Thursday, February 28, 2013

Paricut n: "Save Me From the Dangers in Which I am About to Die"

Dionisio Pulido suddenly found himself having a very bad day.

A few moments before, he had been living an ordinary life, clearing brush from his land while his helper plowed and his wife and son watched the sheep graze. Aside from the earthquakes that had driven the presidente of San Juan Parangaricutiro to send a delegation to a larger town in search of answers, and the fact that a pit on his land had just split open, life was fine.

Now, he was feeling thunder. That?s the word he used, ?felt.? We usually think of thunder as a thing you hear: when you feel it, when it?s that loud and insistent, the sensation travels right through you, setting your organs dancing and your teeth on edge. We can extrapolate from what Sr. Pulido said that his teeth and organs were very likely the same. The trees seemed to feel it, too: he and his wife saw them trembling and swaying.

The new volcano broke forth in the valley of Quitzocho-Cuiyusuru, which lay between Cerro de Jaratiro (left), Cerro de Cainiro (far center), and Cerro de Canicjuata (right). Paricutin village lies near the foot of Cerro de Canicjuata. The fields of San Juan Parangaricutiro are in the foreground. Taken from Ticuiro, near San Juan Parangaricutiro, at 5:30 P.M. Paricutin Volcano. Michoacan, Mexico. February 20, 1943. Published as plate 16-B in U. S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 965-D. 1956.

The new volcano broke forth in the valley of Quitzocho-Cuiyusuru, which lay between Cerro de Jaratiro (left), Cerro de Cainiro (far center), and Cerro de Canicjuata (right). Paricutin village lies near the foot of Cerro de Canicjuata. The fields of San Juan Parangaricutiro are in the foreground. Taken from Ticuiro, near San Juan Parangaricutiro, at 5:30 P.M. Paricutin Volcano. Michoacan, Mexico. February 20, 1943. Published as plate 16-B in U. S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 965-D. 1956. Image and caption courtesy USGS.

Sr. Pulido was going to speak to his wife about this remarkable turn of events, but when he turned toward her, he saw the ground in the fractured pit, swollen two meters or more (over 6 feet). A fine gray smoke rose from a crack in the pit. It increased in intensity, with a loud whistling, hissing sound that wouldn?t stop, and the field began to stink of sulfur. Across the pit, about 100 meters (328 feet) away, Paula Pulido saw the smoke, smelled the sulfur, heard what she described as a ?whistle like water falling on live coals or hot embers.? She watched pine trees 30 meters (98 feet) from the pit catch fire. She called out to her husband as the ground rose like ?confused cake? above the fracture, then disappeared, seeming to swallow itself.

It?s about this time that Sr. Pulido?s nerve broke, for which one can?t blame him. He couldn?t get to his wife, but he did try to save his oxen, terrified fingers fumbling at their yoke. He cried out to the local saint. ?Save me from the dangers in which I am about to die,? he pleaded, and found a measure of calm. He ran to save his family, his workers, but couldn?t find them: turned back to save his oxen, but they were gone. So was the water from the spring near the fissure, gone suddenly away in the noise and the sulfur-scented smoke as the ground consumed itself.

Paricutin volcano at the time of its initial outbreak, showing the positions of the various features and eyewitnesses as seen by Sra. Aurora Cuara.

Paricutin volcano at the time of its initial outbreak, showing the positions of the various features and eyewitnesses as seen by Sra. Aurora Cuara. 1. Direction of Toral's plowed furrow. 2. Position of Dionisio Pulido. 3. Position of Demetrio Toral. 4. Vent of the volcano. 5. Depression along the fissure. 6. The original fissure. 7. Piedra del Sol. 8. Path taken by Aurora Cuara. 9. A secondary crack of fissure. 10. Position of Paula Rangel de Pulido. Image and caption courtesy USGS.


From the path to San Nicol?s, Aurora Cuara watched a fissure split the earth, and a wall of earth rise a meter (just over three feet) high. She watched the fine gray dust rise like smoke, and it frightened her, but she climbed the boundary rock for a better view anyway. She was only fifty meters (164 feet) from the fissue, and saw it throwing sparks and dust. She also saw Sr. Pulido, fresh out of family, companions and oxen, mount his horse and flee. She followed suit.

This is the thing about the birth of a cinder cone: it?s somewhat violent and definitely terrifying, but eminently survivable. Sr. Pulido found family, companions and oxen all safe and well in the village of Par?cutin when he arrived. And when he told his remarkable story to the chief of the Par?cutin subdivision and the presidente of San Juan Parangaricutiro, a delegation formed, full of people willing to investigate this new and interesting (never mind explosive) thing. They headed off to Sr. Pulido?s field, arriving around six in the evening, a mere hour and a half after the earth had begun its pyroclastic display. Luis Ort?z Solorio observed the fissure, and saw it had developed a hole about a half-meter (almost 2 feet) in diameter, from which ?smoke? rose and rocks were tossed to modest heights.

Paricutin volcano at 6 p. m., February 20, 1943, showing the appearance of the vent and its surroundings as seen by Juan Anguiano E.

Paricutin volcano at 6 p. m., February 20, 1943, showing the appearance of the vent and its surroundings as seen by Juan Anguiano E. 1. Small mounds of gray ash. 2. The fissure that opened. 3. The pit from which vapors issued. 4. The fractnre that opened while Anguiano and Martinez watched the vent. 5. Anguiano and Martinez. 6. Other members of the Parangaricutiro party. Image and caption courtesy USGS.

He decided he?d gone quite close enough.

Juan Anguiano Espinosa and Jes?s Mart?nez made a closer approach, as close as they could manage. The ground, they said, was ?jumping up and down? rather than swaying like one would expect with an earthquake. The scent of sulfur choked them. Dust and sparks flew; small stones hurtled five meters (16 feet) into the air, while in the vent, sand ?boiled,? looking, they thought, much like sand churned by the water of a rising spring. And the sounds they heard reminded them of water, too: water boiling in a large jug, like floodwater dragging boulders in a stream. The fissure formed a trench, and the ground had slumped around the hole in a strip twenty meters (almost 66 feet) long and twelve meters (39 feet) wide. Along that slump, the ground had cracked, and along that crack, half-meter (around 3 feet) piles of the fine gray dust had accumulated. Anguiano, a man with the instincts of a geologist, scooped up a sample with his handkerchief. He found it warm, and the two small stones he also collected were hot. To him goes the honor of the first samples taken from Par?cutin.

He almost didn?t make it back to town with them. From his safe distance, Solorio saw the earth fracture about six meters (almost 20 feet) from the vent. He shouted for Anguiano and Mart?nez, who jumped back just in time. The ground fell in, the vent widened to two meters (6.5 feet) and the column of smoke grew as the vent spat little stones ?like incandescent marbles and oranges.?

Paricutin, Mexico This slide taken in 1943 shows a spectacular view of an eruption of Paricutin at night. Glowing projectiles and pyroclastic fragments outline the conical shape of the volcano. The eruption consisted mostly of spheroidal bombs, lapilli, glassy cinder, and glassy ash formed by disintegration of the cinder.

Paricutin, Mexico This slide taken in 1943 shows a spectacular view of an eruption of Paricutin at night. Glowing projectiles and pyroclastic fragments outline the conical shape of the volcano. The eruption consisted mostly of spheroidal bombs, lapilli, glassy cinder, and glassy ash formed by disintegration of the cinder. Image and caption courtesy R.E. Wilcox, U.S. Geological Survey via Wikimedia Commons.

