiction," said the group's president, Matthew Myers. "Baseball players are free to do what they want when they're not at the ballpark, when they're not on television. Our concern is that their behavior is affecting another generation of children." Other health groups pushing a ban include the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Cancer Society and the American Medical Association.

"This is one of the most important places where youth are exposed to seeing people use smokeless tobacco," said Myers, adding that supporters will make a big push for the ban around the playoffs and World Series.

Not all players are closed to the idea. Washington Nationals closer Drew Storen, the team's player representative, said he hasn't made up his mind on the question.

"We are role models for kids," said Storen, who does not use tobacco. "At the same time, I think as long as it's not blatant ... I can see both sides of it."


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Is Obama's defense of Israel too little, too late? (The Week)

New York ? After years of frustrating Israel and its supporters, the U.S. president finally takes a firm stand ? though his motives are suspect

President Obama's speech to the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday marked a real turning point in this administration.For the first time since he began campaigning for the presidency back in 2007, Obama spoke about Israel with sensitivity and understanding ? "from the inside out," as the saying goes.

Until now, Obama had often spoken of Israel with sympathy, but rarely with understanding. The president's speech in Cairo in 2009 hit the nadir. In that speech, the president explained the founding of Israel as a reaction to the European Holocaust ? thus negating 2,000 years of Jewish exile and a half century of pre-Holocaust Zionism. The president referenced the Muslim religious claim to Jerusalem and the legend of Muhammad's "night journey" to the sacred Temple Mount ? without any mention of whose Temple it was that sacralized the Mount in the first place.

Until now, Obama had often spoken of Israel with sympathy, but rarely with understanding.

Obama defenders pooh-pooh the importance of these verbal miscues. Repeating the old joke about Wagner's music, Obama backers argue that the president's Israel record is better than it sounds. That defense of the president's past actions misses the point. Obama's seeming indifference to Israel's story and his unmistakeable disdain for Israel's elected leaders has left Israel's friends in a state of desperate uncertainty about what the president might do in the future.

Those uncertainties and anxieties came to a head this spring and summer. The Palestinians had launched a new diplomatic initiative at the United Nations, a demand for a U.N. vote to recognize a Palestinian state, even in the absence of a Palestinian-Israeli peace agreement. For a long time, the administration communicated indecision about how it might respond. Would it veto at the Security Council? Probably yes. Would it work to mobilize allies to defeat a symbolic vote in the General Assembly, where the U.S. has no veto? Maybe yes, maybe no. Would the Palestinians face consequences for defying U.S. objections and proceeding anyway? Probably no. And so on.

Meanwhile, as the Arab spring threatened to freeze into a future Islamist winter, Israelis in the summer and fall of 2011 were gripped by a jittery mood that left them extra-sensitive to ambiguous messages from the United States.

President Obama's speech to the U.N. on Wednesday for once eschewed ambiguity.

"America's commitment to Israel's security is unshakeable, and our friendship with Israel is deep and enduring. And so we believe that any lasting peace must acknowledge the very real security concerns that Israel faces every single day. Let's be honest: Israel is surrounded by neighbors that have waged repeated wars against it. Israel's citizens have been killed by rockets fired at their houses and suicide bombs on their buses. Israel's children come of age knowing that throughout the region, other children are taught to hate them. Israel, a small country of less than eight million people, looks out at a world where leaders of much larger nations threaten to wipe it off of the map. The Jewish people carry the burden of centuries of exile, persecution, and the fresh memory of knowing that six million people were killed simply because of who they were."

These words powerfully articulate the way Israelis feel and the way Israel's friends feel. It's pointless to talk about borders before Israelis know what kind of society they will face on the other side of those borders. It's beyond pointless to ask Israelis to make peace with a political entity, the Palestinian Authority, unless that entity has the power to deliver peace.