They hurried back to San Juan Parangaricutiro to report. After hearing their description, the priest consulted the church?s book on Vesuvius. After reading up on that volcano, they were all pretty certain they?d just seen one. And they could still see it, even from there: the column of smoke was now visible, and at ten that night, Aurora Cuara stood and watched while the baby volcano hurled incandescent bombs, which she could see through the screen of trees between town and fissure. A little over an hour later, Par?cutin began roaring. It hurled its stones vigorously; lightning began dancing through its eruption cloud. This was a sight the townfolk would grow quite used to in the coming years, before Par?cutin forced them to leisurely flee.

When Aurora Cuara passed near the newborn volcano on her way back from checking on her husband in San Nicol?s the next day, she found a little round hill of stones and sand where the hole had been. Rocks hurtled up from its center, some quite large, and some exploding in mid-air. And she saw a fire slowly flowing from its base. Later, she would learn this fire was lava, the beginning of the flows that would destroy Sr. Pulido?s field and the surrounding towns, and change all of their lives forever.

Paricutin, 1943, not long after its birthday. The nine-year life of this little cinder cone was closely studied by geologists, and has allowed us to study the life span of a cinder cone from birth to extinction. Image credit K. Segerstrom, U.S. Geological Survey

Paricutin, 1943, not long after its birthday. The nine-year life of this little cinder cone was closely studied by geologists, and has allowed us to study the life span of a cinder cone from birth to extinction. Image credit K. Segerstrom, U.S. Geological Survey


Foshag, William F. and Gonzalez, Jenaro R. (1956): Birth and Development of Paricutin Volcano Mexico. US Geological Survey Bulletin 965-D.

Luhr, James F. and Simkin, Tom, Editors (1993):?Paricut?n: The Volcano Born in a Mexican Cornfield. Phoenix, Arizona: Geoscience Press.


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Enjoy Technical Writing ? 'Leading the Change' by Stefan Gentz

On day 1 of TCWorld India conference 2013 last week in Bangalore, most of the sessions were on trends, challenges, strategy, content governance, and process of technical communication. Stefan Gentz from Tracom presented an important concept where he talked about Change Management, in ?Leading the Change?.

Five Triggers of Change Management

Stefan started with a few quotes from history on ?Change? and added that it is inevitable, and the only constant in life. He talked about ?Change Management? and referred to McKinsey?s research that quoted five triggers that cause ?CM?. Four of these are ?Catching up to Rivals Companies?, ?Completing or integrating a merger?, ?Turning around a crises?, ?Turning for a better performance?. However, the last and most notable is ?Reducing cost?.

Before talking about Change Management for businesses and specific to technical communication, Stefan discussed what derives the need for change management. It was ?Economic and Social forces?.

To keep audience on toes and interested; Stefan was immaculate in humor with relevant comments.

Eight Errors in Change Management Execution

Stefan talked about the top 8 errors in CM as:

In this list, I particularly liked two points:

  • Undercommunicating the Vision: Most often, the organizations have the right vision and they get a right roadmap to execute it. I personally feel that a vision not communicated is as good as not having a vision at all. Not enough communicating it to the team (either way in hierarchy) dilutes the spirit and energy towards that vision. It magnifies the obstacles thus adding to the resistance to Change Management. I believe that this communication has to be professional yet friendly. Merely changing the vision statement on website and stationery never works. The managers and supervisors need to talk about it personally, the need for change, the roadmap, and the benefits. It inspires confidence and adds strength to the bond.
  • Failing to Create Short-Term Wins: This is important. Many a times, organizations do not celebrate milestones. This again subsides the spirits of those who are working towards Change Management. It is important to have milestones, meet those, and celebrate those small wins to keep the energy juices flowing.

For change in content strategy, the above two points are extremely important. Unless the internal users understand the vision for Change Management, they would be hardly receptive to that change.

John Kotter?s Success Story

Next, Stefan referred to Prof John Kotter?s Success Story, with eight concrete points as below.

Of these eight points, I found the following four as more relevant to change management in technical communication.

  • Establish a Sense of Urgency: Unless we show urgency, everything else will keep on pushing Change Management down in the priority list. When we have a business case for Change Management, it should be clear, and thought-provoking enough that it should generate a sense of urgency for call to action. [The Business Case should highlight how the current/old process is ineffective, how content silos are piling up with massive opportunity for content reuse in a new and improved process. Some facts and statistics on man hours and ROI can help others understand the ?sense of urgency?].
  • Communicate Vision Change: As I mentioned above, communicating the vision change to all employees in the chain is extremely important. The communication should be clear, friendly yet professional, and should be receptive to comments/feedback to inculcate a sense of involvement. [Once the Business Case is prepared by the supervisors/managers, it should be discussed with all users involved. The objective is not merely to be transparent; it is to make it understood to all that the process is changing for the right reason, and for the benefit of all and not only for a select few. In addition to writers, the vision should be communicated to reviewers, editors, translators, artwork designers, and everybody who is part of documentation process in any capacity or role]
  • Short Term Wins: The goal should be punctuated with smaller milestones. One, these milestones when met act as fuel to help the team keep going. Two, it ensures that we are in right direction. [For technical communication, the roadmap can be planned with measurable milestones. For example, the ?Change Management Strategy? can have a step as ?to prepare detailed plan with measurable goals and impact on current operations?, and another step as ?Rapid prototyping and map the benefits when compared to current process?. Each such successful plan execution should be discussed openly and celebrated.]
  • Communicate Culture Change: A CM invariably calls for change in culture. Rather than people feeling as if some change is happening, it is always better it is proactively communicated, along with why it is required and how it will benefit the people and the business. [For technical communication, the shift from writing SOPs in MS Word to Structured FrameMaker, or moving from RoboHelp to XMetal means that the work culture changes. The supervisors should communicate it to prepare users? (writers and all others involved in documentation process) for this change, talking about the challenges ahead and also highlighting the overall benefits to the users and to the organization.]

Five Key Rules for Change Management

Stefan talked about ?Five Key rules for Change Management?, as:

  • Mobilize and Sustain Energy
  • Communicate Objective cleary and creatively
  • Raise Employee Expectations
  • Change People Behavior
  • Engage the Attention of Individuals at all levels of organization


The penultimate important point made by Stefan was that ?Change Management is not Crises Management?. Stefan says ?Crisis Management and Change Management are often mixed up. Proper change management needs resources (i.e. time and money). In a crisis situation, we are usually missing both. Crisis Management needs much faster and often more harsh decision making. There is no need for creating a sense of urgency (it?s ?change now or die?), communication is reduced to announce management decisions and behavior change needs to ?switch? instead of ?evolve?. Crisis Management is about taking quick short term actions to survive, while Change Management is about implementing long term solutions for sustainable success.?

To conclude his presentation, Stefan put forward a very true and relevant statement that ?Culture eats Strategy for Lunch?. Most of the organizations resist to Change Management because of their existing culture. Culture is by nature, resistive to change. To spring changes, it has to begin with change in culture.

What has been your experiences to propose change management?