One of the lurking disagreements about Israel within American politics has long been the question of who is the true underdog in this fight. Israel's detractors see a regional superpower, aggressively subjugating weaker peoples. Israel's friends see a surrounded and outnumbered nation, whose right to exist is denied by one-third of the planet ? and whose actions are systematically misrepresented in the most murderous language, ?from Kuala Lampur to London.

Which perception is held by this president of the United States? Until now, the answer was always maddeningly elusive. At the U.N. on Wednesday, the president at last clearly took a side. The right side.

Obama's words are welcome. Yet they arrive late. Coming so late, they prompt the question: Where do they come from? From real conviction? Or from the pleadings of Democratic Party fundraisers? And what action do they portend ? if any?

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AP Interview: Samsung steps up Apple patent fight

(AP) ? A top Samsung Electronics Co. executive says her company will take a more aggressive stance against its smartphone and tablet rival Apple Inc. in a global patent dispute.

Samsung's head of global marketing for mobile communications Lee Younghee said that Apple has been "freeriding" on the South Korean company's patented wireless communications technologies.

"We'll be pursuing our rights for this in a more aggressive way from now on," she said in an interview.

Apple sued Samsung in April in the United States, alleging the product design, user interface and packaging of Samsung's Galaxy devices "slavishly copy" the iPhone and iPad. Samsung has responded with its own lawsuits.

Apple spokesman Steve Park in Seoul declined to comment.

Associated Press


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Friday, September 23, 2011

Real estate experts testify before Senate on the glut of foreclosed ...

Tara Steele | September 20, 2011? |

united states capitol Real estate experts testify before Senate on the glut of foreclosed properties

Today, real estate industry experts and economists testified in an open session before the United State Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. The session entitled ?New Ideas to Address the Glut of Foreclosed Properties? was made up of a panel of five industry experts who officially put forth their ideas.

Mr. Allan ?Dutch? Dechert, President, New Jersey Association of Realtors (NJAR); Mr. Bob Nielsen, Chairman of the Board, National Association of Home Builders (NAHB); Mr. Chris Krehmeyer, President and CEO, Beyond Housing; Ms. Laurie Goodman, Senior Managing Director, Amherst Securities; and Dr. Stan Humphries, Chief Economist, Zillow all testified before the committee.

Dr. Humphries of Zillow encouraged members to advocate for policy that does not disrupt the natural process of economic recovery and does not harm housing. ?Forces in the housing market are at play that will lead to long-term stabilization,? Humphries said in his written testimony. ?But it?s a delicate balance that should be well-understood before the government steps in to help it along.?

NAHB Chairman Bob Nielsen asserted that government sponsored entities should ?avoid bulk sales to large investors that have no stake in the neighborhoods in which these properties are located.? Additionally he noted that the FHFA should ?allow a more decisive approach to mortgage modifications, which would help reduce the number of foreclosures.? Nielsen points to the Dodd-Frank bill and the Qualified Residential Mortgage (QRM) proposal to both be overly restrictive and harmful to the overall housing sector.

NJAR President Dutch Dechert echoed NAHB?s sentiment that bulk selling REOs to investors would force taxpayers to take larger losses than necessary and that the ?unintended consequences of bulk sales at the proposed scale could devastate communities across the country.? Additionally, Dechert urged the committee to focus on providing mortgage financing to qualified buyers to increase the absorption rate of the bloated REO inventories and expand pre-foreclosure resources such as loan modifications and short sales.

The full testimony of each witness can be read here in full.

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This article published on Tuesday, September 20th, 2011 at 10:40 pm | Contact the editor

Tags: Economy, featured, real estate economy

Category: Economy


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Thursday, September 22, 2011

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You don't have to have a Y chromosome to care about male-specific cancer, and Carrie of A Mile High and 45 Degrees North has accepted the Kilted to Kick Cancer fundraising challenge on behalf of her friends and relatives who sport external plumbing. She also has my dream job of working in EMS at freakin' Yellowstone National Park. Seriously, with scenery like that, the National Park Service could buy AD's services very cheaply indeed.

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She blogs at A Mile High and 45 Degrees North, and she's Kilted to Kick Cancer.


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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bell & Ross Releases WWI Edition

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

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7 Ways to Earn Money Online

Are you looking for ways to earn money from your computer to day? If you are searching for money making opportunities online, then this article is going to help?you.

Most people are attracted to engaging in?these opportunities online primarily because of the benefits they offer. You have two main incentives; the lucrative potential of the internet, and the personal freedom that comes with working without any fixed schedule or geographic location, plus of course working from home

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Set up your own blog or website. This is one of the best ways to make money online which allows you to earn money from posting advertisements or products sales and services. There are many different types of money making blogs which will help you to make money and you?ll just need to pick a model that suits your interest, schedule and skill levels. With a simple ?blog will allow you to easily pull in at least several hundred dollars in a month through the use of paid blogging websites alone
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Monday, September 19, 2011

Let?s Play a Game Called Stupid Austerity (Balloon Juice)

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Tips In Choosing Your Land Surveyor In Atlanta | Akarak Real Estate ...

There are only particular situations that you should need a land surveyor Atlanta. When these particular situations occur, finding the right person is crucial. It is crucial not only because there are many choices but because this is also a complicated kind of service.

You might not really know when you need one. But, getting a professional could help you avoid costly mistakes when this particular need happens. A few of the instances that this would be required is when there are boundary changes, ownership transfer and erection of structures linked to a property boundary.

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When you choose one, you need to do your research. You do not really have to know the ins and outs of the profession. But, it is important that you have a good grasp of the most important factors to prioritize. Consider only those that have the licenses and certificates to show their qualifications.

Their expertise and experience may vary. Be careful in choosing and consider those that are quite well-established. This is to ensure that you would only be dealing with those that really know what they are doing. This would be good way of ensuring that you are getting your money?s worth.

Do not base your decision on the price. Making the most out of the money you send is important. Because it is the cheapest, you might think it is the most practical. But, make sure you base your decision on the value. What is not the cheapest on your list may be the most cost efficient choice in time.

There are different kinds of surveys out there. Only a certified land surveyor Atlanta is qualified to determine exactly what you need. You might not be ready with their contact info immediately, but when you need one it is important to research. Be meticulous when choosing. This would be the best way to find the most suitable person for you.

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Intel officials' emails posted after hack of cybersecurity group

The names and email addresses of hundreds of U.S. intelligence officials ? including some senior officials in the Obama Administration ? have been posted on an anti-secrecy website after computer hackers allegedly swiped them from the internal membership list of a prestigious national security organization.

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The apparent cyberattack on the Intelligence and National Security Alliance, or INSA, is the latest example of the ability of hackers to penetrate the computer systems of government agencies and private companies ? including those that pride themselves on their savvy and expertise in cybersecurity.

INSA ? a nonprofit that bills itself as the country's "premier intelligence and national security organization" and whose members include senior U.S. intelligence officials and government contractors ? on Monday published a major report (PDF) warning of an urgent need for the country to beef up its cyberdefenses.

Within a couple of days, in apparent retaliation, INSA's "secure" computer system was hacked and the entire 3,000-person membership posted on the website under the heading "INSA Nest of Official and Corporate Spies," INSA President Ellen McCarthy confirmed.

"I guess I feel like anybody else this happens to ? like I was violated," McCarthy, a former top Pentagon intelligence official, told NBC News.

Cryptome was an early forerunner of WikiLeaks, having been in operation since 1996 and openly advertising its willingness to publish national security secrets. The group states on its home page that it "welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide."

John Young, a New York architect and national security buff who runs Cryptome, said he had no reservations about publishing the INSA membership list. "We would love to name every spy that lives on Earth," he said in a telephone interview.