The audience connected well with this talk and a few writers asked how to begin the Change Management, and where does it actually begin. It was interactive, informative, and a nicely paced talk.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

US Senator Marco Rubio Wraps Up Trip to Israel

1x1.trans US Senator Marco Rubio Wraps Up Trip to Israel

Credit: Gage Skidmore

On Friday, Florida US Senator Marco Rubio returned from a trip to Israel. It was the senator?s second trip to the region.

The trip comes fresh off the Republican response to the State of the Union address, delivered by Rubio. It also comes a few weeks ahead of President Obama?s first trip to Israel as president and fuels speculation that the senator is contemplating a White House run in 2016.

One staunch Rubio supporter, the Washington Post?s Jennifer Rubin, called Rubio?s visit as ?fluid, disciplined, and informed as any senator in recent memory.? Without any significant gaffes, Rubio even managed to poke fun at his now-infamous water sip during his State of the Union response.

While in Israel, Rubio met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and spoke on several issues pertinent to the region: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, settlements on the West Bank, Syria, and Iran?s nuclear program.

Meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres, Rubio reasserted the claim of many past American politicians that Jerusalem was ?of course, the capital of Israel.? On the issue of Israeli settlements on the West Bank, one of the more controversial elements in the Israeli-Palestinian divide, Rubio reiterated that the United States should not ?go in and dictate what the resolution of that issue [the settlements] should be.?

Regarding the United States? relationship with Israel, Rubio was effusive:

?There is no more important relationship for the United States, perhaps in the world but certainly in the region, than Israel. It?s one that has bipartisan support and I?m proud to say that Republicans and Democrats are united on that. . . . The ties between the United States and Israel are unbreakable.?

On Iran, Rubio reiterated his past support for sanctions. He told listeners he hoped future sanctions would be ?intensified.? He also warned that even with sanctions, America?s objective in deterring nuclear proliferation may fail.

On Syria, Rubio offered a more wide-ranging, expansionist role for the US. On British television, Rubio said the US and the West should be more engaged:

?I know it?s difficult because the question is who do we engage with? But what I can say to the world is that if we?re not engaged ? then I think we increase the chances that the outcome there is going to be very negative ? The more involved we are, of course, the more influence we may have over not just who governs over Syria in the future, but what direction that they go??

?I think one of the things we begin to explore is providing ammunition to the rebels. ? That?s something I hope that some policymakers will consider because I do think that over the last few months a more responsible group of actors have emerged in contrast to some of the more radical elements that are on the ground in Syria. And we want them to be the strongest and most influential voices in a post-Assad Syria.?

During the short time he has been in Washington, US Senator Marco Rubio has made a name for himself. By traveling to Israel ahead of President Obama and making several of the customary stops, Rubio is placing himself in early presidential discussion.

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NFL Combine Live: Lane Johnson Runs 4.75 Unofficial 40-Yard Dash at 303 Pounds, Luke Joeckel Timed at 5.22

Luke Joeckel12:25 p.m.:?The official times are in and Terron Armstead still leads the way. Though he was unofficially clocked at 4.65, his official time is 4.71. Lane Johnson actually improved his time once it became official. His initial time was 4.74 and it boosted up to 4.72.

11:40 a.m.:?Lane Johnson?s second 40 matched his first at 4.75, but he improved his 10-yard split to 1.61. That?s the best of the day, and it?s significant, because that?s usually all an offensive lineman would ever be asked to run at full speed.

11:28 a.m.:?The guard that Mike Mayock is touting as the best player in the draft, Chance Warmack, ran a 5.55 40-yard dash with a 1.85 10-yard split. That time is a little disappointing, but overall it shouldn?t matter.

Menelik Watson was supposed to light up the 40, but turned in an only respectable 5.25.

11:18 a.m.:?These incredible 40 times for linemen just keep coming in now. Vinston Painter of Virginia Tech just ran a 4.87. He looked to have a lot of room to bulk up. His build looked more like a linebacker than an offensive lineman.

11:15 a.m.:?Kyle Long, Howie?s son and Chris? brother was timed at 4.93. That?s three 300-plus pound offensive linemen that have been timed under five seconds now ? Long, Lane Johnson and Terron Armstead.

Of course, these are unofficial times and the official electronic times usually come in a few ticks slower.

11:08 a.m.:?Tanner Hawkinson out of Kansas came this close?to being the second offensive lineman to run a sub-5 40. He ran a 5.00 flat 40.

Mark Jackson of Glenville State ran the slowest so far at 5.63.

Potential No. 1 overall pick Luke Joeckel just ran a 5.22. he may improve on that in his second heat.

Lane Johnson, the former quarterback and tight end just ran a 4.75 at 303 pounds. Wow.

10:50 a.m.:?South Carolina running back Marcus Lattimore is progressing from his knee injury incredibly well. He told Gil Brandt of that he?ll begin running on Monday.

10:10 a.m.:?The linemen are going through their positional drills now and Jonathan Cooper is flashing, which is no surprise. Cooper is even higher than Alabama guard Chance Warmack on some draft boards.

Eric Fisher has been impressive, and Mike Mayock says he?s just as good as Luke Joeckel (which this writer disagrees with).

Travis Frederick didn?t run the best 40 time (he actually ran the worst), but he?s looked much better in lineman drills.

Alabama tackle/guard D.J. Fluker is supposedly a first-round prospect, but his footwork still needs a lot of work. His future may be at guard since he has trouble kicking out against faster defensive linemen.

9:45 a.m.: It all reality, an offensive lineman won?t be asked to run 40 yards down the field (unless you?re Dan Connolly on a kick return), but a 40-yard dash does show off athleticism. The more important figure for offensive linemen are 10-yard splits. That?s the first 10 yards of a 40.

Armstead leads the way with a 1.64 10-yard split, followed by UCLA OT Jeff Baca with a 1.68. Eric Fisher?s 1.70 and Jonathan Cooper?s 1.73 look good as well. BYU OT Braden Brown and Arkansas OG Alvin Bailey finish out the top 10-yard splits with 1.74?s.

9:34 a.m.:?Terron Armstead?s second 40 time wasn?t quite as impressive, but a 4.71 at 306 pounds is still freakish athleticism.

FSU kicker Dustin Hopkins ran a 4.69 on his second 40, which is pretty insane for a kicker. You?ll rarely see a sub-5 40 for a kicker.

Jonathan Cooper ran a 5.25 on his second attempt. He?ll impress at the 3-cone drill today.

9:23 a.m.:?Terron Armstead turned in the fastest time at 4.65 unofficially and Wisconsin center Travis Frederick just ran the slowest at 5.60. His impressive beard may have been slowing him down.

9:17 a.m.:?Jonathan Cooper wasn?t able to get under five seconds on his 40, but a 5.13 is a great time for a 312-pound guard.

First-round prospect Eric Fisher just impressed with a 5.07.

9:08 a.m.:?The combine speed drills just started off with a bang. Terron Armstead of Arkansas-Pine Bluff ran an unofficial 4.65 unofficial 40-yard dash at over 300 pounds. That would set a combine record for an offensive lineman.

Arkansas punter Dylan Breeding kicked off the event with a 4.75 40 and Florida State kicker Dustin Hopkins ran a 4.81. It?s rare for special teamers to run sub-5 40s.

Virginia tackle Oday Absoushi disappointed with a 5.44 and Colorado offensive tackle David Bakhtiari, who met with the Patriots, looked smooth with a 5.01.