But Young denied any involvement in the hacking of INSA's computers, insisting that the membership list arrived "over the transom" from a source he didn't know. He declined to elaborate.

Read more reporting from Michael Isikoff in 'The Isikoff Files'

The list of INSA members includes at least 95 individuals with email addresses from the supersecret National Security Agency, as well as scores of others in key positions at the White House, the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, the Office of Director of National Intelligence and the State Department.

Among the notables on the list are John Brennan, President Barack Obama's chief counterterrorism advisor; Aneesh Chopra, the White House's chief technology officer; James Clapper, director of national intelligence; Secretary of Energy Steven Chu; and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Also on the list is INSA's chair, Frances Fragos Townsend, who previously served as President George W. Bush's top homeland security adviser.

The list also includes the names, emails ? and in some cases the work addresses and telephone numbers ? of hundreds of top executives at major government contracting firms that specialize in national security work, such as Northrop Grumman, Boeing, General Dynamics, SAIC and CACI. Some members, whose affiliations were not provided, had their home addresses and phone numbers listed.

The publication of the names of so many U.S. intelligence officials raises questions about whether it might have violated the Intelligence Identities Protection Act ? a law that forbids the public disclosure of the names of covert intelligence operatives. But McCarthy said she was unaware of any of the group's members serving in a covert or undercover capacity. A U.S. government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, likewise downplayed the seriousness of the security breach.

Cryptome itself ridiculed speculation that it might have violated the law in response to readers? comments on its website. "Those protected as covert spies do not join public organizations under their true identity," it said.

Still, McCarthy made it clear her members were less than pleased with having their email addresses published on the Internet. "Intelligence people are not very fond of getting a lot of attention," she said.

McCarthy said the incident only calls attention to the underlying security issue that INSA was trying to warn about in its report last week.

"Hardly a day goes by without some news of a major hacker attack on government and industry information" systems,? it noted. The group concluded that cyberspace has become a "multi-dimensional attack space" in which "key economic and national security assets are exposed to significant threats."

? 2010 Reprints


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Saturday, September 17, 2011

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Guide on travel insurance comparison - COMPARE INSURANCE ...

September 16, 2011

Guide on travel insurance comparison

Article by Micah Tess

These companies provide comprehensive information on the market for skiers and include all canceled travel abroad for medical emergency traveler?s checks lost in the rental of skis and snow closing songs.

At first glance, the site assets in the clarity of information and layout, but dig a little more, because there may be gaps in relation to the unique needs of each company. The fact is ? time to compare.

The best protection ? not all is created equal, but if you do not have to study and read the fine print, you can easily miss an important safeguard. Each company offers a variety of travel insurance and have their own rules and regulations for price-fixing. You can not assume that all policies are the same, or go on board some of these options are available for each plan, even if they do not provide the company itself. Should read the fine print and ask questions.Comparison with all products in the market. Travel insurance comparison can help you be sure that you?ve studied the best rates and coverage possible.

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Insurance site that collects and provides information on insurance providers and public policy. This is not the supplier of an broker or insurance agent or provider or advice. We does not make recommendations on products, we simply provide links and resources to help you find more suppliers and make your own comparisons.

Insurance report does not end with an analysis or comparison with all insurance products in the market. Insurance premiums are a relative of any insurance can be purchased via the website or request a quote from each. Remember that all the products here are only the opinion of the authors of the report and the insurance companies do not represent any financial or legal advice. Remember to check an insurance broker before making any decisions in the insurance industry.

Please visit for more guides and information.

About the Author

Aurelia is a jet-setter. She always has this childish dreams to tour around the world because she loves to travel. But at this moment shes is an insurer of a company in the united States. She writes stuff all about travel insurance comparison and publish reviews about it online.


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Friday, September 16, 2011

Fisker Karma pushes deliveries back again as it awaits federal emissions certification

It looks like those eager to finally take a Fisker Karma EV home will have to wait a bit longer, again. This time, though, the delay is largely out of the company's hands, as it's simply waiting for final federal certification on emissions regulations before it delivers the first test vehicles to dealers. According to the company, the first of those are now expected to be delivered by the end of September, although at least some dealers apparently won't be fulfilling orders until the first week of November.

Fisker Karma pushes deliveries back again as it awaits federal emissions certification originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 13:16:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Obama's jobs plan complicates task of debt panel (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Members of a special House-Senate deficit-cutting "supercommittee" urged their colleagues Tuesday to go beyond the panel's minimum spending-cut target of $1.2 trillion over the coming decade, but the price tag on President Barack Obama's $447 billion jobs plan is complicating the panel's work.

"We need to `go big' and reach savings of more than $1.5 trillion to address long-term deficits," said Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. "We need to `go long' and address our long-term budget issues. And most importantly of all we need to `go smart' and address the budget without preconceived dogmas or political agendas."

As the panel convened its second session, it also got a sobering message about the budget deficit's toxic effect on the economy over the long term from economist Douglas Elmendorf, director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

Elmendorf warned that spiraling interest payments could swamp the government's ability to pay for its operations and could spark a financial crisis if nothing is done: "Under current policies, the federal budget is quickly heading into territory that is unfamiliar to the United States and to most other developed countries as well."

"The nation cannot continue to sustain the spending programs and policies of the past with the tax revenues it has been accustomed to paying," Elmendorf said in a statement. "Citizens will either have to pay more for their government, accept less in government services and benefits, or both."

Obama's jobs plan calls for a temporary boost in spending on roads, schools and blighted neighborhoods combined with cuts to the Social Security payroll taxes paid by workers and their employers. He would pay for the initiative with a tax increases on wealthier workers, oil companies and hedge fund managers ? all proposals that are opposed by the GOP.

Elmendorf, a former Brookings Institution scholar initially named to the CBO post by Democrats, said that Obama's jobs plan ? which combines tax cuts with spending stimulus ? was well within mainstream economic thought which holds that it doesn't make sense to raise taxes or impose sharp spending cuts in periods of slack economic growth.

"If policymakers wanted to achieve both a short-term economic boost and medium-term and long-term fiscal sustainability, a combination of policies would be required: changes in taxes and spending that would widen the deficit now but reduce it later in the decade," Elmendorf said.

But every dollar spent stimulating the economy makes the supercommittee's task that much more difficult. Co-chairman Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, is clearly irked.

"This proposal would make the already arduous challenge of finding bipartisan agreement on deficit reduction nearly impossible, removing our options for deficit reduction for a plan that won't reduce the deficit by one penny," Hensarling said recently. "It's not the role of this committee to spend more money we don't have on jobs we don't get."

And the top Senate Republican, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, weighed in with a broadside Tuesday that labeled Obama's jobs plan a transparently political exercise.

"Despite the president's calls to pass this bill immediately, the real plan is to let it hang out there for a while so Democrats can use it as an issue on the campaign trail," McConnell said, noting Democratic opposition to Obama's proposals to increase taxes on charitable tax deductions taken by the wealthy. "The central tax hike included in this bill ... was already dismissed by a filibuster-proof, Democrat-controlled Senate in 2009."

The supercommittee is charged with finding at least $1.2 trillion in deficit cuts over the coming decade, which would come on top of about $900 billion in savings wrung from the operating budgets of Cabinet agencies over the same period.

Recent CBO studies say the recent budget pact is just a starting point on the more draconian changes that would be needed to stabilize the national debt so it doesn't spiral out of control and drag the economy down with it.

Numerous lawmakers and deficit hawks outside the government are pressing the panel to exceed the $1.2 trillion goal and perhaps pick up elements of the $4 trillion "grand bargain" that Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, were working on this summer. It combined higher tax revenues with sharper spending cuts.