8 a.m. ET: The NFL scouting combine is officially upon us, and you know what that means: draft season has officially begun. The offensive linemen and tight ends will be out on display, and this is a great class for both positions.

Among the offensive linemen, Oklahoma offensive tackle Lane Johnson is supposed to test the best. He?s a former quarterback and tight end prospect who could run a 40-yard dash as low as 4.7. That would be an incredible figure for a player who?s over 6-foot-6 and 300 pounds.

UNC?s Jonathan Cooper is expected to be the most athletic guard in Indianapolis on Saturday. He?s among the best pulling guards the draft has ever seen. His speed and agility should test out very well. Some other names to watch are Alabama?s Chance Warmack, BYU?s Braden Brown, Texas A&M?s Luke Joeckel and Florida State?s Menekik Watson.

At tight end, San Diego State?s Gavin Escobar, Stanford?s Zach Ertz and Notre Dame?s Tyler Eifert are players to watch. Those are the top three players in the class and should all test out well in speed and agility drills. Some more under the radar players are Florida?s Jordan Reed, who is looked at as an Aaron Hernandez clone, and Rice?s Vance McDonald.

Stay here for the news and analysis coming out of Day 3 of the combine. We?ll send out the best 40 times, most impressive performances and all the biggest news.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

McDowell ends Lowry's run through Match Play

MARANA, Ariz. (AP) ? Graeme McDowell ended what was still a big week for Shane Lowry at the Match Play Championship.

McDowell made three birdies in a five-hole stretch to build a 4-up lead at the turn and outlasted his Irish friend, 3 and 2, to reach the quarterfinals. Next up for McDowell is Jason Day, who eliminated Masters champion Bubba Watson and left this event without a top 10 seed going into the final 8 for the first time in its 15-year history.

The best golf belonged to Steve Stricker, who celebrated his 46th birthday with a match that made him feel 47. He made eight birdies and needed every one to beat Scott Piercy, who shot 65 and lost. Stricker birdied the last two holes, making a 30-foot putt to win.


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bushnell Golf Pinseeker 1500 Tournament Edition Laser Rangefinder

Your Bushnell Pinseeker 1500 is an advanced premium laser rangefinder comprised of digital technology that allows range readings from 5 to 1,500 yards. Measuring 1.7 by 5.1 by 3.7 inches, the 10-ounce Pinseeker 1500 delivers superb and accurate range performance to +/- one yard. The Pinseeker 1500 features Selective Targeting Modes, superb optical quality, 100% waterproof construction, and Bushnell's RainGuard coating.

The Pinseeker 1500 emits invisible, eye-safe, infrared energy pulses. Its Advanced Digital microprocessor and ASIC chip (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) results in instantaneous and accurate readings every time. Sophisticated digital technology instantaneously calculates distances by measuring the time it takes for each pulse to travel from the rangefinder to the target and back.

The ranging accuracy of the Pinseeker 1500 is plus or minus one yard under most circumstances. The maximum range of the instrument depends on the reflectivity of the target. The maximum distance for most objects is 1,000 yards, while for highly reflective objects the maximum is 1,500 yards.

The Pinseeker 1500 features a powerful 7x magnification monocular for viewing your target. Optics are fully multi-coated, allowing maximum light transmission for optimum brightness, superb resolution, and contrast for a clear vivid image even in low-light conditions such as dusk or dawn. A liquid crystal display (LCD) is mounted within the optical system and, when activated, displays a reticle for targeting, yards and meters, and Mode indicators.

Laser Rangefinder Features

Standard with Automatic Scan
Scan across the course while viewing a continuously updated LCD display of the distance between you and your target.

You can quickly choose between these standard measuring units with a simple press of a button.

The distance to objects targeted in these crosshairs will be displayed on the Distance Readout with the press of a button.

Battery Indictor
Flashes when battery power is low.

Target Quality Gauge
Gauge indicating amount of energy pulses being received back from the target.

Pinseeker 1500 Targeting Modes

Geared for close-range use, this mode acquires the distances of small targets and game without inadvertently measuring background target distances. When more than one object is acquired, the closer of the two objects is shown on the LCD display.


Ignores the foreground, such as brush, boulders and tree branches, and provides distances on the LCD display to background objects only.


Designed exclusively with the bottom of the cup in mind, this mode allows easy acquisition of the flag without inadvertently capturing background target distances. When more than one object is acquired, the closer of the two objects is shown on the LCD display.


Laser Rangefinder Tech Talk

A laser rangefinder is a distance-measuring instrument that uses laser technology to calculate the distance to targeted objects. Accuracy is +/- 1 yard, and the distance is displayed instantaneously on a built-in, through-the-lens Liquid Crystal Display.

How a Laser Rangefinder Works
Bushnell's Yardage Pro rangefinders use an invisible, eye-safe Class 1 Laser beam (as classified by the FDA) which is "bounced" off distant objects with the press of a button. Then, the rangefinder's high-speed digital clock measures the time it took for a laser beam to reach a target and return to the unit. Next, using advanced digital electronics, the rangefinder instantly calculates the distance within +/- 1 yard and shows the range in either yards or meters on a through-the-lens LCD Display. The entire process is so fast that less than a second elapses between the time you press the button to generate a laser beam to the time the exact range to your target is displayed.

Reflectivity of Target Types
Because rangefinders "bounce" a laser beam off the target in order to take a measurement, their range is partially determined by the reflectivity of the target. In other words, hard or "reflective" targets -- like a rock cliff or semi-truck -- can be measured at greater distances than soft surface targets, like a deer. Ranges for moderately reflective targets, like trees, fall somewhere in the middle. Most experienced hunters will use their rangefinder to frequently estimate ranges to near and distant landmarks before they actually encounter a game animal. By "pre-measuring" ranges to spots where a trophy is likely to appear, they can concentrate on making an accurate shot when the moment of truth arrives.


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Bees under the Microscope

Honey Bee Mid and Hind Gut

Honey Bee Mid and Hind Gut

Much has been written about the continuing disappearance of the honey bee, the corresponding demise of commercial beekeeping and the various culprits that account for the decline or colony collapse disorder (CCD) as it is known in the trade. Ask a dozen beekeepers what is causing CCD and you will receive as many responses: Pesticides, fungi, excessive antibiotics, poor husbandry, loss of habitat, cell phones or the inevitable repetition of History. Hang on! History?

Noah Wilson-Rich Ph.D, the founder of Best Bees, has found that honey bees have endured ?great die offs? on a regular basis. This current decline may just be another manifestation. It is a heated debate that continues alongside a variety of initiatives to solve the conundrum throughout US universities and research institutions.

Gut sample of Beebread

Gut sample of Beebread

Meanwhile, the backyard beekeeper ? the humble amateur ? has quietly been on the rise. While statistics are hard to come by, the circumstantial evidence is mounting. In Virginia, for example, the number of hives has doubled over the past decade or so. Local beekeeper clubs are seeing record enrollment thanks in part to the publicity surrounding Michelle Obama?s hives in the White House garden. Williams Sonoma?s new Agrarian catalog focuses on beehives (and chicken coops), while the rise of homesteading and the Local Food movement both contribute to beekeeping?s increasing popularity. All intertwine to encourage backyard beekeepers.

Bee Hairs, Nosema Ceranae Spores (white ovals) and Pollen (larger)

Bee Hairs, Nosema Ceranae Spores (white ovals) and Pollen (larger)

Kim Flottum, managing editor of Bee Culture and a long-time pillar of the beekeeping community has maintained a combination of statistics from which he extrapolates that ?backyard beekeeping has grown 30-32% over the past seven years?. He estimates that over half of that growth has been in the past three years. ?Most of the bees are West of the Mississippi where the commercial beekeepers are based. Most of the beekeepers are East of the Mississippi.? In other words, the recent increase in the number of beekeepers is concentrated in the major urban areas in the East, not least due to the relaxation of city ordinances over beekeeping.

This confluence of urban beekeepers and the search for explanations into CCD has led to another trend. Both the newer urban beekeepers and the more traditional, rural beekeepers are increasingly turning to more sophisticated approaches to colony management, to science and in particular, to the practical application of the microscope.

Nosema Ceranae Spores

Nosema Ceranae Spores

The newer urban beekeeper is more comfortable with such technology while more traditional beekeepers are turning to microscopes due to necessity. There is a growing awareness of the need for more accurate and earlier diagnosis, of the benefits of immediate on site analysis and subsequently of swifter, targeted treatment of potentially disastrous hive infections.

Part of this growing acceptance of microscopes among beekeepers is the dawning realization that microscopes are not as daunting as their High School memories suggest! In part, it is because the cost of microscopes has fallen.

Nosema Ceranae Spores

Nosema Ceranae Spores

The cost is also defrayed by savings on laboratory analysis fees and perhaps more importantly, by the savings implicit in earlier treatment that decreases the risk of CCD. Beekeeper clubs across the country are also investing in microscopes so that more beekeepers have access to what previously was not in their individual budgets.

Many beekeepers, however, still rely on experience and perception alone. With no diagnostic tools beyond their eyeballs, there is a tendency to diagnose hive infections at a more advanced stage of infection. As a result, heavier treatments may be applied with lower rates of success and higher risks of long-term resistance to treatment. Worse, many beekeepers simply dose their hives with antibiotics with no idea of the nature and scale of the problem at all.

Randy Oliver, a leading guru at the forefront of the juxtaposition of beekeeping and science, started an article in 2012 with, ?It is greatly surprising to me ??.how few (beekeepers) make the effort to monitor the levels of parasites in their colonies! Even more surprising is that, despite the considerable expense, many blindly treat their colonies without any idea as to whether their bees are actually infected!? At a 2011 Eastern Apiculture Society conference, a surprising number of beekeepers confessed to this type of blind dosing every Spring ?just in case? their hives were infected. When asked if they do the same with their children, they looked puzzled!

So to what end are beekeepers using microscopes? First and foremost, a compound microscope is a highly effective diagnostic tool for infections. For example, the fungal infection of Nosema ceranae has proved particularly deadly over the past few years. It has been a prime suspect in the search for an explanation for CCD.

Amoeba (larger 'fried eggs') with honey bee parts

Amoeba (larger 'fried eggs') with honey bee parts

Traditionally, beekeepers have responded to nosema infections without an accurate feel for the stage or degree of infection. Now with a gut sample that is easily prepared on site in the beeyards, they can self-diagnose using a rechargeable LED compound microscope at 400x magnification.

The results are immediate. The Nosema ceranae spores look like horse racing ovals and stand out like beacons. With the addition of a simple hemocytometer, the beekeeper can gain an accurate spore count and, therefore, a more accurate picture of the degree of infection. Within five minutes, the beekeeper has gone from pure guesswork to an informed opinion.

Agave Pollen

Agave Pollen

Pollen analysis is another common use for a compound microscope. Melissopalynology, or the study of pollen in honey, is not just for the laboratory experts. A simple compound microscope can help identify the dominant pollen in any beekeeper?s honey, although with 250,000 different plants used by the honey bee in the US, most beekeepers may need some point of reference for accurate identification. Pollen analysis helps ensure correct labeling while it is also commonly used in forensic analysis, archeology and pure honey research.

Agavaceae Pollen - Agave havardiana

Agavaceae Pollen - Agave havardiana

Low power stereo microscopes are also used for colony management. For example, almost all beehives suffer from mite infections. While eyeballing works well for seeing if mites are present, a stereo microscope is useful to determine what the mite?s identity and therefore, what treatment is required.

Other applications include basic anatomy of the honey bee, training, and for the more advanced practitioner, artificial insemination of the Queen Bee. More recently, Dino-Lite digital microscopes have proved useful tools given their hand-held nature, greater portability and wider range of magnification than the typical stereo microscope.


Asteraceae Pollen - Porophyllum scoparium

Microscopes are but one tool in the beekeeper?s armory to combat the many vicissitudes that face bee hives. They are a small tool within the context of the work that needs to be done in order to resolve the plight of the honey bee in North America. However, they do offer some hope not least because they are simple to use, affordable and widely available for even the newest beekeeper. They are an enabling technology that can lead to improved colony management ? which in itself may lie the solution to the demise of the honey bee.

Images: courtesy of Randy Oliver, and by Gretchen D. Jones, Ph.D., United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, Area-wide Pest Management Research Unit


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Friday, February 22, 2013

A Mini mindset: how an automaker's Connected platform could spark a seismic shift in infotainment expectations

A Mini mindset how an automaker's Connected platform could spark a seismic shift in infotainment expectations

Mini sold some 66,000 vehicles in the United States last year, and despite being on American soil (in its current incarnation, anyway) for just 13 years, this market has quickly become its biggest. Those drawn to the brand are likely intrigued by, if not outright enamored of, its quirkiness. Mini likes to say that the company is "Not Normal," and it only takes a glance inside its cartoonish Countryman to see what that means.

During a recent kickoff event to celebrate the impending launch of its Paceman model, we sought to get beneath the sheet metal and gear ratios, instead looking at the kinds of decisions that impact the marriage of automobiles and technology. Turns out, Johnly Velasquez and Chris Potgieter -- two gentlemen in charge of determining what technology ends up in Mini products -- were more than happy to discuss those nuances. In particular, we discussed how those details relate to the future of its Connected platform, the role that infotainment plays in its entire range of motorcars and the opportunities that lie ahead for Mini to embrace alternative power.

Could Mini's prioritization of technology as a pillar of automotive manufacturing influence the entire industry? That's exactly what we'll explore just beyond the break.

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Source: Mini


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Floral signs go electric: Bumblebees find and distinguish electric signals from flowers

Feb. 21, 2013 ? Flowers' methods of communicating are at least as sophisticated as any devised by an advertising agency, according to a new study, published February 21 in Science Express by researchers from the University of Bristol. However, for any advertisement to be successful, it has to reach, and be perceived by, its target audience. The research shows for the first time that pollinators such as bumblebees are able to find and distinguish electric signals given out by flowers.

Flowers often produce bright colours, patterns and enticing fragrances to attract their pollinators. Researchers at Bristol's School of Biological Sciences, led by Professor Daniel Robert, found that flowers also have their equivalent of a neon sign -- patterns of electrical signals that can communicate information to the insect pollinator. These electrical signals can work in concert with the flower's other attractive signals and enhance floral advertising power.

Plants are usually charged negatively and emit weak electric fields. On their side, bees acquire a positive charge as they fly through the air. No spark is produced as a charged bee approaches a charged flower, but a small electric force builds up that can potentially convey information.