Elmendorf didn't offer an opinion as to how much the panel should try to cut the deficit. But he said that simply meeting the 10-year, $1.2 trillion goal wouldn't be enough because the national debt will continue to grow relative to the size of the economy. That growth, he said, likely will crowd out the ability of the government to keep pace with the new obligations.

"At a minimum, federal debt cannot continually increase as a share of the economy because the interest payments on that debt would then continually grow relative to the size of the tax base that would be available for generating revenues to cover those payments, and all of the other activities of the government," Elmendorf said.

"Let's not duck those realities," said Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md. "Go big."

There's considerable skepticism in Washington that the panel will be able to agree on serious cuts, especially with next year's elections approaching. Most Democrats are ardently against cuts in expensive benefits like health care for the elderly, while Republicans are adamantly against higher taxes ? the two most plentiful sources of potential deficit reduction.

Under the debt ceiling agreement, which narrowly averted a potential federal default, Congress must approve at least $1.2 trillion in savings by Dec. 25. If it doesn't, the difference would be made up by automatic spending cuts, divided evenly among defense and many domestic programs.

A CBO study released Monday shows that the impact of the across-the-board cuts would hit the Pentagon with a 10 percent budget cut in 2013 and cuts almost that big to domestic agencies.


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Monday, September 12, 2011

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs): best treatment for GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD, occurs when a muscle-like valve where the esophagus joins the stomach opens spontaneously, or not close properly. Stomach contents, including digestive juices run back and get into the esophagus. Unlike the stomach, the esophagus can not tolerate these digestive juices and acids that can cause irritation, scars and even destroy its food. The acids can also affect the mouth and lungs.

It is estimated that 7 percent of Americans experience GERD symptoms daily, and twice as many experience it weekly. Typical GERD symptoms include heartburn, regurgitation, a bitter taste in the mouth and difficulty swallowing. Less common symptoms include excessive salivation, nausea and chest pain. When GERD causes damage to the esophagus, mouth and / or throat, it can lead to coughing, laryngitis, asthma, sinusitis or tooth damage. Occasionally, severe mid-back pain and GERD. GERD has also been implicated in sleepwalking, presumably because the symptoms interfere with sleep patterns. Infants and children can also GERD.


GERD can drink a lot of factors such as obesity, pregnancy, hiatal hernia, certain medications, smoking and alcohol. Chronic GERD is left untreated they can cause serious complications such as ulcers, inflammation and scarring of the lungs and esophagus and even esophageal cancer. Depending on the severity of the treatment for GERD include lifestyle changes and / or drugs, or surgery. Mild GERD can be treated with medications such as antacids over the counter GERD. Proton pump inhibitors Proton pump inhibitors such as pantoprazole sodium 40 mg (brand name Protonix) are the most effective for more severe gastroesophageal reflux disease. can relieve symptoms and heal the esophageal lining in almost every case.

Life style changes are quit smoking, lose weight and increase the head of your bed 6 to 8 inches. Avoid foods and drinks that trigger symptoms, eat slowly, eat frequent small meals, not eating late at night, and avoid lying down for three hours after a meal. Foods to avoid include citrus fruits, onions and garlic, mint, chocolate, cheese, eggs, fatty and fried foods, vinegar, spicy foods and tomato-based foods like spaghetti sauce, chili, salsa and pizza. Drink plenty of water to help balance the acidity and indigestion. Avoid caffeinated drinks, carbonated drinks and alcohol. Do not wear belts or clothes that fit tightly around the waist, and not to bend over.

People with GERD symptoms should be medical advice before treating yourself with GERD to seek drugs. Heart attacks cause a feeling of pressure in the chest like heartburn and GERD symptoms. Ulcers can also cause similar symptoms.

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  2. GERD Treatment
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  4. Home Remedies for Gerd ? Get Complete Relief
  5. What Are Heartburn Remedies During Pregnancy?
Tags: dealing with heartburn, heartburn remedies during pregnancy, heartburn at night


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Health and Fitness ? The Stop Sweating And Start Living Program ...