By placing electrodes in the stems of petunias, the researchers showed that when a bee lands, the flower's potential changes and remains so for several minutes. Could this be a way by which flowers tell bees another bee has recently been visiting? To their surprise, the researchers discovered that bumblebees can detect and distinguish between different floral electric fields.

Also, the researchers found that when bees were given a learning test, they were faster at learning the difference between two colours when electric signals were also available.

How then do bees detect electric fields? This is not yet known, although the researchers speculate that hairy bumblebees bristle up under the electrostatic force, just like one's hair in front of an old television screen.

The discovery of such electric detection has opened up a whole new understanding of insect perception and flower communication.

Dr Heather Whitney, a co-author of the study said: "This novel communication channel reveals how flowers can potentially inform their pollinators about the honest status of their precious nectar and pollen reserves."

Professor Robert said: "The last thing a flower wants is to attract a bee and then fail to provide nectar: a lesson in honest advertising since bees are good learners and would soon lose interest in such an unrewarding flower.

"The co-evolution between flowers and bees has a long and beneficial history, so perhaps it's not entirely surprising that we are still discovering today how remarkably sophisticated their communication is."

The research was supported by the Leverhulme Trust.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Bristol.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Dominic Clarke, Heather Whitney, Gregory Sutton, and Daniel Robert. Detection and Learning of Floral Electric Fields by Bumblebees. Science, 21 February 2013 DOI: 10.1126/science.1230883

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Possible link between diabetes and increased risk of heart attack death

Feb. 15, 2013 ? Having diabetes doubles a person's risk of dying after a heart attack, but the reason for the increased risk is not clear. A new University of Iowa study suggests the link may lie in the over-activation of an important heart enzyme, which leads to death of pacemaker cells in the heart, abnormal heart rhythm, and increased risk of sudden death in diabetic mice following a heart attack.

"Many studies have shown that patients with diabetes are at especially high risk for dying from a myocardial infarction (heart attack). Our study provides new evidence that this excess mortality could involve a pathway where oxidized CaMKII enzyme plays a central role," says Mark Anderson, M.D., Ph.D., UI professor, chair, and department executive officer of internal medicine, and senior author of the study published Feb. 15 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Diabetes affects more than 8 percent of the U.S. population, and heart attack is the most common cause of death in people with diabetes. Diabetes also causes increased oxidative stress -- a rise in the level of so-called reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can be damaging to cells.

In 2008, Anderson's lab showed that CaMKII (calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II) is activated by oxidation. The new study links oxidative stress caused by diabetes to increased death risk after a heart attack through the oxidation-based activation of the CaMKII enzyme.

"Our findings suggest that oxidized CaMKII may be a 'diabetic factor' that is responsible for the increased risk of death among patients with diabetes following a heart attack," says lead study author Min Luo, D.O., Ph.D., a cardiology fellow in the UI Department of Internal Medicine.

Luo and her colleagues used a mouse model of diabetes to probe the link between the disease and an increased risk of death from heart attack.

The study showed that heart rates in the diabetic mice slowed dramatically and, like humans with diabetes, the mice had double the death rate after a heart attack compared to nondiabetic mice.

Evidence from the diabetic mice suggested that the excess death following heart attack was due to heart rhythm abnormalities, prompting the team to investigate the heart's pacemaker cells, which control heart rate.

Looking at the diabetic mice, the team found that pacemaker cells had elevated levels of oxidized CaMKII enzyme and more cell death than pacemaker cells in nondiabetic mice. The levels of oxidation and cell death were further increased in the diabetic mice following a heart attack.

When the team blocked oxidation-based activation of the enzyme, fewer pacemaker cells died, and the diabetic mice maintained normal heart rates and were protected from the increased death risk following a heart attack.

The findings suggest that preventing or reducing activation of the CaMKII enzyme in specific heart cells may represent a new approach for reducing the risk of death due to heart attack in patients with diabetes.

In addition to Luo and Anderson, who also is director of the UI Cardiovascular Research Center, the team included UI researchers in internal medicine and obstetrics and gynecology, and researchers from Washington University, St. Louis, Mo; The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; and University of Goettingen in Germany.

The research was supported in part by grants from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and from the Fondation Leducq.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Iowa Health Care. The original article was written by Jennifer Brown.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. min Luo, Xiaoqun Guan, Elizabeth D. Luczak, Di Lang, William Kutschke, Zhan Gao, Jinying Yang, Patric Glynn, Samuel Sossalla, Paari D. Swaminathan, Robert M. Weiss, Baoli Yang, Adam G. Rokita, Lars S. Maier, Igor R. Efimov, Thomas J. Hund and Mark E. Anderson. Diabetes increases mortality after myocardial infarction by oxidizing CaMKII. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013 DOI: 10.1172/JCI65268

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, February 18, 2013

Bridgewater business owner has big plans, including roadside stand and eventually mini golf

Steven Prisco has big plans for this small town. He has ever since 2006, when he and his wife Nancy bought land off Route 18 where Prisco?s Market & Deli now stands.

Last week, those plans edged forward as Prisco began to build out the next stage of his mom-and-pop market.

Construction has started, he said, on a roadside stand set to open in April, which the business?s Facebook fans have already christened as Prisco?s Country Creamery.

?I think we?re really going to hit a home run with this,? Prisco said Friday.

The town?s building inspector signed off on the 1,200-square-foot project last month.

Prisco describes the idea as a ?game-changer? for his business and a win-win for Bridgewater, expected to create 15 to 20 more jobs in the community.

The stand will set closer to the roadway and act as a mini Prisco?s Market & Deli, serving people in need of a quick lunch ? everything from hot dogs to meatballs and fried clams. And of course, ice cream, bought wholesale from Puritan of Roslindale. Customers will be asked to pick the flavors.

?I?m shooting to have one of the best roadside stands in New England,? he said.

Around the small snack shack will sit eight picnic tables, and plenty of room for parking, said Prisco, who hopes the stand will also draw customers to the market set back further down Romney Road.

He plans to run a 10-person golf cart as a shuttle service between the two.

Nick Palmeiri, president of the Bridgewater business association, said the addition could be a boon for Bridgewater, bringing people in who might also shop at other stores in town.

?We, as a community, for years talked about the fact that we need to build our business base,? Palmeiri said Friday. ?Any business that you can bring into town, any quality business, is an asset to us, plain and simple.?

Next up on Prisco?s agenda? A mini golf course, but that could be a few years down the road.

The big plan, is to become a family-friendly destination and a mainstay in the community.

?We want a place where people from the local area, and 25 miles around, they have a place to come that?s clean fun and affordable,? he said. ?That?s my goal.?

Amy Carboneau may be reached at, or follow her on Twitter @amycarboneau.

READ MORE about this issue.


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Apple iPhone Cases From iCase-Zone in Free Shipping

According to foreign media reports, focus on the research and development of various tight compact consumer electronic product protective case of OtterBox company launched a variety of fashion color shell for several top intelligent mobile phone, including Apple's iPhone4, iPhone4S, iPhone5 and Samsung GALAXY S3, and the user can also features special mobile phone shell custom only belongs to own themselves.

Reportedly, the "protection" of the case makes iPhone4, iPhone4S, iPhone5 and Samsung GALAXY S3 to an additional three characteristics in a certain extent, which is composed of two layers of polycarbonate shell and the outer layer of silica gel, which causes the body to have better protection, and the screen is designed to screen protection in part, at the same time does not affect the touch; at the same time the series of housing also has a belt buckle assembly.

But this series of housing a big disadvantage is that the mobile phone volume becomes larger, so want to use these shell users also need to consider their own tolerance degree of the mobile phone volume.

Rumors of a cheap version of iPhone has not been broken, like yesterday, it will have news that Apple will offer a cheaper version of iPhone specially for a no Home key plastic fuselage patent. But today immediately Apple officials declared the patent is only an iPhone case, isn't a cheap version of iPhone.

It is understood, the Apple officials from the United States Patent and Trademark Office out of the patent, this patent, 8364032. Patent Description is for the Light Isolating Protective Cover for Small Form Factor Electronic Device, which means lightweight isolation protection for small electronic equipment enclosure. It seems that this patent is indeed a protective shell of patent, a cheaper version of iPhone seems more and more distant from us.

Apple iPhone 5, people really love and hate, exquisite design and superior user experience, let a lot of people itch for a try, but paint " off the door and then exposed the " a lot of people and step back, but for a lot of fans, paint is not thing, the market shell products can protect many well to solve this problem, we also saw the advent of iPhone 5. For many girls, they like to use pretty iphone 5 cases to dress up their beloved iPhone 5.

All accessories manufacturers have introduced every kind of protective shells, say good protection of iPhone 5, but the fact is not this, some protective shell not only protect the body, but because of the defect and the quality of their design, causes the protection shell itself have damage to the body.

So, we must first some big brands of well-known manufacturers in the selection of accessories, today I will introduce a Moshiclassic product version of iPhone 5 -- Moshi iGlaze for iPhone 5.

Moshi iPhone 5 protective case still adopts a very simple packaging, like many Moshi products, packaging simple direct the protection shell show your stylish style. IGlaze series a total of eight colors, black, white, and blue respectively, gold, red, purple, pink and transparent color, need to be able to satisfy most users. What is more, Moshi will plan to launch more unique iphone 4 covers to meet all kinds of demands.


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Saturday, February 16, 2013

What Level Of Auto Insurance Do You Need to have? - Red Frog

However, if you have a automobile that is ne?

The level of auto insurance coverage that somebody may well require depends on the monetary situations of the person concerned and the expense of the auto involved. Take for instance a person who has a brand new $50,000 motor, it would be sheer folly to do something other than take out one of the ideal auto insurance coverage policies offered and the price of the auto insurance is probably to be insignificant when contemplating the all round annual cost of the car.

However, if you have a auto that is nearing the end of its life, have a low price automobile and previous claims or are a new driver then the expense of the auto insurance versus the advantages you may well receive want to be given greater consideration. Complete auto insurance coverage premiums are probably to be disproportionately higher for older vehicles, new drivers with low expense autos or drivers with accident history.

Whatever your situations you are legally obliged to take out a basic level of auto insurance coverage that will cover you against third celebration claims and offered the level of damages awarded appear to be rising out of handle then my advice would be to get the greatest attainable third party liability auto insurance cover that you can afford.

The legal specifications for auto insurance does vary from state to state so youll need to clarify the level of cover you need when taking out auto insurance coverage but only insuring to the legal minimum isnt necessarily the best option to make.

If you have a lot of money sunk into your car or your auto is leased then you genuinely should take out extensive and collision auto insurance coverage to cover you for things such as fire, theft, acts of god or collisions that are your own fault.

If you live in an region where vehicles are routinely vandalised you may well want to take into account comprehensive auto insurance coverage when perhaps you wouldnt have otherwise carried out so. The cost of your auto insurance will usually be larger if you live in such an region but that is anything you have to weigh up against the expense of repair.

Personal Injury Protection is some thing that every person must think about as this element of your auto insurance coverage will cover medical expenses associated. benchmade 3300bk

In spite of legal specifications some men and women nevertheless persist in driving about without auto insurance leaving the other people with a want to insure against the uninsured motorist. Uninsured auto insurance will cover you for damages in the occasion of an accident with an uninsured motorist. Once more, insurance that every person ought to give severe consideration to given an auto accident could leave you unable to operate or your household with out any implies to earn.

If you want a far more extensive auto insurance coverage policy but want to limit the expense then you could appear at opting for a greater level of deductibles. Deductibles are the quantity you would have to pay ahead of you could make a claim against your auto insurance coverage policy and generally, the larger level you agree to the reduce your auto insurance coverage premiums.


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Friday, February 15, 2013

Florida in car hire confusion after 'Mickey Mouse' law for visiting drivers is put on hold

Confusion has descended on Florida's fly-drive market after questions were raised over an allegedly unpublicised law calling for British drivers to carry an International Driving Permit (IDP).Travellers to Florida have been legally required to provide proof that they hold an IDP since the rules were introduced in the US state in January, despite car hire firms and holidaymakers being seemingly unaware.
Even the AAA, the US equivalent of the AA, is said to have not known about the law change and urged the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) to urgently review it.
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George Soros Adds Apple, Defriends Facebook

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- While the majority of his peers were selling, legendary investor George Soros was adding to his stake in Apple (AAPL) during the fourth quarter.

According to his latest 13F filing, Soros owned 183,976 shares. This compares to his third-quarter filing, when he owned 84,858 shares of the technology giant.

Soros, known for his philanthropy and ideas on economics, also cut his position in other technology names, including Facebook (FB) and (AMZN). Soros owned 300,000 shares of Facebook as of the end of the third quarter, but owned none at the end of the year. His entire stake in Amazon was sold as well, going from 260,000 shares to none.

See if (FB) is in our portfolio

Outside of technology, Soros chopped his stake in AIG (AIG), going from 15.2 million shares, down to just 8.8 million shares. He initiated a new position in Ford (F), buying 3.1 million shares of the Dearborn, Mich.-based auto maker.

In addition to his equity stakes, Soros, known for breaking the Bank of England in the 1980's by betting against the British pound, is now in the midst of another profitable currency trade. The Wall Street Journal reported that Soros had gained nearly $1 billion by betting against the Japanese yen, as the currency has depreciated nearly 20% in the past four months. --Written by Chris Ciaccia in New York >Contact by Email. >To order reprints of this article, click here: Reprints FREE for a limited time only: Get TheStreet Ratings #1 Stock Report NOW!


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Genealogy's Star: News from FamilySearch Family Tree?

I have never claimed to be a FamilySearch insider. If I do learn some information from or from people at FamilySearch, I usually only pass it on when the information is verified and obviously public. But I do watch the blogs and if someone else has information that I do not have, I try to include it here in this blog.?

Larry Gragun is evidently in Salt Lake City, Utah, while I languish away here in sunny Mesa, Arizona. He posted a summary of a meeting with the FamilySearch Family Tree project manager, where he said the following:
Printing features: Pedigree charts, Family Group Sheets, and Fan Charts are probably a couple of weeks away.
Those who input sources into need not fear - those sources will be moved to Family Tree.
Unfortunately, FamilySearch does not have a very good record of meeting its own deadlines. ?But it is interesting to see where the program is going. I suggest reading Larry's entire post. I don't make any predictions about when features will be added to Family Tree.


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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tranferring your prescription may be bad for your health ...