The Stop Sweating And Start Living Program Will Be Just What We Will Be Taking A Look At Here

in Health ?? (submitted 2011-09-11)

There are thousands and thousands of individuals around the world who actually have sweating problems. And whether you can believe it or not this is a condition that is so bad in some individuals that it stops them from living a normal life. If you happen to be one of these people you might have even tried the doctor prescribed antiperspirants, but I am sure that they really didn?t do much of anything to help your issue. Therefore we decided to take a look at an all natural program that claims to be able to get rid of this issue permanently.

There are a huge number of people who have tried using thousands of products and medications to help them deal with this problem. A large number of people have gone to doctors to get prescription lotions and creams which failed to work for them. After which they decided to go for the uncomfortable injections to try and rid themselves of this specific issue. And when all else has failed some men and women even opted for the painful surgery to relieve their sweating problem. So once these people have tried everything a lot of them still have this problem.

So just about the only thing that remains is an all natural cure and that is what the Stop Sweating and Start Living system is about. This system has been proven to work in just two weeks for many people who have been struggling with excess sweating their entire lives. And because this is an all natural method, people don?t need to worry about all the unsafe medications that they were using before.

On their website you will discover testimonials from people who used this program to completely eliminate their underarm sweat. As a whole over 14,000 people have used this program to cure their underarm sweating problems. But something else you should know is you will also get the Stop Sweating Start Living 2. There are other places that men and women have excess sweat on their bodies and this subsequent guide covers those. You will learn how to stop excessive sweating on your hand, face, feet and various other parts of your body where you sweat too much.

Something which a lot of individuals like about this program is that they get immediate access to these guides. You?ll be able to download these manuals in a pdf format (e book), just after your transaction goes through. And also the fantastic part about that is you do not have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.

The manuals sell for $44.95 and a couple persons have said that they think that is a little high. If you take into consideration how much money you?ve spent on medications and antiperspirants you will see that this is actually a rather cheap way to cure your condition. Mike Ramsey is the inventor of this program, and he is so certain that you will be able to make use of this to stop your sweating that he provides a 100% money back guarantee. And that means you will be able to receive a refund for 8 weeks after you purchase the program, and since it merely takes a couple of weeks for this program to work you have sufficient time to see if it works for you.

About the Author

Go through much more about how much protein to build muscle

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

How the Ear Distinguishes Sweet Sounds From Sour Notes

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Regional differences in the care of acute stroke patients

ScienceDaily (Sep. 9, 2011) ? Considerable regional differences exist in the treatment of patients with acute cerebral infarction. This is the finding presented by Erwin Stolz and his co-authors in the current issue of Deutsches ?rzteblatt International.

The prognosis for patients with stroke largely depends on a rapid, standardized first response. Across the German federal state of Hesse, there are great differences in the time interval between symptom onset and admission to hospital or transfer to a specialist stroke unit. Percentages of patients who receive treatment with drugs that break down the blood clot (thrombolysis) also vary greatly, more than was expected. The average thrombolysis rate in patients admitted to hospital within 3 hours after the stroke was 19%, but rates varied regionally between 6% and 35%.

The authors base their study on data from the mandatory quality assurance program for stroke in Hesse. They argue that improvement is needed; in particular, they believe that treatment paths and care structures within individual hospitals must be analyzed more closely.

Because of its political sensitivity, this report is accompanied by an editorial by Klaus Berger, in which he ascribes the apparently obvious regional differences to a multitude of influencing factors.

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The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Deutsches Aerzteblatt International, via AlphaGalileo.

Journal Reference:

  1. Stolz E, Hamann GF, Kaps M, Misselwitz B. Local differences in acute stroke admission and thrombolysis rates in the German federal state of Hesse. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 2011; 108(36): 607%u201311 DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2011.0607

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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