(NOTE: This post is written by Beth Fields, Health Writer for Prescription Drug Transfer Programs. This is a quest post that is the opinion of the writer.)

No doubt you?ve seen those tempting promotions at pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens and Target, promising a gift card, coupon?sometimes even cash?if you transfer your prescriptions to them. It seems like a no-brainer. Surely Walgreens can do as good a job at filling your prescriptions as CVS can. And although that $25 reward may sound like a pretty good deal to a cash-strapped consumer, it could actually be a bad deal for their health.

A study of pharmacists published in the September issue of the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association shows that pharmacists perceive a reduction in the quality of care for patients transferring their prescriptions simply to reap those cash rewards. The pharmacists surveyed said patients that routinely use these incentives to save money might be at increased risk for inadequate drug screenings.

A busy pharmacist?and what pharmacist isn?t busy??could misread a medication name. Or a customer transferring a prescription for a generic medication who doesn?t recognize the name on the label could chalk it up to the new pharmacy substituting a different generic manufacturer and not see that actually, the prescription was not filled correctly.

Last July Ohio?s state board of pharmacy voted to fine or revoke the licenses of pharmacies that offered promotions encouraging prescription transfers. They also put an end to pharmacies guaranteeing how quickly a prescription will be ready. The changes came after the state surveyed its 5,700 licensed pharmacists. They got 1,800 responses, all concerned about working conditions that put patients at risk. ?Every time a pharmacist dispenses a prescription, they review the patient?s list of drugs to be sure there are no inconsistencies and that the new drug won?t interact with another,?Gary Schnable, executive director of the Oregon Pharmacy Board told The Oregonian newspaper. ?Every time a consumer switches pharmacies, it breaks that chain.?

Not only could it compromise the safety of medications?because they are filled in a rush, misread or misunderstood?it?s also illegal. Anyone whose prescriptions are subsidized by government programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare (for military families) can?t accept the gift card (or coupons or other monetary reward). In fact last April Walgreens agreed to pay $7.9 million in a settlement it reached after allegations by the Department of Justice that the drugstore chain gave $25 gift cards to those enrolled in government-run health programs.

Now Walgreens may have gone so far in the other direction, it?s misleading consumers about its new prescription transfer program. A consumer in Massachusetts describing his experience on the consumer review site, owned by market research firm Opinion Corp., said he switched six prescriptions from CVS to Walgreens?with the expectation of six $25 gift cards?and was told he didn?t qualify because he was enrolled in a government program. ?I have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island,? he wrote, ?this is NOT a government program! However, Walgreens says it falls within the restrictions. How? If Blue Cross Blue Shield falls within this program, most plans will.? He also wasn?t told he didn?t qualify until after transferring the prescriptions.

If you still want to take advantage of prescription transfer programs, how can you make the most of them?

  • Read the fine print, say consumer spending experts. If there is paperwork involved or lengthy checkout lines, it might not be worth the wait.
  • Pick a chain store with locations near your home?within walking distance is ideal. Check the hours of the new pharmacy. Many bigger chains are open all night, but their in-store pharmacy may not run on that extended schedule.
  • And keep in mind that a $25 gift card may be a very attractive incentive?but it?s a one-time reward. Each refill will have to be done at that new pharmacy, which may not be as efficient or careful as your old one.


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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Anonymous plans takedown of State of the Union stream

According to a threat posted on Anonymous information website Anon, the loosely banded hacker collective will attempt to disrupt the State of the Union address Tuesday by preventing it from being broadcast online.

Should the group succeed, "that would be some real 'V for Vendetta' stuff," Mark Rasch, former head of the Justice Department's Computer Crime Unit, told NBC News. Referring to the graphic novel and movie from which Anonymous derives much of its imagery (the Guy Fawkes mask, for instance), Rasch added that the threat is "something worth taking seriously."

The post cites a litany of offenses as motive for the threatened attack, from "tyrannical" legislation to the treatment of Internet heroes like Aaron Swartz and Bradley Manning. It goes on to state that hackers will "form a virtual blockade between Capitol Hill and the Internet," although onlookers may be skeptical of the group's ability to do this. A recent campaign against Israel during the Gaza conflict did not manage to take down any primary government sites, though several sub-sites and state-related companies were defaced or brought down.

Regardless, administrators will surely want to be on the watch.

When it comes to methods of attack, "there are a couple things they could do," explained Rasch, who is now head of of privacy at security firm CSC. "Hack the stream and inject a new stream, or do a denial-of-service attack, or a redirect." A denial-of-service attack seems most up the group's alley, since it can leverage large numbers of otherwise unsophisticated hackers to overload the White House's servers.

But redirecting visitors to an Anonymous-made page, or even replacing the SOTU stream its own, would be the most desirable. Such an attack requires a high level of teamwork and sophistication, although Rasch noted that coordination and group action are the hallmarks of the hacker group's work.

President Obama's fifth State of the Union address will be broadcast live on TV and the web starting at 9PM ET, barring any hacker interference. There are a number of ways to keep up, from streams to broadcast to NBC News's own liveblog ? take your pick from our roundup here.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is


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93% Amour

All Critics (161) | Top Critics (44) | Fresh (149) | Rotten (12)

Trintignant perfectly captures the resolve that eventually borders on obsession, as the woman he loves gradually, maddeningly, disappears before his eyes, and he does whatever he can to prevent it, though he knows it's impossible.

Many viewers will find echoes of their grandparents, parents, or even themselves in these characters.

A movie that is utterly worthy of its all-encompassing title.

The resulting interplay of ruthless restraint and unavoidable passion, plus the film's refusal to shrink from depicting the inevitable horrors of physical deterioration, is devastating.

In many ways it's the best horror film I've ever seen. At the same time, it's hard to recommend; I believe I will be struggling to forget this film as long as I live. I doubt I'll succeed.

As remarkable as Haneke's films are, not a one has been as transcendently generous as Amour, which is nominated for five Academy Awards, including best picture, best director and best foreign-language film.

This subject matter is ripe for sentimentalization, but Haneke resists it at every turn, opting instead for unflinching honesty. It is the economy of theme paired with the subtle richness of character that make Amour so powerful.

Clearly, Amour, Michael Haneke and Emmanuelle Riva don't really need me to additionally sing their praises (although praise is indeed all I have), so let's discuss Jean-Louis Trintignant for a moment.

All is presented in Haneke's exacting style, one that I find controlling and a bit, well, smothering.

An insightful, memorable film about what it means to love.

A tale about love at its most terribly, backbreakingly difficult.

In many ways, it's a horror film, as the woman descends into helplessness, and - like the audience - the man can only watch. It's a potent piece of filmmaking.

The superb Trintignant and the Oscar-nominated Riva -- who would win, in a just world -- embody once-vigorous people in inevitable decline.

For Haneke, love is just another curious human trait to be dissected and used as a tool to disquiet his audience.

A poignant tale of undying love!

Beautifully acted and unflinching, Amour goes where few movies have the courage to

Riva's performance is undeniably magnificent, as she must chart every step of Anne's physical and mental deteriorating with exacting precision.

Sadly effective, with two standout performances.

Death, illness and tragedy transcend demographics, and the characters in "Amour" are all of us in the end.

Moving, touching and beautifully acted. The question: Do audiences want to spend two hours watching an old couple go from sad to sadder to saddest?

It is an inspirational film in the truest sense, and one to see with someone you love.


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